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BAKU: Azeri MPs Slam Iranian Authorities, TV Channel

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  • BAKU: Azeri MPs Slam Iranian Authorities, TV Channel


    April 14 2009

    14 April: While some discussions have arisen between Ankara and
    Baku, the Iranian TV channel Sahar is airing programmes that contain
    anti-Azerbaijani propaganda. MP Iqbal Agazada, chairman of the Hope
    party, said this at the session of the Milli Majlis [parliament]
    today, learnt.

    "While some discussions have arisen in relations between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan, the Iranian TV channel Sahar is showing ironic episodes
    that ridicule Turkish-Azerbaijani friendly ties," he said.

    He said that Iranian TV presenters note with jeering that Turkey
    which talks about its friendship with Azerbaijan is going to open
    its borders with Armenia.

    "However, during a meeting with [Armenian President Serzh] Sargsyan
    yesterday, Tehran did what even Russia has not allowed itself to do
    so far. Namely, protocols on further cooperation in various areas
    have been signed between Tehran and Yerevan. In this way, Iran has
    once again demonstrated its filthy position towards Azerbaijan,"
    he stressed.

    "Iran is not interested in the existence of a strong Azerbaijani
    state," MP Zahid Oruc said.

    "Tehran is continuing to believe up until present that it can apply
    the political model of state governing, which it uses in its country,
    towards Azerbaijan and countries like our republic," he said.

    He said that Tehran also believes that Baku's foreign policy represents
    a danger to Iran.

    "Let them cite at least one argument in favour of this, let them point
    to at least one case of us taking any step at an international level
    in our public [as given] agreements or political ties which would be
    aimed against Iran. Tehran, on the contrary, often resorts to this,"
    Oruc said.

    He said that in the issue of defining the status of the Caspian,
    Iran has so far not come to agreement with Azerbaijan and is in this
    way continuing to use this as a lever of pressure on Baku's foreign
    policy, economic activity and oil ties.

    "It is also known that Iran is a totalitarian state and one therefore
    cannot talk about any media outlet's independent activities on the
    territory of this country. The Xazar [as given, meaning Sahar]
    TV channel is a mouthpiece for Tehran's official position," the
    MP stressed.

    Oruc also said that 70-80 per cent of narcotic substances transported
    via Azerbaijan's territory is carried out [is brought] from Iran.

    The MP also noted bilateral relations becoming stronger between Tehran
    and Armenia, which has occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan's territory.