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Country profile: Turkey

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  • Country profile: Turkey

    Country profile: Turkey

    Story from BBC NEWS: /country_profiles/1022222.stm

    Published: 2009/03/05 16:25:12 GMT

    Once the centre of the Ottoman Empire, the modern secular republic was
    established in the 1920s by nationalist leader Kemal Ataturk.

    Straddling the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey's strategic
    location has given it major influence in the region - and control over
    the entrance to the Black Sea.

    After years of mounting difficulties which brought the country close to
    economic collapse, a tough recovery programme was agreed with the IMF
    in 2002. Since then, Turkey has seen impressive progress. Economic
    growth has been strong and inflation has fallen dramatically. However,
    huge foreign debt remains a major burden.

    Turkey's powerful military - which sees itself as the guardian of the
    secular system - has a long history of involvement in politics.
    In recent years, as Ankara has set its sights firmly on European Union
    membership, the profile of the military has been lower in public life.

    However, the military questioned the government's commitment to
    secularism in the run-up to presidential elections in 2007, amid a
    stand-off between the Islamist-rooted administration and secularists.
    The army warned that it would defend Turkey's secular system.

    The latest step in the stand-off with the secularists came in March
    2008, when the Constitutional Court only narrowly rejected a petition
    by the chief prosecutor to ban the governing Justice and Development
    Party and 71 of its officials, including President Abdullah Gul and
    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for allegedly seeking to establish
    an Islamic state.

    Turkey has long been at odds with its close neighbour, Greece, over
    territorial disputes in the Aegean and the divided island of Cyprus.

    It became an EU candidate country in 1999 and, in line with EU
    requirements, went on to introduce substantial human rights and
    economic reforms. The death penalty was abolished, tougher measures
    were brought in against torture and the penal code was overhauled.

    Reforms were introduced in the areas of women's rights and Kurdish
    culture, language, education and broadcasting. Women's rights activists
    have said the reforms do not go far enough and have accused the
    government of lacking full commitment to equality and acting only under
    EU pressure.

    After intense bargaining, EU membership talks were launched in October
    2005. Accession negotiations are expected to take about 10 years. So
    far, the going has not been easy.

    The breakthrough came just weeks after Turkey agreed to recognise
    Cyprus as an EU member and despite unfavourable comment over its
    declaration that this was not tantamount to full diplomatic

    Turkey is home to a sizeable Kurdish minority, which by some estimates
    constitutes up to a fifth of the population. However, they complain
    that the government has tried to destroy their Kurdish identity and
    that they suffer economic disadvantage and human rights violations.

    The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), the best known and most radical of
    the Kurdish movements, launched a guerilla campaign in 1984 for an
    ethnic homeland in the predominantly Kurdish southeast. Thousands died
    and hundreds of thousands became refugees in the conflict between the
    PKK and the army in the 1980s and 1990s.

    The past few years have seen an upsurge in rebel attacks, which had
    subsided after the 1999 capture of the group's leader, Abdullah Ocalan.
    The PKK is considered a terrorist group in Turkey, the US and the
    European Union.

    Full name: Republic of Turkey
    Population: 75.8 million (UN, 2008)
    Capital: Ankara
    Largest city: Istanbul
    Area: 779,452 sq km (300,948 sq miles)
    Major language: Turkish
    Major religion: Islam
    Life expectancy: 69 years (men), 74 years (women) (UN)
    Monetary unit: Turkish lira
    Main exports: Clothing and textiles, fruit and vegetables, iron and
    steel, motor vehicles and machinery, fuels and oils
    GNI per capita: US $8,020 (World Bank, 2007)
    Internet domain: .tr
    International dialling code: +90

    President: Abdullah Gul

    Abdullah Gul was chosen as president by parliament in August 2007,
    after months of controversy over his nomination. He is Turkey's first
    head of state with a background in political Islam in a country with
    strong secularist principles.

    The months leading to his eventual election saw street demonstrations,
    an opposition boycott of parliament, early parliamentary elections and
    warnings from the army, which has ousted four governments since 1960.
    Turkish secularists, including army generals, opposed Gul's nomination,
    fearing he will try to undermine Turkey's strict separation of state
    and religion. Secularists also do not want Turkey's First Lady to wear
    the Muslim headscarf.

