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BAKU: Kars town concerned over opening of Turkish-Armenian border

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  • BAKU: Kars town concerned over opening of Turkish-Armenian border

    Turkey's Kars town concerned over opening of Turkish-Armenian border

    11.04.2009 16:35

    Hasan Zeynalov, General Council of Azerbaijan in Kars, expressed his
    concern over the border opening issue.

    A lot of Azerbaijani and Turkish people protest against opening of
    Turkish-Armenian border with Armenian-Azerbaijani conflic over Daqliq
    Qarabaq (Nagorno Karabakh) left unregulated. Population of Turkish Kars
    town, bordering with Armenia, also consider the border sould not be
    opened until the conflict is solved. Special correspondent of ANS TV
    reports from Kars that ordinary citizens don't protest against the
    opening of borders considering this step will boost economic potential
    of Kars and neighbouring areas. However, people support the opening
    after Daqliq Qarabaq conflict is regulated. Ordinary citizens of small
    Turkish town don't believe there could be any talks about opening of
    borders with the conflict unresolved.

    The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Daqliq Qarabaq began
    in 1988 as the result of territorial claims by Armenia against
    Azerbaijan. Between 1988 ` 1994, Armenia occupied 20% of the
    Azerbaijani lands including the Daqliq Qarabaq and its seven
    neighboring regions. In 1994, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire

    Hasan Zeynalov, General Council of Azerbaijan in Kars, expressed his
    concern over the border opening issue. In his interview with ANS
    correponden, Mr. Zeynalov said a protest action
    had been planned in
    Kars, while it had been annulled after Turkey's PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    had made a statement on April 10 reaffirming there would be no border
    opening unless Qarabaq conflic t is resolved. Since, nobody in Kars
    believes Turkish-Armenian border will be opened soon.

    There is no diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey, as Armenia
    presses the international community to admit the so-called "genocide"
    claims instead of accepting Turkey's call to investigate the
    allegations, and Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan.

    Turkey has offered to form a joint commission to investigate what has
    really happened in 1915 and opened up all official archives, but
    Armenia is dragging its feet in accepting the offer.

    Turkey is also embroiled in a dispute with Armenia over Daqliq Qarabaq.
    Turkey closed its border with Armenia in 1993 in protest of Armenia's
    invasion of 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory.

    ANS correspondent also visited Turkish-Armenian border in Kars and
    witnessed no reconstruction works on the border. However, the General
    COuncil informed about repairs on Turkish-Armenian border in Iqdir,
    another Turkish town. Mr. Zeynalov told Armenian side is holding
    large-scale reconstruction works in border area. ANS TV's correspondent
    will observe the recent developmentson borderline in Kars soon. /ANS TV/

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress