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Crossroads E-Newsletter - April 16, 2009

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - April 16, 2009

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168
    Email: [email protected]

    April 2, 2009

    Prelacy parishes all reported large turnout of the faithful throughout
    Holy Week and for Easter Sunday services. Archbishop Oshagan
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at St. Sarkis
    Church in Douglaston, New York.

    We have now entered the fifty day period that follows Easter

    Archbishop Oshagan has instructed all parishes within the Eastern
    Prelacy to observe 40th day requiem services for Rev. Fr. Vartan
    Kassabian, who died on March 12.

    Archbishop Oshagan will preside over the Divine Liturgy and Requiem
    Service at Der Vartans home parish of St. Gregory the Illuminator of
    Merrimack Valley in North Andover, Massachusetts. The Liturgy will be
    celebrated by Rev. Fr. Vazken Bekiarian. The Prelate will deliver the

    Tributes to Der Vartan continue to pour in from near and far. May he
    rest in peace and may our Lord grant comfort to Yn. Pauline and

    To read a remembrance by Archpriest Antranig Baljian in English click
    ( 65243081/goto: 9a.html).
    To read a remembrance by Archpriest Nerses Manoogian in Armenian click
    here ( to: df).

    An overflow audience is expected tonight for the second in a series of
    forums that take place at the Prelacy offices in Manhattan. Yn. Joanna
    Baghsarian and her Youth Bible Study students from Sts. Vartanantz
    Church, Providence, Rhode Island, will make a special presentation
    based on their research on the Armenian clergymen lost during the

    Archbishop Oshagan will attend and deliver the opening prayer at the
    Armenian Genocide Commemoration tomorrow, April 17, sponsored by the
    New York City Council, and organized by the Armenian National
    Committee of New York. It will take place at New York City Hall, City
    Hall Chambers, corner of Chambers Street and Broadway.

    Panel on Armenian Turkish Relations will feature Taner Akcam, Harut
    Sassounian, Bilgin Ayata, Aram Hamparian, and Khatchig Mouradian.

    Complimentary round-trip bus service from select locations is
    available. For information 646-288-6979.

    The Religious and Executive Councils of the Eastern Prelacy will meet
    tomorrow and Saturday, April 17 and 18, at the Prelacy offices in

    The trustees of the Pashalian Family Education Fund will meet on
    Monday, April 20, at the Prelacy for their annual meeting.

    Archbishop Oshagan and Bishop Anoushavan will visit the
    St. Illuminators School in Woodside, New York, Tuesday morning. April

    His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has
    designated the year 2009 as the Year of The Youth. To read His
    Holiness message in Armenian click here
    ( 79/goto: doc/Pontifical%20Messages/messages68.htm).
    To read His Holiness message in English click here
    ( 78/goto: cal.pdf).

    A six-part program on Great Prayers of the Bible which began last week
    will continue every other Thursday, from 7:15 to 8:45 pm (March 19,
    April 2, 23, 30 and May 14), at the Prelacy.
    The program will include a number of biblical prayers that have been
    incorporated into the liturgical prayers and services of the Armenian
    Church. Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the Prelacys Armenian
    Religious Education Council (AREC), will conduct the Bible
    studies. The program is open to all and is free of charge. To
    register, please send an email to [email protected]
    (mailto:arec@armenianprel or call 212-689-7810.

    On Bible Study evenings, the Prelacy Bookstore will remain open until
    7 pm. The dates of the upcoming Bible Study series are: March 5, 19,
    April 2, 16, 30, and May 14.

    The 23rd annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer Program, for
    youth ages 13-18, is scheduled to take place at the St. Mary of
    Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, from June 28 to July 5,
    2009, preceded by a weekend retreat (optional) from June 26-28,
    2009. The Program is sponsored by the Armenian Religious Education
    Council (AREC).

    For more information click here
    ( 71/goto:

    The Prelacy Ladies Guilds annual Mothers Day luncheon is going to take
    place on Thursday, May 21, beginning at 12:30 pm. The luncheon is
    being hosted by Rene and Linda Chirinian at their home in New Canaan,
    Connecticut. A donation of seventy-five dollars per person will
    benefit the charitable work of the PLG.

    To make reservations and obtain directions to the Chirinian residence
    please contact the Prelacy at 212-689-7810.

    As part of the year-long celebration of the Year of the Youth, the
    dioceses of Aleppo and Lebanon organized a pilgrimage to Deir Zor for
    the youth. A group of youthful pilgrims, led by Catholicos Aram I, is
    currently in Deir Zor.

