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BAKU: French Brain Centers Recognizes Azerbaijan As Regional Leader

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  • BAKU: French Brain Centers Recognizes Azerbaijan As Regional Leader

    S. Agayeva

    Trend News
    April 16 2009

    Director of Strategic Studies Center under Azerbaijani President
    Elkan Nuriyev spoke with Trend News in an exclusive interview.

    Trend News: Was the round table held in Paris recently successful
    from the viewpoint of Azerbaijan's positioning and informing the world
    our country's realities? Which issues caused a dispute in auditorium?

    Elkhan Nuriyev: It was noted at a round table on Azerbaijan's
    present-day geo-policy held in the International Relations Institute
    in France on April 7 that Azerbaijan is a leading country in the
    South Caucasus from geo-strategic viewpoint.

    International Relations Institute Executive Director Dominique
    David also confirmed it. While opening the round table David stressed
    significance of the round table in a period when the world faces global
    energy crisis. He spoke of rich oil and gas fields of Azerbaijan
    who has become leading geo-strategic regional player in the South
    Caucasus. He also emphasized importance of transportation of these
    natural resources to Europe.

    I spoke about future strategy elaborated by national leader Heydar
    Aliyev who established a modern state. I noted that Azerbaijani
    has become a regional leader and reliable partner in international
    relations. Regarding political and economic reforms that are being
    implemented at the moment I said new stage of our country's development
    has been launched under President Ilham Aliyev's leadership. New policy
    and new strategic views have been formed. Along with economic growth,
    Azerbaijan has also defined priorities of building and developing
    open and democratic society.

    Our country's strategic choice is the course of modernization at the
    current stage. Improving democratic system is one of the constituent
    parts of this choice. Democracy is a sovereign right of each nation
    which enables them to determine their development, strategy and
    course. As an independent state, Azerbaijan uses sovereign right to
    promote democracy and implement certain reforms.

    As to Azerbaijan's foreign policy, I said our country is pursuing
    balanced and multi-faceted foreign policy. Azerbaijan is building ties
    with neighbors and close and remote countries as a part of friendship
    and partnership. This is strategic choice of our country. Principle
    of a sound pragmatism has been formed under the successful foreign
    policy strategy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev.

    Naturally, participants of the event at the International Relations
    Institute showed a great interest to the domestic and foreign policy
    of Azerbaijan including analysis of current state and prospects of
    development of Azerbaijan-Europe and Azerbaijan-France ties. The round
    table was businesslike and constructive. The discussions contributed to
    promoting intellectual dialogue between Azerbaijani and French experts.

    Q: What is the French officials' estimation of the French-Azerbaijani
    relations in the contemporary stage and problems of evolution of the
    Azerbaijanis society?

    A: A meeting held in Paris with France-Azerbaijan parliamentary
    friendship group head Jean-Lou Dumont focused on ongoing processes in
    our country and development of interparliamentary relations. Dumont
    is a member of the National Assembly [Parliament] on economy, finance
    and plan and a special rapporteur on European budget.

    The French MP spoke about interparliamentary contacts in detail and
    voiced his satisfaction with the development of French-Azerbaijani in
    the contemporary stage. Tracing back the evolution of the process,
    he said that if earlier activity was demonstrated by Senate [Upper
    House of French parliament], presently, National Assembly [Lower
    House of the French Parliament] has also joined the process.

    A 20-member parliamentary initiative group has been formed to lobby
    Azerbaijan in the context of bilateral cooperation in different fields
    under the aegis of the France-Azerbaijan parliamentary friendship
    committee. Mr. Dumont informed that under his direct leadership a
    French parliamentary mission visited Azerbaijan in summer and autumn
    2008 and was received by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Dumont
    said the meetings were fruitful, because the sides had exchange of
    opinions on the current status and prospects of the French-Azerbaijani

    He underlined interests towards problems of evolution of the
    Azerbaijani society and voiced his confidence in the development
    and improvement of democratic system on the basis of remarkable
    achievements in economic, cultural and other fields given the existing

    Q: What position does France take on issues of peace and security in
    Caucasus region in the context of conflict solution, in particular,
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. What role does France, a leading European
    country, play in this process?

    A: During the 'roundtable' at the Institute of International Relations,
    broad discussions were held on the solution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. I stated that Azerbaijan's position
    on this issue is unchangeable. Azerbaijan demands rehabilitation
    of its territorial integrity within the framework of national
    sovereignty, and withdrawal of Armenian forces from its occupied
    lands. Afterwards, it is possible to carry out negotiations on the
    status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Ho matter how broad the status can be,
    it will be provided only within the frames of the country and on the
    basis of its territorial integrity. In its foreign policy Azerbaijan
    pursues one goal: to restore peace and stability in the whole region.

    By noting a position of France as a member of the Minsk Group
    in peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, French
    Parliamentarian Dumont stressed necessity to observe a principle of
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. Dumont also emphasized to provide
    long-lasting peace and regional security through dialogue both at the
    OSCE Minsk Group level and international contacts at the Azerbaijani
    and Armenian supreme leadership's level.

    While analyzing the latest Russian-Georgia developments in the
    region, Dumont and other French experts unambiguously stressed
    equilibrium and realism of the Azerbaijani government's foreign
    political strategy. It is not surprising that at the exchange of
    opinion process, representatives of the French expert community agreed
    with necessity of more active interaction between France and Germany
    as key members of the European Union (EU) in settlement of conflicts
    in the South Caucasus.

    Q: What is France's vision of implementing energy projects in the
    region and problems of the European Union's (EU) energy security?

    A: The French experts who attended the "round table" noted
    that transnational projects, such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan,
    Baku-Tbilisi-Kars and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum enabled Azerbaijan to make
    a geopolitical progress and, respectively, Azerbaijan realizes its
    strategic role and has gained its strategic place in the system of
    integration with the world economy. Moreover, Azerbaijan is recognized
    at the world political arena as a serious geopolitical state.

    During the exchange of opinions, French Parliamentarian Dumont
    and other experts considered Nabucco project as an opportunity
    to supply the EU with alternative energy resources regarding the
    recent Russian-Ukrainian crisis which caused gaps in fuel deliveries
    to Europe. Furthermore, they emphasized necessity to deepen the
    French-Azerbaijani cooperation in energy field under the French Total
    corporation's activity.

    Q: Which perspectives of cooperation are there between the Strategic
    Research Centre at the Azerbaijani President and the French
    Scientific-Research Institute?

    A: Different meetings with the French brain centers' leaders took
    place in Paris, as well. The meeting with Director of the French
    International Relations and Strategic Research Institute Pascal
    Boniface and Head of Choiseul Institute Pascal Loro focused on topical
    issues of development of cooperation and exchange of opinions between
    the sides, problems of scientific-research character, as well as
    issues of joint implementing important regional projects. Heads of the
    French brain centers displayed a great interest to activate contacts
    between the two countries' scientific-political elites. And then, it is
    planned to develop several corporate projects on scientific-analytical
    research, including organizing joint international conferences and
    regional "round tables" to be held in Baku and Paris.