    The army top brass and the main opposition Republican People's Party,
    stayed away from Mr Gul's swearing-in ceremony.

    Mr Gul started in politics in an Islamist party that was banned by the
    courts, but later renounced the idea that Islam should be a driving
    force in politics. In 2001, along with other moderate members of the
    Islamist movement, he founded the Justice and Development Party (AK
    Party) and distanced himself from his past political leanings.

    The party won elections in 2002 and Mr Gul served as stand-in prime
    minister before stepping aside for Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Mr Gul served
    as foreign minister under Mr Erdogan and cultivated an image as a
    moderate politician, acting as an impassioned voice for reforms to
    promote Turkey's EU bid.

    The government holds most power but the president can veto laws,
    appoint officials, and name judges. The post carries moral weight as it
    was first held by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Father of Turks), who ushered
    in secularism and Western-style reforms in the 1920s.

    Voters in a referendum in October 2007 backed plans to have future
    presidents elected by the people instead of by parliament.

    Prime minister : Recep Tayyip Erdogan

    Tayyip Erdogan, who became premier in March 2003, led his Justice and
    Development Party (AK Party) to victory in the July 2007 elections.

    Erdogan called the poll early after the army-backed secular elite
    blocked his choice of an ex-Islamist ally as the next president.
    The AK Party boosted its share of the vote in the 2007 parliamentary
    elections to 47% despite opposition efforts to portray his pro-business
    party, which has Islamist roots, as a Trojan horse set to turn Turkey
    into an Iran-style theocracy.

    Mr Erdogan first became prime minister several months after his party's
    landslide election victory in November 2002.

    He had been barred from standing in the poll because of a previous
    criminal conviction for reading an Islamist poem at a political rally.
    Changes to the constitution paved the way for him to run for parliament
    in 2003.

    He identified EU entry as a top priority and introduced reforms which
    paved the way for the opening of membership talks in October 2005.

    Although the AK has Islamist roots, he insists that it is committed to
    a secular state. From a lowly background, Mr Erdogan worked as a street
    seller to help pay for an education. He attended Koranic school before
    studying economics at university.

    As mayor of Istanbul in the mid 1990s he banned alcohol in municipal
    buildings and won popularity for improving services.

    Turkey's airwaves are lively, with some 300 private TV stations - more
    than a dozen of them with national coverage - and more than 1,000
    private radio stations competing with the state broadcaster, TRT.

    Powerful businesses operate many of the press and broadcasting outlets;
    they include the Dogan group, the leading media conglomerate.

    For journalists, the subjects of the military, Kurds and political
    Islam are highly sensitive and can lead to arrest and criminal
    prosecution. Media watchdogs and rights groups report that journalists
    have been imprisoned, or attacked by police. It is also common for
    radio and TV stations to have their broadcasts suspended for airing
    sensitive material.

    Some of the most repressive sanctions against journalists have been
    lifted as part of reforms intended to meet EU entry requirements. But
    the Paris-based watchdog Reporters Without Borders noted in 2006 that
    journalists were "still at the mercy of arbitrary court decisions".

    An article in the penal code makes it a crime to insult Turkish
    national identity. It has been used to prosecute journalists and

    Kurdish-language broadcasts, banned for many years, were introduced by
    the state broadcaster in June 2004 as a part of reforms intended to
    meet EU criteria on minorities. Some overseas-based Kurdish TV channels
    broadcast via satellite.

    The press

    Hurriyet - mass-circulation daily
    Milliyet - mass-circulation daily
    Cumhuriyet - left-wing daily
    Turkish Daily News - English-language
    The New Anatolian - English-language
    Today's Zaman - English-language version of daily
    Yeni Asir - daily
    Sabah - daily, English-language pages


    Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) - state broadcaster, operates four
    national networks
    Star TV - private, the first station to break state TV's monopoly
    Show TV - private, widely-watched network
    Kanal D - private, widely-watched network
    ATV - private
    TGRT - private
    NTV - private
    CNN Turk - Turkish offshoot of well-known news channel


    Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) - state broadcaster, services
    include cultural/educational network TRT 1, popular music network TRT 3
    and Turkish folk/classical music station TRT 4
    Kral FM - popular private network
    Super FM - popular private network

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress