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AGBU Pres Setrakian Underscores Org's Dedication to Homeland-Diaspor

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  • AGBU Pres Setrakian Underscores Org's Dedication to Homeland-Diaspor

    AGBU Press Office
    55 East 59th Street
    New York, NY 10022-1112
    Phone: 212.319.6383, x118
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    Email: [email protected]


    Friday, April 17, 2009

    AGBU President Berge Setrakian Underscores Organization's Dedication to
    Homeland-Diaspora Symbiosis in Latest Visit to Armenia

    On March 22, 2009, AGBU President Berge Setrakian arrived in Yerevan for
    discussions with Armenia's leaders on the challenges faced by the
    Armenian people and issues pertaining to homeland-diaspora relations, in
    light of new international, regional and Armenian community realities,
    as well as to follow up on, give new impetus to, and bring into focus
    the goals of AGBU's programs in the homeland.

    In the course of this visit, Setrakian met with His Holiness Karekin II,
    Catholicos of All Armenians, Serge Sargsian, President of the Republic
    of Armenia, Tigran Sargisian, Prime Minister of Armenia, Hovik
    Abrahamian, President of the National Assembly, Hranush Hakobyan,
    Minister of Diaspora, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
    and Spartak Seyranian, Minister of Education, accompanied by members of
    the AGBU Central Board of Directors, Vasken Yacoubian and Yervant
    Zorian, the Vice Chairman of the AGBU SCDC Haig Messerlian, and the
    directors of the AGBU Representative Office in Armenia.

    At his March 23 meeting with the Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan,
    Setrakian stressed the necessity of adopting a strategy that goes beyond
    traditional approaches and organizations, taking the new diasporan
    realities into consideration. A strategy based on a clear analysis of
    priorities that address the interests of young diasporan Armenians who
    are not involved or feel distanced from traditional Armenian community
    life. During the meeting, Minister Hakobyan expressed her satisfaction
    about the productive activities being carried out by AGBU in both the
    homeland and the diaspora. She also presented a brief overview of the
    ministry's programs for maintaining national identity and bringing
    Armenians together, along with programs adopted by the Armenian
    president and government to foster cooperation between Armenia and
    Armenian communities around the world.

    Setrakian acknowledged the importance of the activities of the Diaspora
    Ministry, wherein the balanced merger of civil society and governmental
    approaches will inevitably lead to anticipated results. Special emphasis
    was placed on programs developed by AGBU in recent years that provide
    social and academic experiences to diasporan Armenian youth in Armenia,
    in light of the potential these programs have in raising awareness and
    cultivating a sense of national identity.

    Following this meeting, Setrakian met with Spartak Seyranian, Armenia's
    Minister of Education and Science. During the meeting, issues of mutual
    interest were discussed, especially those pertaining to AGBU's
    educational programs, and particularly the soon-to-be-launched AGBU
    Virtual College. Through the application of the latest information
    technology, this new AGBU initiative creates opportunities for
    individuals scattered all over the world to access credit-bearing and
    in-depth information on topics of Armenian language, history, and

    The same day, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargisian received
    Setrakian and Vasken Yacoubian of the AGBU Central Board. Prime Minister
    Sargisian expressed thanks to AGBU and its leader personally, adding
    that he was satisfied with the course of the implementation of projects
    underway by AGBU. Setrakian stated that through its projects in the
    homeland, AGBU is engaged in the task of connecting members of the young
    diasporan Armenian generations to their national roots and inspiring
    them with the reality of the homeland. He expressed the conviction that
    while the impact of traditional organizations and their activities has
    weakened in the diaspora,
    and the new generation is distancing itself from Armenian life and
    gradually losing the language, Armenia remains the only strong foothold
    that can inspire and energize the youth and ignite in them an interest
    and pride in their identity and heritage.

    On March 24, President Setrakian and Vasken Yacoubian were received by
    Hovik Abrahamian, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of
    Armenia. The president of the National Assembly highly praised AGBU's
    activity in Armenia and welcomed the programs aimed at acquainting the
    youth with national traditions, culture and history, while strengthening
    their ties with the homeland. Setrakian underlined AGBU's commitment to
    continue its extensive programs in the homeland despite the
    international financial and economic crisis. He noted AGBU's vision of
    building a contemporary center in Yerevan for young Armenian specialists
    and intellectuals, endowed with all the necessary resources.

    Later on, Setrakian and Yacoubian had a meeting with Armenian Foreign
    Minister Edward Nalbandian and they discussed supporting Armenia's
    foreign policy, defending Armenian rights and assisting Armenian
    diplomatic missions abroad.

    The same day, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians,
    received Setrakian at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. During the
    meeting, Setrakian underscored the important role of the Armenian Church
    and clergy in the spiritual and national life of the Armenian people,
    pointing out the necessity of putting the priority of that role above
    other issues.

    On March 25, the opening of the new building of the sports and cultural
    center took place in the Nubarashen district of Yerevan. In cooperation
    with the World Bank and Armenian Social Investment Fund, AGBU helped
    realize the Nubarashen Sports and Cultural Center by underwriting more
    than 55 percent of the overall cost. In response to journalists'
    questions, Setrakian expressed joy for the opening of such a building in
    the community founded by Boghos Nubar, which can be considered a payment
    of respect for the memory of AGBU's founder. Participating in the
    opening ceremony were President Setrakian, AGBU Central Board of
    Directors members Vasken Yacoubian and Yervant Zorian, World Bank
    Executive Director Rudolf Yan Trefers, Armenian Social Investment Fund
    Director Ashot Kirakosian, Nubarashen community leader Mher
    Hovhannisian, colleagues of the community administrative center, and
    prominent community figures.

    The same day, Setrakian and other AGBU leaders attended an awards
    ceremony for the Yerevan finals of the Yerevan Republican
    Interscholastic Chess Olympiad. For the second year in a row, AGBU is
    sponsoring the interscholastic chess Olympiad, together with Armenia's
    Ministry of Education and Science and the Chess Academy of Armenia. The
    sponsorship of the interscholastic chess Olympiad is one of AGBU's
    newest youth programs and it is designed to generate interest in chess
    and identify future talents, through whom Armenia can maintain its
    standing as a frontrunner in international chess competitions.

    In the evening of the same day, President of the Republic of Armenia
    Serge Sargsian received AGBU President Berge Setrakian. During their
    meeting, President Sargsian expressed high appreciation for AGBU's
    activity in Armenia and the diaspora for the benefit of the nation and
    preservation of the Armenian identity. He also hailed the organization's
    new programs in Armenia.

    Setrakian, in turn, briefed the Armenian President on AGBU's upcoming
    programs. They spoke about preserving the diaspora's potential, rallying
    diasporan Armenians around national goals and maintaining the Armenian
    identity. During their meeting, Sargsian and Setrakian exchanged
    opinions about certain national issues of political significance.

    On the evening of March 25, Berge Setrakian and the members of the
    Central Board of Directors had a meeting with the staff of the AGBU
    Armenian Virtual College (AVC), to assess the work being done in the
    various developmental aspects of the program. AVC has already launched a
    pilot version of their initiative which is open to the public for review
    and feedback at

    Established in 1906, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the
    world's largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New
    York City, AGBU ( preserves and promotes the Armenian
    identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian
    programs, annually serving some 400,000 Armenians in 35 countries.