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ANKARA: A Bird's Eye View: Summiteering for whom?

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  • ANKARA: A Bird's Eye View: Summiteering for whom?

    Hürriyet, ANKARA
    April 18 2009

    A Bird's Eye View: Summiteering for whom?

    April has been quite a hectic month for you humans, particularly for
    those of you who have been summiteering. You had the G20 summit in
    London, the 60th anniversary summit of NATO in Strasbourg-Kehl and the
    Second Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations here in Istanbul.

    As usual, the G-20 Summit ended with the adoption of a long paper that
    contains the usual platitudes, but for the first time there were
    concrete measures for combating the global financial crisis. The
    participants at the summit agreed in principle to raise $1.1 trillion
    to help save humanity from the crisis. This included a $500 billion
    fund for the IMF to lend to struggling economies, $250 billion to
    boost world trade, $250 billion for a new IMF overdraft facility that
    countries can use and $100 billion that international development
    banks can lend to the poorest countries. Now how these poorest
    countries will pay back their loans is another question since their
    capabilities for development are limited. The positive thing is that
    stock markets started going up globally after the decisions were
    announced, which of course does not change in the short term the
    plight of the millions of humans who are unemployed. Still these
    measures are better than nothing and could have been adopted
    earlier. We hope that they are implemented before the countries that
    will give the money default.

    Immediately afterward, NATO celebrated its 60th anniversary summit. A
    declaration on alliance security was adopted with the usual wishful
    thinking. The Summit did, however, elect a new secretary-general,
    Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former prime minister of Denmark, in spite
    of Turkey's initial hesitations to agree to his candidacy. NATO also
    accepted Albania and Croatia as new members. On Russia, the
    declaration stated, "We stand ready to work with Russia to address the
    common challenges we face." Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in
    a speech in Brussels said: "NATO is not just threatening Russia. Its
    new security agenda includes more and more scenarios where force could
    be used, not necessarily with the sanction of the U.N. We just don't
    understand why NATO is expanding. We don't understand why this
    military infrastructure is being moved to our borders." Very good
    questions that NATO refuses to address. As for the 60-year-old history
    of NATO, nobody mentions NATO's dismal human rights history during its
    first 30 years. Portugal joined NATO as a dictatorship, NATO supported
    the dictatorship in Greece, and the various military coups in
    Turkey. So we still ponder why it was not dismantled after the Warsaw
    Pact was.

    Margins of the forum

    So after that summit we had the Second Forum of the Alliance of
    Civilizations that was held here in Istanbul. More things happened on
    the margins of the forum rather than in the forum. Turkey got its
    revenge by the fall of the new NATO secretary-general that resulted in
    a dislocated shoulder. Obama popped in for a small reception and
    consulted with the foreign ministers of Armenia and Turkey. The
    president of Azerbaijan canceled his participation in the forum to
    protest the rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia. The discussions
    that took place within the forum were interesting, and ideas were
    exchanged on how to bridge the gaps existing between humanity. How
    many of these ideas will be implemented is another question. Anyhow,
    more traveling opportunities are opening for the participants as the
    third forum will take place next year in Brazil. Hopefully by then,
    the gaps will have become smaller.

    Ponder our thoughts, dear humans, for your benefit.