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Turkey's Culture Minister Wants To Cooperate With Armenia

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  • Turkey's Culture Minister Wants To Cooperate With Armenia


    14.04.2009 00:34 GMT+04:00

    Turkey and Armenia should cooperate to restore the ancient town of Ani,
    said Culture Minister Ertugrul Gunay, adding that any such effort would
    require a resolution of the problems between Azerbaijan and Armenia,
    Hurriyet Daily News reports.

    The ministry's plans for cooperation between the two countries are
    not limited to restoration work. He said he hoped to undertake many
    joint cultural projects with both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The ancient town of Ani was the capital of the Kingdom of Armenia
    between 961 and 1045. Its ruins are situated in the Arpacay region of
    the northeastern province of Kars, on the Turkish side of the border
    between the two countries.

    Gunay said world-renowned Turkish piano virtuoso Idil Biret would
    hold a concert in Armenia in the next few months as part of her
    Caucasus tour. "We have certain sensitivities, but we also are aware
    that cultural activities can play a key role in resolving political
    issues," he said. "This is a first step."

    The Turkish government's practice of calling the town "Ani," rather
    than Ani, in order to give it a more Turkish character has also been
    a source of controversy. When asked about the matter, Gunay implied
    that it would soon be resolved. "I find changing the original names
    of historical sites meaningless," he said. "Such names harm no one."

    The culture minister said the current restoration efforts in Ani
    would soon turn their focus to the town's cathedral and that Armenian
    experts had recently attended a meeting on the project. The World
    Monuments Fund would support the restoration of the cathedral, he said.

    Gunay added that the ministry was also ready to contribute to the
    Turkish-Armenian community in Istanbul's efforts to find the funds
    to restore the 500-year-old Surp Giragos Church in the southeastern
    province of Diyarbakir.

    But the community fears any application for help would result in the
    church being restored as a museum rather than a place of worship that
    would serve the community, as happened with the Surp Church on the
    island of Akdamar in the eastern province of Van.

    Gunay said if the community filed a request, his ministry would be
    glad to be of assistance, adding, "We have the utmost respect for
    all beliefs."