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Nazi camps: Hell on earth

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  • Nazi camps: Hell on earth

    Nazi camps: Hell on earth

    18:07 | 10/ 04/ 2009

    MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik) - On April 9,
    1945, the inmates of the Buchenwald death camp near Weimar, Germany,
    sent a radio message to inform the Allies that the Nazis were forcing
    them to evacuate the camp, and to request assistance.

    After they received promises of help from the U.S. Third Army, they
    stormed the watchtowers and killed the remaining guards using arms they
    had been collecting since 1942. The Americans, who reached Buchenwald
    on April 11, liberated 21,000 prisoners.

    In 1995, the UN decided to mark April 11 as the Day of Liberation of
    Concentration Camps.

    Another relevant date is the Holocaust Memorial Day, marked on January
    27, the anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp at

    Homo Sapiens, seldom good-natured and almost never vegetarian, are this
    planet's most dangerous predators. The 20th century was the bloodiest
    century in human history, when millions were killed in concentration

    It would be wrong to blame the Nazis for inventing concentration camps.
    Similar facilities first appeared during the Civil War in the United
    States in 1861-65, and the term itself became established during the
    Boer War (1899-1902), when such camps were set up to sever the supply
    routes of the Boer guerrillas. Farmers and their families who supplied
    foods to the rebels were forced into those camps. Since supplies were
    sent there only when all other institutions received their share, a
    considerable number of the camps' prisoners starved to death.

    Turkey and Austro-Hungary set up concentration camps during the First
    World War, mostly as a form of genocide against Armenians and Slavs,

    Russia did not escape that evil either. In the first half of the Soviet
    history, the Gulag camps were used to isolate (or liquidate)
    politically disloyal citizens. It was also an efficient economic
    mechanism used for building vital facilities such as railroads and

    However, the German camps were much better organized and pursued the
    most inhuman objectives. The Nazis started setting up the camps as soon
    as they came to power in 1933, but they became especially infamous
    during the Second World War (1939-1945).

    The Nazi camps can be divided into two groups, the labor camps and the
    death camps.

    In the labor camps, millions worked to produce the commodities Germany
    needed to fight the war. Many of them died because of inhuman
    conditions and hard labor.

    Extermination was the goal of the death camps, where the "inferior
    people," especially Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, Soviets, and anyone else who
    was not an "Aryan" according to the contemporary Nazi race terminology,
    were forced. Over three million of the six million European and Soviet
    Jews died there, as well as four million Russians and hundreds of
    thousands of other Soviet peoples (out of the total 27 million who
    perished in WWII), approximately 200,000 Gypsies, as well as Serbs,
    Poles and others.

    Treblinka, Belzec, Maidanek, Sobibor, Chelmno, a major part of the
    Auschwitz-Birkenau and other camps were cogs in a huge and well-oiled
    Nazi extermination machine. Inmates were shot, gassed, and clubbed to
    death, and died in inhuman medical experiments. By the end of the war,
    some labor camps, including Buchenwald, were turned into extermination

    The Nazis especially hated Jews, Gypsies and Soviet prisoners, above
    all Russians.

    The "enemies of the Reich" were killed not only in German camps but
    also in camps in collaborationist countries, for example at Jasenovac
    in Croatia and Salaspils in Latvia.

    The camps were structural units of SD (security service) and SS (the
    German abbreviation for Protective Squadron, said to be responsible for
    the vast majority of war crimes during the Nazi rule), but people were
    killed also in the so-called Stalags, or prisoner-of-war camps, of the
    German army.

    Western servicemen were kept in more or less human conditions in
    accordance with international conventions, but for Russian prisoners
    these camps were mostly a stopover between a labor camp and a death

    Nazi successors and their accomplices often say that Soviet prisoners
    were treated ruthlessly because the Soviet Union had not signed the
    1929 Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

    But they neglect to mention that the Soviet Union joined the convention
    in 1931 in a special declaration signed by Foreign Minister Maxim
    Litvinov, and that the Geneva Convention bound the Germans, who were
    among the first to join it, to respect its norms irrespective of
    whether or not their adversaries joined it.

    The final stage of the war saw the most ruthless treatment of
    prisoners. The Nazis began mass executions in an attempt to conceal
    their crimes. Revolts broke out in many camps that were close to the
    frontline, because the inmates, doomed to death one way or another,
    hoped to survive until Soviet or Allied troops reached them. The
    Buchenwald uprising was one of such revolts.

    After the war, the Nazis' crimes were carefully considered during the
    Nuremberg Trials, which passed death sentences on the main culprits.

    Unfortunately, the idea of concentration camps did not disappear along
    with the Third Reich. The goals of those who are using it today may be
    different, but the names Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo still jar on the

    The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not
    necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.