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BAKU: Deniz Baykal: No one in Turkey can ignore ... Azerbaijan...

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  • BAKU: Deniz Baykal: No one in Turkey can ignore ... Azerbaijan...

    APA, Azerbaijan
    April 11 2009

    Deniz Baykal: No one in Turkey can ignore betrayal with respect to
    Azerbaijan, no government can do it

    [ 11 Apr 2009 15:56 ]

    Ankara ` APA. Chairman of Republican People's Party of Turkey Deniz
    Baykal made a statement for media on the reopening of Turkey-Armenia
    borders, Turkey's Caucasus policy and Nagorno Karabakh conflict before
    the party's meeting in Ankara, APA reports.

    In his one-hour speech Baykal criticized the Caucasus policy of
    Turkish government and underlined that it might cause serious results
    for the country. Deniz Baykal noted that Turkey closed the borders
    with Armenia after the latter occupied Azerbaijani territories and
    said it had nothing to do with the so-called genocide, Yerevan's
    refusing to recognize Turkey's borders.
    `The major part of our relations with Armenia is the occupation of
    Azerbaijani territories. Such issues as genocide allegations,
    non-recognition of our territorial integrity may be solved later,
    these are not the vital issues for Turkey. Once Syria had claims for
    Hatay. What happened later? Now we have warm enough relations with
    Syria. Turkey is a great self-confident state. Our problems with
    Armenia may be solved gradually, Turkey need not worry about it or
    feel obligation to take any step. The main thing is the release of the
    occupied Azerbaijani territories,' he said.

    Deniz Baykal said the occupation of Azerbaijani territories was not
    only the claim of Turkey and Azerbaijan, the fact was confirmed in the
    international documents. He mentioned that the UN Security Council had
    adopted four resolutions concerning it and briefed the content of the
    resolution to the journalists. Deniz Baykal said UN General Assembly
    and PACE had also passed decisions on the occupation of Azerbaijani
    territories. Baykal said Turkey closed the borders with Armenia in
    1993, during Suleyman Demirel's presidency and noted that all the
    following governments were committed to that policy, only AKP
    government had recently begun to give up that policy, the official
    position of the state with respect to Armenian policy had been removed
    from the official website of the Foreign Ministry. He underlined that
    the foreign pressures on the government might cause serious results
    for Turkey's foreign policy and image of the state.
    `A part of the attention paid to the Middle East and Arab countries,
    should be paid to the Caucasus and Central Asia. Otherwise, pressures
    on Turkey will increase and everybody will see that they can achieve
    whatever they want by pressures. This is very dangerous. It will also
    damage the confidence in Turkey. it should be prevented,' he said.

    Deniz Baykal said Armenians had occupied not only Nagorno Karabakh,
    but also the surrounding regions and named the seven regions.
    `As a result of the occupation, about one million people were
    displaced,' he said.
    Turkey's opposition leader underlined Azerbaijan's importance in the
    `Azerbaijan is the most important and biggest country of the
    Caucasus. Turkey's Caucasus policy is impossible without
    Azerbaijan. Turkey should pursue its Caucasus policy together with
    Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is very important in terms of energy strategy
    of Turkey and even of the European Union and is an important part of
    Nabucco project. In this respect, losing Azerbaijan may increase the
    power of Russia and Iran in the region,' he said.

    Deniz Baykal said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statement that
    the borders will not open unless Azerbaijani territories are released
    is not enough.
    `Those who had secret talks with Armenia in Switzerland should say
    they had discussed. Obama came and said it openly, nobody said
    anything. The
    government should make serious statements. Prime Minister tries to
    console us. It is unacceptable,' he said.

    Deniz Baykal said Armenia should demonstrate that it ends the
    occupation, plan should be prepared in line with the UN resolutions,
    Armenians should begin to leave Azerbaijani territories within this
    `Only after that the borders can be reopened. But there is no such a
    plan, instead the reopening of the borders is being discussed. For
    what? They say a joint commission of historians will be set up. First,
    the borders will be reopened, after that the commission will be set
    up. This is a very dangerous way. As I have already said, the issue on
    borders has nothing to do with the genocide. The only stipulation is
    the release of Azerbaijani territories. Turkey had undergone pressure
    before, but displayed patience. We can tolerate it, too. Azerbaijan's
    concern is right,' he said.

    Deniz Baykal said the Republican People's Party attaches great
    importance to Azerbaijan.

    `No one in Turkey can ignore betrayal with respect to Azerbaijan, no
    government can do it. Azerbaijani people need the support of Turkish
    people. Our party will send a delegation to Azerbaijan in connection
    with this,' he said.