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Turkey Prevails In Round 1; Kicks Off Round 2 Of Tricks On Armenia

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  • Turkey Prevails In Round 1; Kicks Off Round 2 Of Tricks On Armenia

    By Harut Sassounian

    The California Courier
    Apr 14, 2009

    Turkey brilliantly accomplished its objectives in the first round of
    negotiations ostensibly to open the border with Armenia.

    Ever since 1993, when Turkish leaders closed the border, they set
    two main preconditions for its reopening. Armenia must: 1) Stop
    pursuing international recognition of the Armenian Genocide; and 2)
    Return Artsakh (Karabagh) to Azerbaijan.

    Despite persistent Turkish attempts to impose such harsh terms on
    Armenia, successive Armenian governments have declared that diplomatic
    relations should be established and the border reopened without any

    Thus, the standstill continues until today.

    During the past year, however, a series of unexpected developments
    provided new impetus for Armenia and Turkey to repair their contentious

    Both countries, under pressure from the U.S. and Europe, were now
    prodded by a new major actor, Russia, to open the Armenian-Turkish
    border. As owner of major businesses in Armenia, Russia sought to
    establish cross border trade with Turkey, thereby also diminishing
    Georgia's strategic significance as a sole transit route for the

    The turmoil in the aftermath of the contested Armenian presidential
    election last year rendered the new leaders more sensitive to demands
    from the major powers, expecting in return their support to counter
    the=2 0 opposition at home. To be fair, the Armenian government
    believed that opening the border was also in Armenia's own economic

    Moreover, when Armenia's imports through Georgia were temporarily
    blocked during last year's Georgian-Russian war, Armenian officials
    realized the strategic value of having an alternate border outlet.

    Turkey also stood to gain both economically and politically from an
    open border with Armenia because: 1) The population of Turkey's eastern
    provinces, living in abject poverty, would significantly benefit from
    trading with Armenia; 2) Turkey would fulfill one of the prerequisites
    for European Union membership; and 3) Ankara hoped to preempt the
    White House and Congress from taking a stand on the Armenian Genocide.

    Despite such clear and immediate advantages, Turkish officials
    prolonged the negotiations, in order to secure maximum concessions
    from Armenia in return for opening the border.

    The first glimmer of a breakthrough came on June 23, 2008, when
    Armenia's newly-elected President, Serge Sargsyan, unexpectedly
    announced, during a Moscow visit, his acceptance of a Turkish proposal
    to form a "historical commission." However, the Armenian President
    insisted that the commission would be established "only after the
    opening of the border." Later, the Armenian side announced that it
    would accept the establishment an inter-governmental commission that
    would discuss all outstanding issues between th e two countries.

    As it became clear in late 2008 that Barack Obama would win the
    presidency and probably keep his promise to recognize the Armenian
    Genocide, the Turkish government launched a propaganda campaign to
    convince the international community that Armenia and Turkey were
    engaged in delicate negotiations which would be undermined if third
    countries acknowledged the Genocide. Clearly, the Turks were not
    sincere in their declared intentions.

    Had they been serious, the border could have been opened in a matter
    of days, not months or years! At the height of that campaign, the
    Presidents of Armenia and Turkey held a summit meeting in Yerevan on
    the sidelines of a soccer match between their national teams. Armenians
    were encouraged that Turkish officials made no mention of their usual
    preconditions for Armenia to desist from genocide recognition and to
    make concessions on Artsakh.

    Pres. Obama's visit to Turkey last week had a critical impact on
    the development of Armenian-Turkish relations. Judging from his
    circumspect remarks in Ankara, it became clear that the American
    President had adopted the duplicitous Turkish line that third parties
    should not comment on the Armenian Genocide while Armenia and Turkey
    were engaged in serious negotiations.

    This carefully orchestrated Turkish ploy, however, almost fell
    apart at the last minute when Pres. Aliyev of Azerbaijan refused
    to go to Istanbul and meet with Pres. Obama. Aliyev was upset that
    Turkey was considering opening the border with Armenia while ignoring
    Baku's interests. To reassure Aliyev, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan
    announced that the border would not be opened until Yerevan resolved
    its conflict with Azerbaijan. Armenia's Foreign Minister Edward
    Nalbandian, objecting that Turkey was reviving its old preconditions,
    canceled his trip to Istanbul. However, he ended up taking a later
    flight, possibly at the urging of American officials. Aliyev,
    on the other hand, remained steadfast in his refusal to go to
    Turkey. Mr. Nalbandian's presence in Istanbul regrettably gave credence
    to Turkish misrepresentations that the two countries were making good
    progress in their negotiations.

    Thus, Turkey managed to fool Pres. Obama and other world leaders into
    thinking that it was seriously trying to resolve its long-strained
    relations with Armenia. Consequently, Turkish officials were showered
    with many accolades and received priceless publicity. The Economist
    magazine aptly pointed out: "Turkey basks in the glory of a two-day
    visit by Barack Obama."

    To be sure, the Turks managed to get maximal public relations benefits
    by simply talking about opening the border and succeeded in convincing

    Obama that it was not a good idea to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide
    while in Ankara. It remains to be seen whether Turkey has also secured
    the President's silence on April 24!

    Round 2 of t he Turkish ploy is now in full swing, with Azerbaijan
    threatening to take all sorts of measures against Turkey should the
    latter dare to open the border with Armenia, without linking such
    action to territorial concessions on Artsakh. The entire population
    of Azerbaijan has been whipped into frenzy over this issue. Opposition
    leaders in Turkey are also up in arms, accusing Erdogan of abandoning
    "fraternal Azerbaijan's" interests. Pres. Obama, upon his return to
    the White House, immediately phoned Pres. Aliyev to assure him of
    America's support for the resolution of the Artsakh conflict as well
    as normalizing Armenian-Turkish relations.

    While the charade goes on, Armenia's leaders continue to make
    surprisingly positive statements about their negotiations with Turkey,
    despite repeated announcements by Turkish officials that the border
    will not be opened until Yerevan makes concessions on Artsakh.

    It now appears that Turkey will place the border negotiations on the
    back burner until the Minsk Group, composed of the United States,
    Russia and France, can come up with some evidence of progress on the
    Artsakh negotiations. Only then would Turkey consider opening the
    border with Armenia.

    To counter these Turkish/Azeri ploys:

    1. Armenia's leaders should start playing hardball with Turkey and
    Azerbaijan and not get overly concerned with making a good impression
    on the major powers in trying to accommo date their demands.

    2. Armenia should stick to its long-avowed position of no preconditions
    for opening the border and establishing diplomatic relations with
    Turkey, and resist pressures from Russia, the U.S., and Europe.

    3. Armenia should consider setting October 7 as a deadline for opening
    the border. In case of Turkish inaction by that time, Pres. Sargsyan
    should refuse to go to Turkey for the return soccer match, thus
    exposing Turkey's ploy on improving relations with Armenia.

    4. Long in advance of any border accord, the Armenian Parliament should
    safeguard Armenia's national security by prohibiting all foreigners
    from purchasing land in sensitive border areas and making investments
    in certain strategic resources.

    5. Armenia and Armenian-Americans should condemn, in the strongest
    possible terms, Pres. Gul's blatant denial of the Armenian
    Genocide during a joint press conference with Pres. Obama in Ankara
    last week, televised live worldwide. To set the record straight,
    Armenian-Americans should immediately submit to the U.S. Senate the
    counterpart of the House genocide resolution.

    After all, it makes more sense to pass such a bill in the Senate,
    which has never approved a resolution on the Armenian Genocide, rather
    than in the House which has already adopted two such resolutions in
    1975 and 1984.