    Bible reading for today, Thursday, April 16 are: Acts 4:13-31; James
    1: 13-27; Matthew 5:1-12; Evening Gospels: Luke 24:36-40; Matthew

    While they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and
    said to them,
    Peace be with you. They were startled and terrified, and thought that
    they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, Why are you frightened, and
    why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see
    that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh
    and bones as you see that I have. And when he had said this, he showed
    them his hands and his feet. (Luke 24:36-40)

    For listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here
    ( 77/goto: df).

    This Sunday, April 19, is New Sunday. Easter Sunday is followed by a
    period of fifty days (Hinoonk) during which there are no fasting days
    or saints days. This period from the Resurrection to Pentecost
    (Hogegaloost) is dedicated to the glorification of the
    Resurrection. Each of the seven Sundays of Hinoonk has a separate
    name. This Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter, is called New Sunday
    (Nor Kiraki), since the first day of the week through Christs
    resurrection became consecrated and Sunday became a dominical day. By
    virtue of its being the eighth day of Easter and a day similar to
    Easter, it is also called Second Easter (Grgnazadig), which literally
    means Easter repeated.

    One of the readings on New Sunday is from the powerful first chapter
    of the Gospel according to St. John, which proclaims Jesus as the Son
    of God, the Word made flesh.

    Today, you new peoples, with the heavenly and radiant angels let us
    sing to the renewer of the human race who died and arose for us,
    saying: May your resurrection be glorified.

    Today, sons of Sion, born sons of God by grace in the font for the
    renewal for the tomb, saying, May your resurrection be glorified.

    Children of faith, celebrating today the feast of Jerusalem on high,
    renew the garment of your souls and with the sons of light of the new
    Sion bless Christ the King, saying: May your resurrection be

    From the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Apostolic Church for New Sunday

    This week New Yorkers welcomed and celebrated the installation of the
    new Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York, Timothy M. Dolan. Our
    archive photo this week was taken on April 4, 1968, at the
    installation of Archbishop Terence J. Cooke as the new leader of Roman
    Catholics in New York, succeeding Cardinal Spellman. In this photo
    Archbishop Hrant Khatchadourian (center of photo), Prelate

    of the Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, takes part
    in the procession of clergy during the installation. The other
    Armenian clergyman (on the right) is Archbishop Torkom Manoogian,
    Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church (now Patriarch of
    Jerusalem). On the same day Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated
    in Memphis, Tennessee, sparking riots in major cities nationwide.


    April 9 through May 5 The Uprooted: Genocides, the works of artist
    Lucy Janjigian will be on display at the Carole and Norman Barham
    Rotunda from April 9 through May 5.
    Hosted by the Queens College Benjamin Rosenthal Library and The
    Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian
    Museum. The library is open from 9 am to 10 pm, Monday through
    Thursday; 9 am to 5 pm Friday, and 11 am to 5 pm, Saturday and
    Sunday. A Power Point presentation will take place on April 22, 2 pm,
    in the Presidents Conference room. For reservations to the Power Point
    presentation, reception and parking passes, call 718-428-5650.

    April 16Prelacys Quarterly Forum Series. Yn. Joanna Baghsarian of
    Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, will speak about the untold story
    of the Armenian clergymen lost to the Genocide and the Stalin purges,
    at the Prelacys Hovnanian Hall. Program will begin promptly at 7:15
    pm. Reception will follow. Admission is free but RSVP is
    required. Contact [email protected]
    (mailto:events@armenian or 212-689-7810.

    April 17
    Armenian Genocide Commemoration, sponsored by the New York City
    Council, City Hall, corner of Chambers Street & Broadway. Featured
    panel on Armenian-Turkish Relations:
    Taner Akcam, Harut Sassounian, Bilgin Ayata, Aram Hamparian, Khatchig
    Mouradian. For information [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) or

    APRIL 19
    On the Road (Jampoun Vrah) by Levon Shant (U.S. Premiere), directed by
    Dr. Herand Markarian, at the Armenian Center, 69-23 47th Avenue,
    Woodside, New York, at 8:05 pm. Sponsored by the Hamazkayin Armenian
    Educational and Cultural Society of New York.

