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Country profile: Russia

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  • Country profile: Russia

    Country profile: Russia

    Story from BBC NEWS: /country_profiles/1102275.stm

    Published: 2009/04/16 10:52:29 GMT

    Russia is once again flexing its muscles as an international power,
    after the decade of economic pain and political instability that
    followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

    A new political order is in place and the economy has recovered and
    grown since the collapse of 1998, fuelled by income from Russia's vast
    natural resources, not least in oil and gas. The state-run gas monopoly
    Gazprom is the world's largest producer and exporter, and supplies a
    growing share of Europe's needs.

    Spanning 11 time zones, Russia is the largest country on earth in terms
    of surface area, although large tracts in the north and east are
    inhospitable and sparsely populated.

    The country impresses with its diversity and size. This vast Eurasian
    land mass covers more than 17m sq km, with a climate ranging from the
    Arctic north to the generally temperate south.

    In the privatisation years of the 1990s Russia provided entrepreneurs
    with the potential for rich pickings. A small number of them, often
    referred to as oligarchs, acquired vast interests in the energy and
    media sectors.

    Some analysts believed that the then president, Boris Yeltsin, allowed
    their influence to extend too far into the political field but his
    successor, Vladimir Putin, soon made it clear that there was no
    question of that with him in charge.

    Some oligarchs found themselves facing criminal investigation and one
    or two household names felt it necessary to leave Russia.

    One of them, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former head of the Yukos oil
    company, is now serving eight years in a Siberian penal colony having
    been convicted on tax and fraud charges.

    He had not confined his activities to business but had let his support
    for liberal politics be known. Yukos's assets were later acquired by
    the state owned oil giant, Rosneft.

    Russia resurgent

    During Vladimir Putin's presidency, Russia recovered from the loss of
    confidence that had affected the country since the break-up of the
    Soviet Union and acquired a renewed sense of national pride, bolstered
    by a booming economy and an assertive foreign policy.

    In keeping with Russia's sense of itself as a major world power, it has
    not been slow to take action when it perceives its interests to be at
    threat, even when such action appears to place it on a collision course
    with the West.

    Moves by states that previously formed part of the Soviet Union to
    forge stronger links with the US and the EU have been regarded with
    dismay by the Kremlin, which has responded by encouraging separatist
    tendencies within those countries.

    In August 2008, a protracted row over two Georgian breakaway regions
    escalated into a military conflict between Russia and Georgia. Russia
    sent troops into Georgia and declared that it was recognising the
    independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, sparking angry reactions in
    the West and giving rise to fears that a new Cold War was under way.

    At the same time, Moscow was angered by a US plan to develop an
    anti-missile system in Eastern Europe, and said it may respond by
    pointing its own missiles at the defence shield installations.

    Another source of irritation between Russia and the US is Moscow's role
    in Iran's nuclear energy programme. Russia agreed in 2005 to supply
    fuel for Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor and has been reluctant to
    support the imposition of UN sanctions on Iran.

    Russia's economic power lies in its key natural resources - oil and
    gas. The energy giant Gazprom is controversially close to the Russian
    state and critics say it is little more than an economic and political
    tool of the Kremlin.

    At a time of increased concern over energy security, Moscow has more
    than once reminded the rest of the world of the power it wields as a
    major energy supplier. In 2006, it cut gas to Ukraine after a row
    between the countries, a move that also affected the supply of gas to
    Western Europe

    Ethnic and religious divisions

    While Russians make up more than 80% of the population and Orthodox
    Christianity is the main religion, there are many other ethnic and
    religious groups. Muslims are concentrated among the Volga Tatars and
    the Bashkirs and in the North Caucasus.

    The turbulent southern republic of Chechnya has long been a thorn in
    Russia's side. Many thousands have died since Russian troops were first
    sent in to put down a separatist rebellion in 1994.

    Moscow is convinced that any loosening of its grip on Chechnya would
    result in the whole of the North Caucasus becoming a hotbed of
    lawlessness and Islamic militancy, and to prevent this from happening
    it maintains large numbers of troops there.

    Russian forces in Chechnya have been accused by human rights groups of
    committing widespread abuses against the general population. However,
    the Kremlin faced less criticism from the West over its actions in
    Chechnya in the aftermath of the 11 September attacks on the US.

    Since then, Moscow has presented its war against Chechen separatism as
    part of the global war against international terrorism. It insists that
    its hard-line policies there are working and that peace is returning.

    In fact, in 2009 the Russian authorities felt sufficiently confident
    about the situation in Chechnya to call a formal end to the military
    operation against the rebels.

    Full name: Russian Federation
    Population: 142.8 million (UN, 2008)
    Capital: Moscow
    Area: 17 million sq km (6.6 million sq miles)
    Major language: Russian
    Major religions: Christianity, Islam
    Life expectancy: 59 years (men), 73 years (women) (UN)
    Monetary unit: 1 rouble = 100 kopecks
    Main exports: Oil and oil products, natural gas, wood and wood
    products, metals, chemicals, weapons and military equipment
    GNI per capita: US $7,560 (World Bank, 2007)
    Internet domain: .ru
    International dialling code: +7

    President: Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev

    Dmitry Medvedev was sworn in as president in May 2008, taking office as
    Russia's third president since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    The chosen successor of former president Vladimir Putin, Mr Medvedev
    won just over 70% of the vote in presidential elections held in March.

