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Coutry profile: Armenia

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  • Coutry profile: Armenia

    Coutry profile: Armenia
    Facts and statistics on Armenia including history, population,
    politics, geography, economy, religion and climate

    The Guardian,
    Saturday 18 April 2009

    Map of Armenia. Source: Graphic

    Potted history of the country: In AD301 Armenia became the first
    country to adopt Christianity. In the middle ages it was absorbed into
    powerful empires: Byzantine, Seljuk and Mongol. Under Ottoman rule
    Armenians were persecuted: Armenia claims up to 1.5 million people died
    in the mass killings of 1915-17, often referred to in the west as the
    Armenian genocide. Turkey blames inter-ethnic clashes and disputes the
    toll. From 1922 to independence in 1991 Armenia was part of the USSR.

    At a glance Location: West Asia Neighbours: Georgia, Iran, Turkey Size:
    11,484 square miles Population: 2,967,004 (137) Density: 258.4 people
    per square mile Capital city: Yerevan (population 1,249,202) Head of
    state: President Serge Sarkissian
    Head of government: Prime minister Tigran Sarkissian
    Currency: Dram Time zone: Armenia standard time (+4 hours)
    International dialling code: +374 Website: Data correct on
    Saturday 18 April 2009 Political pressure points: Ten people died in
    riots following the election of the prime minister, Serge Sarkisian, in
    2008, after claims of vote-rigging. There are no diplomatic ties with
    Turkey over Ankara's refusal to recognise the 1915 killings as
    genocide. Relations are also antagonistic with neighbouring Azerbaijan =0
    over status of the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    Population mix: Armenian 97.89%, Yazidi 1.26%, unspecified 0.84%

    Religious makeup: Armenian Apostolic 94.7%, other Christian 4%, Yezidi
    (monotheist with elements of nature worship) 1.3%

    Main languages: Armenian, Russian, Yezidi

    Living national icons: Hakob Meliq-Hakobian (Raffi) (writer, deceased),
    Vakhtang Darchinyan (boxing) Levon Aronian (chess)

    Armenia on a map. Source: Graphic Landscape and climate: Armenia is a
    landlocked, highland country with peaks rising to 4,000 metres, swift
    rivers and little forest. At about 1,900 metres above sea level, Lake
    Sevan is one of the largest high-altitude lakes in the world. Climate
    is continental with hot, dry summers, cold winters and overall low

    Highest point: Mount Aragats 4,090 metres

    Area covered by water: 498 square miles

    Healthcare and disease: Maternal and child healthcare have improved,
    but general mortality rates have risen alarmingly since the fall of the
    Soviet Union. TB is a scourge and tobacco consumption is increasing,
    with nearly 70% of men in the 24-65 age group smoking. Unofficial
    payments, including bribes, account for almost two-thirds of health

    Average life expectancy (m/f): 68/75

    Average number of children per mother: 1.3

    Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births: 76

    Infant deaths per 1,000 births: 24

    Adults HIV/Aids rate: 0.1%

    Doctors per 1,000 head of population: 3.7

    Adult literacy rate: 99.5% (m 99.7%/f 99.3%)

    Economic outlook: Remittances from Armenia's large worldwide diaspora
    have shrunk in the global economic downturn. The country will be
    relying heavily on its close ties with Russia, which invested £1.3bn
    last year.

    Main industries: Diamond-processing, machinery, car components,
    fabrics, chemical, food processing, brandy

    Key crops/livestock: Fruit, primarily grapes, potatoes, vegetables,

    Key exports: Pearls, precious stones and metals, prepared foodstuffs,
    beverages, tobacco, mineral products, textiles

    GDP: £3,262m (117th)

    GDP per head: £1,084

    Unemployment rate: 8.2%

    Proportion of global carbon emissions: 0.04%

    Most popular tourist attractions: Unesco world heritage listed Haghpat
    and Sanahin monasteries, lake Sevan

    Local recommendation: Tatev monastery, situated on a rock bluff on the
    edge of Vorotan canyon near Armenia's border with Iran. Its churches
    date to the 9th century and were once home to 600 monks

    Traditional dish: Harissa (chicken and wheat porridge) and Lavash (flat

    Foreign tourist visitors per year: 318,563

    Media freedom index (ranked out of 173): 102

    Did you know ... Armenia claims to be "motherland of the apricot", and
    its apricots are considered to be the best in the world.

    National anthem:
    Death is everywhere the same
    Man is born just once to die
    But blest is he who gives his life
    To defend his nation's freedom
    But blest is he who gives his life
    To defend his nation's freedom

    Information correct on date of first publication, Saturday 18 April 2009.