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Obama stops short in Turkey

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  • Obama stops short in Turkey

    Burbank Leader, CA
    April 11 2009

    Obama stops short in Turkey

    Published: Last Updated Friday, April 10, 2009 10:23 PM PDT

    President Obama stopped short of officially acknowledging the Armenian
    Genocide during his recent trip to Turkey, telling the press corps
    Monday that he did not want to â??preempt any possible
    arrangements or announcements that might be made in the near

    As a presidential candidate, Obama made it clear that the death of
    roughly 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of Ottoman Turks in 1915
    was genocide, â??not an â?`allegation,â?? a
    â?`personal opinionâ?? or a â?`point of view,''
    as he wrote in a 2006 letter to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza

    On Monday, Obama told reporters at a joint press conference with
    Turkish President Abdullah Gul that he had not changed his views, but
    was encouraged by `a series of negotiations, a process in place
    between Armenia and Turkey to resolve a whole host of long-standing
    issues, including this one.'

    Turkey has so far refused to acknowledge the genocide, despite
    findings to the contrary from scores of historical scholars and human
    rights leaders the world over. The European Parliament, 20 national
    governments and 42 state governments have already passed resolutions
    recognizing the genocide.

    Past attempts in Congress to pass a similar resolution have stalled
    repeatedly amid political pressure to avoid harming relations with a
    key NATO ally, but given Obama's popularity abroad, supporters of the
    genocide resolution have held out hope that this time will be

    Rep. Adam Schiff, who reintroduced a bipartisan resolution in March
    calling on the U.S. to formally recognize the Armenian Genocide, said
    he was disappointed that Obama did not take a firmer position on the
    matter, but hoped that he prepared Gul in private for an official
    statement later this month, when Armenians commemorate the mass

    `We're trying to do everything we can to get him to make a statement
    for April 24,' Schiff said.

    He warned against the Obama administration buying into Turkey's `old,
    failed concept' of a historical commission to mediate the issue.

    Gul pushed for the commission Monday, arguing that while his country
    was `ready to face the realities,' the matter of genocide should not
    be left to `the politicians and legal experts.'

    `It is not a parliamentarian, a politician, who can make a decision on
    this without knowing the circumstances to the situation,' Gul told

    It is that position that has angered Armenians, who say the issue of
    genocide has long been settled, so advocating for a historical
    commission `is just a delay tactic by the Turkish government,' said
    Zanku Armenian, chairman of the Armenian National Committee Glendale

    `President Obama missed an opportunity to speak truthfully about the
    Armenian Genocide when he was in Turkey and help them face their
    past,' he said. `However, we believe President Obama is a man of his
    word, and hope that he will stick by his past words, as he said he
    would in Turkey, when it comes to April 24 in a White House

    If he doesn't, Schiff said, it could be a potential `game-changer' for
    his genocide resolution, which is approaching 100 co-sponsors in the

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2007 was set to bring the resolution up
    for a full vote before 24 of its 235 backers withdrew support
    following then-President George W. Bush's opposition. With support for
    the resolution weakened, Schiff and his co-sponsors requested that it
    be tabled until political conditions improved.

    Similar resolutions failed to even get that far after passing the
    House Foreign Affairs Committee in 2000 and 2005, and supporters did
    not want to risk a no vote.

    `It will be heavily influenced by what [Obama] does,' Schiff said.


    Burbank Dems to host Liu and Krekorian

    Assemblyman Paul Krekorian, together with state Sen. Carol Liu, are
    scheduled to field questions at an event in Burbank on the upcoming
    slate of statewide ballot measures that lawmakers put forth as part of
    a hard-fought plan to bridge a $42-billion deficit.

    Several of the six proposed propositions on the May 19 ballot would
    pump nearly $6 billion into the state's 2009-10 budget, but even if
    that money were approved, officials have already forecast an
    additional $8 billion gap as a result of declining sales and property
    tax revenues.

    If the ballot measures fail, that gap could grow to roughly $14
    billion, they warn. If Proposition 1A fails, the deficit could grow by
    an additional $16 billion, according to the California Legislative
    Analyst's office.

    That, in turn, could spell deeper cuts in transportation, education,
    health care and other public services.

    Nearly all of the ballot measures have trailed heavily in recent

    Krekorian and Liu, whose districts include Glendale and Burbank, are
    scheduled to field questions on the propositions and discuss their
    ramifications at an outdoor cookout hosted by the Burbank Democratic
    Club starting at 6:30 p.m. April 17.

    The `backyard event' takes place at 131 S. Reese Place and is open to
    the public. Donations are encouraged.

    For more information about the event, visit or call (818) 288-2649.


    Legislators push for truck ban on Angeles Crest

    State Sen. Carol Liu and Assemblyman Anthony Portantino are developing
    legislation in response to a crash involving a semi-truck on Angeles
    Crest Highway last week that left two dead and 12 injured.

    Truck driver Marcos Costa, of Maine, failed to brake when traveling
    down a steep decline from the Foothill Mountains toward a La
    Cañada shopping area, hitting the Flintridge Bookstore and
    Coffee House and killing Palmdale residents Angel Posca, 58, and his
    12-year-old daughter, Angelina Posca, police said.

    Caltrans has instituted a 90-day ban on trucks with five axles or more
    along the route. Details of the legislation are still unclear, but the
    bill would aim to prevent similar accidents in the future, Liu said.

    Liu plans to drive on the Angeles Crest Highway route from the
    Antelope Valley to La Cañada over the weekend to personally
    assess what measures could be taken to stop large trucks from taking
    the road, she said.


    Committee OKs bill for renewable-energy quotas

    A legislative committee approved a bill last week aimed at increasing
    quotas for renewable energy in California, moving the proposal to
    another Sacramento body for review before it can be passed to the
    Legislature for a vote.

    The bill was written by Democratic Assemblyman Paul Krekorian and
    would require utilities to provide a third of their energy from
    renewable resources by 2020.

    It would also set targets for renewable energy production at 20% by
    next year and 25% by 2015.

    The proposal was approved by the Assembly's Utility and Commerce
    Committee, by a vote of 8 to 5, and will move on to the Committee on
    Natural Resources for consideration before lawmakers can vote on
    putting the plan into law.

    The proposal would help create `green jobs' and encourage progress in
    energy technology development, Krekorian said in a statement.

    `The benefits of increasing our use of renewable energy are clear and
    undeniable,' he said. `Increasing our stock of renewable energy
    sources is vital to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will slow
    the rise of global warming.'


    Krekorian sponsors film competition at the Alex

    More than 100 students worked to produce a total of 88 short films
    that were submitted to a competition sponsored by Assemblyman Paul

    About a quarter of the films will be selected and screened May 15 in
    the Alex Theatre, where the second annual film festival among students
    in the state's 43rd Assembly District will take place.

    The festival was an effort to increase student interest in film
    production and to give them an opportunity to showcase their skills in
    front of a broad community audience.

    ' Jason Wells and Zain Shauk