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Armenian Leader Says His Goal To Soothe Impact Of Crisis

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  • Armenian Leader Says His Goal To Soothe Impact Of Crisis


    Public Television of Armenia
    April 10 2009

    [Presenter] President Serzh Sargsyan, speaking at a news conference
    today marking his first anniversary in office, responded to 60
    questions in 160 minutes. About 70 local and foreign journalists
    were invited to the news conference. For the first time ever,
    representatives from [Armenian] regional media outlets were also

    The bulk of the questions were on Armenia's domestic and foreign
    policies, the impact of the financial and economic crises, the Karabakh
    issue. Our main goal today is to soothe the impact of the world
    economic crisis, Sargsyan said, expressing hope that the government
    would succeed in it. He said that the crisis has not diminished the
    government's resolve to implement programmes, but makes it apply
    more efforts to implement them. The crisis is not a reason for any
    programme to be halted, especially that all the programmes encompass
    anti-crisis elements, Sargsyan said. He also said that the crisis will
    not affect the construction in the [1988 earthquake] disaster zone,
    and 1,000 apartments will be built in Gyumri. He conveyed hope that
    next year the Iran-Armenia railroad construction will be implemented;
    this year the Iran-Armenia pipeline construction will start that will
    allow importing oil and diesel fuel from Iran to Armenia. He also
    assured that the construction of the large hydro power plant on the
    River Araz will be carried out this year.

    [President Serzh Sargsya, addressing the news conference] My most
    important goal is to ensure that the impact of this crisis on our
    people is not tougher than on others. I'd like to say that - I don't
    know why - the republic's president and the cabinet are criticized
    for allegedly saying that there would be no crisis in Armenia, that
    this crisis would save us. Actually, we cannot say something like
    that because only someone having mental problems could think so. We
    have said and we are reiterated that our goal is to soothe the impact
    of the crisis for our people and to create a situation where we take
    it no harder than others.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress