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The United States Of Apology

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  • The United States Of Apology

    By Christine M. Flowers

    Philadelphia Inquirer 410_Christine_M__Flowers__The_United_States_of_Apo logy.html
    April 10 2009

    PRESIDENT Obama, can you please stop apologizing for me?

    The mea culpas - actually "nostra" culpas - are getting a bit stale. I
    know that some revel in this national self-abasement, but many of
    us are getting tired of being dragged into this vast diplomatic
    therapy session.

    You're now officially Apologizer in Chief, making sure the rest of
    the world has yet a few more reasons to feel smugly superior to the
    country you've been elected to lead.

    It started from day one, when you signed an order authorizing the
    closure of Guantanamo, with the clear implication we'd done something
    horribly wrong there.

    The truth is, most of our Gitmo guests hate the U.S., and would be
    all too happy to do serious damage to this country.

    That was nowhere more clear than when a National Geographic crew
    filmed the inmates. Did you see that documentary? The guards were
    restrained and professional while the scruffy guys in the orange suits,
    the ones your administration seems to feel so sorry for, were spitting,
    cursing and acting out.

    The thought of our beating our breasts for "mistreating" these
    upstanding gents rankles. Truth is, we bent over backward to operate
    within the law, but when 3,000 of your countrymen are murdered in
    cold blood, Emily Post doesn't always apply. (Just look at the two
    guys you like to compare yourself to. Lincoln knew it. And so did FDR.)

    And if that wasn't enough, then you had us apologizing to the whole
    Muslim world, most recently on your trip to Turkey, where you said,
    "I know that the trust that binds us has been strained, and I know
    that strain is shared in many places where the Muslim faith is
    practiced. Let me say this as clearly as I can: The United States is
    not at war with Islam."

    Uh, really? They mistrust us? Funny, but I don't recall any Americans
    flying planes into buildings in Istanbul, while I do remember when we
    actually mobilized our military to protect the interests of Muslims,
    including protecting the Bosnians against the Serbs when those morally
    superior folks in Europe wouldn't lift a finger.

    Then there's our foreign aid to predominantly Muslim countries in
    Africa. And we were also the big kahuna when the tsunami nearly wiped
    a majority Muslim nation off the map. Yet we have to apologize because
    "the trust that binds us" has been strained?

    Well, perhaps the stress fracture occurred when Americans saw rabid
    Palestinians marching in the streets and cheering as they watched
    film of the burning Trade Center. (Did they ever apologize for that?)

    Why, all of a sudden, this special concern for Muslim
    sensibilities? Sure, there's a big difference between fundamental
    Islamists and the more westernized fellows that greeted you in
    Ankara last week. They, at least, don't believe that beating a woman
    into unconsciousness is a reasonable response to chatting with a

    But there's actually a growing, and dangerous, fundamentalist shift
    in Turkey's direction, led by its government, characterized by the
    return of head scarves for women, a blurring of the lines between the
    religious and the secular, and a prime minister who is only slightly
    less anti-Western than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    This is also a country that has never admitted (let alone apologizing
    for) exterminating a generation of Christian Armenians. So the fact
    that you've actually lobbied for Turkey's inclusion in the EU when
    even our so-called European allies are opposed to it, is troubling.

    And speaking of those "allies," I almost lost my breakfast when I heard
    you tell the crowds in Strasbourg, France, that "there have been times
    where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

    That so? Just how arrogant were we when we sent our boys to storm the
    beaches of Normandy, at the cost of thousands of American lives? How
    dismissive were our diplomats when they brilliantly executed the
    Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Europe with Americans' money? How
    derisive were our citizens as they entered the Peace Corps, sent
    money to foreign charities, adopted foreign children?

    Mr. President, it's OK if you have a guilt complex.

    Just leave me out of it. *

    Christine M. Flowers is a lawyer. See her on Channel 6's "Inside Story"
    Sunday at 11:30 a.m. E-mail [email protected].