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Azerbaijan's Deputy Foreign Minister Due In Armenia To Attend BSEC F

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  • Azerbaijan's Deputy Foreign Minister Due In Armenia To Attend BSEC F

    14.04.2009 16:43

    Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Mahmud Mammadguliyev will arrive
    in Armenia on April to attend the 20th sitting of the Foreign Ministers
    Council of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization. No
    bilateral meetings will be held within the framework of the visit,
    Azeri Press Agency reported.

    The meeting will be hosted by the Republic of Armenia. Mr. Edward
    Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia,
    will chair the meeting in his capacity as the Chairman-in-Office of
    the Organization.

    The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the BSEC Member States , as well
    as the representatives of BSEC Observers, Related Bodies , Sectoral
    Dialogue Partners and special guests are expected to participate in
    and deliver statements at the meeting.

    In the working session of the meeting, the Ministers will examine
    the effects of the global financial crisis and the possible ways to
    reduce its negative consequences in the BSEC Region. The Ministers
    will also focus on measures to further improve the efficiency and
    effectiveness of BSEC. As it will be recalled, the "Guidelines on
    Improvement of the BSEC Efficiency" were adopted in the previous
    Meeting of the BSEC Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in
    Tirana on 23 October 2008.

    Some of the items on the agenda of the upcoming meeting in Yerevan are
    appointments in the BSEC Permanent International Secretariat, possible
    means of strengthening the cooperation of BSEC with international
    organizations dealing with issues of the protection and rehabilitation
    of the Black Sea marine environment and the use of BSEC funds - namely,
    the Project Development Fund and the Hellenic Development Fund -
    for projects of regional impact. Topics such as BSEC-EU interaction,
    appointment of Country-Coordinators for various BSEC Working Groups,
    review of the state of cooperation among the Member States and the
    status of implementation of BSEC Council Resolutions, Decisions
    and Recommendations are also on the agenda of the meeting. The BSEC
    Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs is also expected to consider
    the applications for the granting or renewal of Observer status
    and Sectoral Dialogue Partnership status to various countries and
    organizations at the meeting in Yerevan.

    At the conclusion of the meeting, there will be a ceremony whereby
    Armenia will hand over the Chairmanship-in-Office of BSEC to
    Azerbaijan. The Republic of Azerbaijan will officially assume the
    Chairmanship as of 1 May 2009, for a period of six months until 31
    October 2009.