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BAKU: When Your Neighbor And Enemy Chum Up...

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  • BAKU: When Your Neighbor And Enemy Chum Up...


    April 16 2009

    Armenian-Iranian economic partnership: reality or myth

    No sooner had Azerbaijan got out of the tension after notorious
    tittle-tattle in Turkish circles on the probability of opening borders
    with Armenia, one more neighbor moved to kiss on the lips of the
    aggressor country.

    The question is Armenian leader Serzh Sargsyan's official visit to
    the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    During the visit from April 13-14, the two Presidents expressed
    satisfaction with the current level of political dialogue and their
    willingness to further expand intergovernmental relations.

    At a meeting with Iranian counterpart, Serzh Sargsyan didn't seem to
    conceal his country's emergency need for relations with Iran.

    In this regard, he thanked Iranian President for allowing essential
    goods through Iran during economically hard times - in the early
    years of independence and during hostilities between Russia and
    Georgia in August.

    The parties also focused on major infrastructure programs as the
    best indication of the further expansion of the Armenian-Iranian

    Under memorandums and documents signed, Export Development Bank of
    Iran would open a credit line to Armenia, the parties agreed to build
    a hydropower plant on the Araz River, lay a railroad between the two
    countries, deliver Iranian gas to Armenia and study the prospects
    of re-exporting to Europe, create Iran-Armenia-Georgia-Black Sea

    The bilateral documents appeared to be part of strengthening
    Iran-Armenia-Russia triangle economically and politically against
    the backdrop of well-cemented strategic partnership among Turkey,
    Georgia and Azerbaijan in the region.

    In favor of the formation of Iran-Russian-Armenian alliance, this
    is a call for Iran to sit as an observer in the Collective Security
    Treaty Organization (CSTO).

    Another point is that Armenia will get Iranian gasoline and diesel
    fuel refined in Tabriz, an Azeri-populated city.

    In fact, the expensive joint projects, including a rail link may come
    online in 3-4 years.

    The railway line is believed to allow Armenia to reach the
    outside world without Georgia let alone transportation and cargo
    shipment. Armenia and Iran are lucky this time because this project
    also interests Russia.

    With Russia uninvolved, it is obvious that progress in any sphere
    of economic cooperation between Armenia and Iran will willy-nilly
    "hang in the air".