    APRIL 19St. Gregory the Illuminator Church, Granite City, Illinois, is
    presenting a Chamber Concert at 2 pm, featuring members of the
    St. Louis Symphony Orchestra (English Horn and strings), sponsored by
    the St. Gregory Fellowship Club, through the St. Louis Symphony
    Orchestra Community Partnership program. Program will include the
    Yegmalian Hayr Mer, as well as two original compositions by
    Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian, one in memory of Rev. Fr. Vartan
    Kassabian. Light reception will follow. Free will offering.

    April 23New six-part Bible Studies program at the Prelacy continues on
    the following Thursdays: April 23, 30, May 14, from 7:15 to 8:45
    pm. Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the Armenian Religious Education
    Council will lead the sessions. Open to all and free of charge. For
    registration and information contact [email protected]
    (mailto:arec@armenianprel or 212-689-7810. The Prelacy
    bookstore will remain open from 5 to 7 pm on each of these evenings.

    April 24Flag raising ceremony on the grounds of the Connecticut State
    Capitol Building in Hartford at noon.

    April 24Armenian Genocide Commemoration, organized by the Armenian
    National Committee of New Jersey, at Sts. Vartanantz Church, 461
    Bergen Boulevard, Ridgefield, New Jersey. Requiem services at 7 pm;
    program at 8 pm. Guest speaker: Hovan Tashjian from Los Angeles. Also
    participating in the program: AYF-YOARF Arsen Chapter, Homenetmen of
    NJ, Nareg Armenian School, and Ms. Eugene Mukeshimana, a survivor of
    the Rwandan Genocide and Genocide Panelist at the United Nations.

    April 25Commemorative program and memorial service in the House
    Chambers in Hartford, Connecticut, 11 a.m., followed by Madagh in the
    Hall of Flags. Keynote speaker, Attorney Matthew Karanian.

    APRIL 25Cultural Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, 7 pm, at the
    Armenian Center, Woodside, New York. Participation from the New York
    community including: New York City Dignitaries, Cultural and Arts
    Organizations, Armenian Churches, Armenian Schools, Youth
    Organizations, Community Organizers. For information: [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) or 646-288-6979.

    April 26Martyrs day Requiem Service at St. Stephens Armenian Church,
    167 Tremont Street, New Britain, Connecticut, followed by memorial
    dinner in the churchs Aurora Kework Hall.

    April 2694th anniversary commemoration of the Armenian Genocide,
    sponsored by the Knights of Vartan and participating organizations, at
    Times Square (NYC), 2 pm. For information
    (http: // p://

    April 22 & April 29Introduction to the Divine Liturgy, St. Gregory
    Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover, Massachusetts. (Please
    note: originally scheduled for January; dates have been changed.)

    May 3Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, will present the
    musical Hello Ellis Island, by Hourig Papazian Sahagian, performed by
    the musical ensemble The Way We Were, Sunday, May 3, 2 pm at
    Quinsigamond Community Colleges Hebert Auditorium, 670 West Boylston
    Street, Worcester. For information: 508-852-2414.

    May 350th anniversary celebration of consecration of Sts. Vartanantz
    Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey. Divine Liturgy celebrated by
    Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, followed by luncheon and program.

    May 3Senior Hye Prom, sponsored by St. Stephen Church Sunday School,
    Watertown, Massachusetts. Senior members of the community are invited
    to attend the Prom following Badarak for lunch and a musical program
    featuring golden oldies. For reservations and information contact the
    church office at 617-731-6051, or by email to Audrey Guzelian at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).

    May 7-9National Representative Assembly of Eastern Prelacy, hosted by
    All Saints Armenian Apostolic Church, Glenview, Illinois. Clergy
    Conference begins May 6.

    May 9Step into Spring, Silent Auction and Wine Tasting, at Holy
    Trinity Armenian Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, 7 pm to 10
    pm. General admission: $25; seniors and students: $15. For information

    June 28Annual Madagh Picnic, St. Hagop Church (Racine), at Johnson
    Park Picnic Grounds, 6200 Northwestern Ave., Racine, Wisconsin, 10:30
    to 7 pm.

    June 29 July 5St. Gregory of Datev Summer Institute, St. Mary of
    Providence Center, Elverson, Pennsylvania.

    July 18Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island, Ladies
    Guild/ARS Chapter present a Hye Summer Night 4 Dance at The
    Annunciation Greek Church, Cranston, Rhode Island. For information

    August 2Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island, Annual
    Picnic and Blessing of Madagh and Grapes at Camp Haiastan, Franklin,
    Massachusetts, 12 noon to 6 pm, rain or shine. Music by John
    Berberian and Ensemble.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to
    your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])