    He conducted a fairly low-key campaign, but received generous media
    coverage and was always the clear favourite to win.

    As his victory became clear he said that he hoped to work with Mr Putin
    as his prime minister to improve the quality of life for Russians.

    He also said there would be little change in Russia's foreign policy.
    In August 2008, he showed that he was determined to maintain the
    assertive stance set by his mentor when, in the wake of the conflict
    between Russia and Georgia, he declared that Russia did not want a new
    Cold War but was not afraid of one either.

    However, a more liberal side has also been evident. In April 2009, he
    said in an interview with one of the last media outlets critical of the
    Kremlin, the Novaya Gazeta daily, that democracy should not be
    compromised for the sake of prosperity.

    Dmitriy Medvedev is 42 and has been associated with Vladimir Putin
    since the early 1990s when they were both involved in politics in St

    Mr Medvedev is a lawyer by training and managed Mr Putin's presidential
    election campaign in 2000.

    He subsequently worked as chairman of Gazprom and as first deputy prime
    minister in charge of social programmes.

    Prime Minister: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    Former president Vladimir Putin was confirmed as Russia's new prime
    minister on 8 May 2008, one day after his protege Dmitry Medvedev was
    sworn in as president.

    Mr Putin's unprecedented move from the Kremlin to the premiership
    completed a carefully staged transition which will ensure he remains at
    the heart of power.

    As prime minister, he has promised to curb inflation, cut taxes and
    boost social spending. Mr Medvedev has said his political mentor will
    play a "key role" in shaping the country's development over the next

    Mr Putin was barred by the constitution from running for a third
    presidential term in the elections of March 2008.

    He was elected to a second term as Russian president by a landslide in
    March 2004 with around 70% of the vote. His nearest rival, the
    Communist candidate, mustered 14%.

    Vladimir Putin, who was born in St Petersburg in 1952, started his
    career in the ranks of the KGB. From 1990 he worked in the St
    Petersburg administration, before moving to Moscow in 1996. By August
    1999 he was prime minister.

    He was named acting president by his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, who
    introduced him as the man who could "unite around himself those who
    will revive Great Russia".

    He went on to win presidential elections in May 2000, having gained
    widespread popularity for his pledge to take a tough line against
    Chechen rebels.

    Russian TV broadcasting is dominated by channels that are either run
    directly by the state or owned by companies with close links to the
    Kremlin. The government controls Channel One and Russia TV - two of the
    three main federal channels - while state-controlled energy giant
    Gazprom owns NTV. Critics say independent reporting has suffered as a

    For most Russians, television, especially via the national networks, is
    the main source of domestic and international news.

    The broadcasting market is very competitive; state-owned or influenced
    TV networks attract the biggest audiences. Hundreds of radio stations
    crowd the dial; state-run networks compete with music-based commercial
    FM stations.

    An English-language satellite channel, Russia Today, was launched in
    late 2005. The news-based station is funded by the Kremlin and aims to
    present "global news from a Russian perspective".

    There are more than 400 daily newspapers, catering for every taste and
    persuasion. The major nationals are based in Moscow, but many readers
    in the regions prefer to take local papers. Several influential dailies
    have been bought by companies with close links to the Kremlin.

    The conflict in Chechnya has been blamed for government attacks on
    press freedom. Journalists have been killed in Chechnya while others
    have disappeared or have been abducted.

    In Moscow and elsewhere journalists have been harassed or physically
    abused. Reporters investigating the affairs of the political and
    corporate elite are said to be particularly at risk.

    Media rights organisation Reporters Without Borders has expressed
    concern at "the absence of pluralism in news and information, an
    intensifying crackdown against journalists... and the drastic state of
    press freedom in Chechnya".

    Around 30 million Russians use the internet (Internet World Stats,

    The press

    Komsomolskaya Pravda - mass circulation, left-leaning daily, controlled
    by energy group YeSN
    Kommersant - daily, business-orientated, controlled by steel tycoon
    Alisher Usmanov
    Moskovsky Komsomolets - popular privately-owned Moscow daily
    Izvestia - popular daily, owned by state-run gas monopoly Gazprom
    Rossiyskaya Gazeta - government-owned daily
    Nezavisimaya Gazeta - influential privately-owned daily
    Trud - left-leaning daily, owned by Promsvyazbank
    Argumenty i Fakty - popular weekly, owned by Promsvyazbank
    Novaya Gazeta - twice-weekly, known for its investigative journalism;
    English-language pages
    The Moscow Times - English-language daily
    The Moscow News - English-language weekly

    Russia TV Channel - national network, run by state-owned Russian State
    Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK)
    Channel One - national network, 51% owned by state, 49% by private
    NTV - national network, owned by state-run Gazprom
    Centre TV - owned by Moscow city government
    Ren TV - Moscow-based commercial station with strong regional network
    Russia Today - state-funded, international English-language news
    channel, via satellite

    Radio Russia - national network run by state-owned Russian State
    Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK)
    Ekho Moskvy - editorially-independent station, majority owned by
    state-run Gazprom
    Radio Mayak - state-run national network
    Russkoye Radio - major private network, music-based
    Voice of Russia - state-run external service, broadcasts in English and
    other languages
    News agencies

    Itar-Tass - state-owned, pages in English
    RIA-Novosti - state-owned, pages in English
    Interfax - private, pages in English