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Social Spending Of The Budget Will Be Protected, Says Prime-Minister

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  • Social Spending Of The Budget Will Be Protected, Says Prime-Minister


    Noyan Tapan
    Apr 15, 2009

    Yerevan, April 15, Noyan Tapan. Social problems will be of primary
    importance for the Government of Armenia. Irrespectively of the
    development scenario of Armenia's economy, social spending of the state
    budget will be protected. This was announced by the prime minister
    of the country Tigran Sargsian in his opening speech at the "Impact
    of the Global Economic Crisis on Armenia" conference on April 14.

    According to him, anti-crisis measures of the Government of Armenia
    include prevention of job destruction. Measures are also aimed to
    address properly social allowances, as well as public and social
    works to the most vulnerable part of the society and to ensure the
    access of the neediest people to health and education services.

    As T.Sargsian mentioned, the mining industry of Armenia has 6 000

    Consultations with directors of mining enterprises revealed that
    businessmen could use revenues and profits obtained before the crisis
    in the conditions of high prices for metals on world markets to avoid
    job destruction until the summer of 2009.

    The first enterprise supported by the government in the fringes of
    Anti-crisis measures was Kajaran-based Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum
    Plant, which will direct the resources to obtaining new equipment. This
    will enable the factory to increase the productivity and ensure with
    work places20more than 200 satellite enterprises.

    According to the prime-minister, the reduction of un-official private
    transfers to Armenia affected the social situation of the country.

    He attached importance to monitoring supported by the World Bank, which
    would help to raise the efficiency of the system of social benefits.

    According to T.Sargsian, 700 million AMD (about 1.87 million) will
    be directed to implementation of public and social works in 2009. To
    ensure the efficiency of those works the municipality heads are obliged
    to submit proper projects.. Those works will include garbage disposal,
    told the prime-minister.

    As the prime minister informed, the issue of enabling needy students
    to get unpaid education is currently on agenda of the ministerial

    According to UN Permanent Representative to Armenia Consuelo
    Vidal, Armenian offices of UN will support to the government
    to find solutions, helping to unite the efforts of all
    stakeholders: international organizations, private sector and civil
    society. Moreover, UN Armenia's office currently modifies its projects
    to match them with the needs of people suffered from the crisis most
    of all.