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Country profile: Georgia

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  • Country profile: Georgia

    Country profile: Georgia

    Story from BBC NEWS: /country_profiles/1102477.stm

    Published: 2009/04/11 13:44:26 GMT

    Situated at the strategically important crossroads where Europe meets
    Asia, Georgia has a unique and ancient cultural heritage, famous
    traditions of hospitality and cuisine and an alphabet which is entirely
    its own.

    Over the centuries, Georgia was the object of rivalry between Persia,
    Turkey and Russia, before being eventually annexed by Russia in the
    19th century.

    Since emerging from the collapsing Soviet Union as an independent state
    in 1991, Georgia has again become the arena of conflicting interests,
    this time between the US and a revived Russia. Tense relations with
    Russia have been further exacerbated by Moscow's support for the
    separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    Georgia's previous, and rather brief, interlude of independence after
    the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia ended when it was invaded by
    the Soviet Red Army in 1921 and incorporated into the Soviet Union a
    year later.

    The US now has a major strategic interest in the country, having
    invested heavily in an oil pipeline from Azerbaijan via Georgia to
    Turkey. The Georgian armed forces have been receiving US training and

    Increasing US economic and political influence in the country has long
    been a source of concern for the Kremlin, as have Georgia's aspirations
    to join NATO and the EU.

    Tensions between Moscow and Tbilisi are never far from the surface and
    in August 2008 flared up into an armed conflict triggered by clashes
    between Georgian troops and South Ossetian separatist forces.

    Post-Soviet years

    Following the collapse of communism in the USSR in 1991, Georgians
    voted overwhelmingly for the restoration of independence and elected
    nationalist leader Zviad Gamsakhurdia as president. However,
    Gamsakhurdia was soon overthrown by opposition militias which in 1992
    installed former Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze as the
    country's new leader.

    During his 11 years in office, the Georgian people felt increasingly at
    the mercy of poverty, corruption and crime. He was ousted in November
    2003 following mass demonstrations over the conduct of parliamentary

    Once a relatively affluent part of the USSR, with independence Georgia
    lost the cheap energy to which it had access in the Soviet period. As
    relations between Georgia and Russia deteriorated, Moscow did not
    flinch from tightening the economic screws, and the rupturing of
    trading ties caused the Georgian economy to nose-dive.

    Georgia has been heavily dependent on Russia for its energy supply.
    Like some other republics of the former Soviet Union, it saw the price
    of gas supplied by the Russian gas giant Gazprom rise sharply in
    January 2006. Gazprom has since doubled the price again. It is no
    coincidence that20Georgia has started receiving an increasing proportion
    of its gas from Azerbaijan.

    Breakaway regions

    Since independence, the people of Georgia have endured periods of civil
    war and unrest as well as violence related to the independence
    aspirations of the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
    Both regions have close ties with Moscow, which in August 2008
    announced that it was formally recognising their independence.

    Russian peacekeepers have operated there since the early 1990s. They
    are regularly accused by Tbilisi of siding with the separatists. The
    Georgian parliament has demanded that the Russian peacekeepers in both
    regions be replaced by an international force. The UN operates a
    military observer mission alongside Russian peacekeepers in Abkhazia.

    Russia has had troops stationed in Georgia for over two centuries.
    After protracted discussions, it agreed in 2005 to withdraw from its
    two remaining bases, one in Ajaria and the other in southern Georgia,
    by the end of 2008. Their presence has been another source of tension
    between Tbilisi and the Kremlin.

    Full name: Georgia
    Population: 4.4 million (UN, 2008)
    Capital: Tbilisi
    Area: 69,700 sq km (26,911 sq miles)
    Major languages: Georgian, Russian
    Major religion: Christianity
    Life expectancy: 67 years (men), 75 years (women) (UN)
    Monetary unit: 1 lari = 100 tetri
    Main exports: Scrap metal, wine, fruit
    GNI per capita: US $2,120 (World Bank, 2007)
    Internet domain: .ge
    International dialling code: +995

    President: Mikhail Saakashvili

    Mikhail Saakashvili was elected president in January 2004, and won a
    second term in an early election in January 2008, called in response to
    opposition protests.

    In 2004, Mr Saakashvili led the ''Rose Revolution'' protests which
    forced his predecessor as president, Eduard Shevardnadze, to resign,
    riding a wave of popular anger at a parliamentary rigged election.

    He won an overwhelming majority in the subsequent presidential
    election, in what OSCE observers described as a "welcome contrast" to
    the parliamentary poll.

    Soon after that, Mr Saakashvili consolidated his position when his
    National Movement-Democratic Front won a resounding victory in
    parliamentary elections.

    He faced a major challenge towards the end of 2007 when a one-time
    ally, former defence minister Irakli Okruashvili, accused him of
    corruption and of plotting a murder.

    The accusations triggered a wave of protests. Mass demonstrations were
    held in Tbilisi demanding elections. The opposition accused him of
    being authoritarian and not doing enough to alleviate poverty.

    Mr Saakashvili sent in the riot police, imposed a state of emergency
    and alleged there was a hidden Russian hand in the unrest.

    He also brought forward presidential elections to 5 January 2008,
    proceeding to win an outright victory with more than 50% of the vote.

    Mr Saakashvili further consolidated his position when his party won a
    landslide victory in parliamentary elections in May 2008.

    And the outbreak of armed conflict with Russia in August 2008 led many
    Georgians who had previously accused Mr Saakashvili of exhibiting
    authoritarian tendencies to rally behind him.

    His long-term prospects are less certain, as in future Georgia is
    likely to be far worse off - both strategically and economically - as a
    result of the war.

    A protégé of Mr Shevardnadze early in his career, Mr Saakashvili grew
    disillusioned by widespread corruption in high places. He became
    justice minister in 2000 and launched a high-profile campaign against
    it, sparking a major public row with Mr Shevardnadze.

    On becoming president Mr Saakashvili vowed to restore Georgia's
    territorial integrity by returning the breakaway regions of Abkhazia
    and South Ossetia to the fold. Moscow's links with both have been a
    constant bone of contention.

    His ambition to take Georgia into Nato and the EU further soured
    relations with the Kremlin.

    Mr Saakashvili was born in Tbilisi in 1967. He trained as a lawyer in
    the US and other countries and became a member of the Georgian
    parliament in 1995. He speaks several languages, including fluent

    Prime Minister: Nikoloz "Nika" Gilauri

    A business manager and long-serving minister, Nika Gilauri became prime
    minister in February 2009. He succeeded Grigol Mgaloblishvili, who
    resigned on health grounds a
    fter only three months in office.

    Born in Tbilisi in 1975, Mr Gilauri studied business and finance in
    Ireland and the United States, and worked as a manager abroad and in

    He joined the government as energy minister in 2004, after the election
    of President Mikhail Saakashvili, and went on to negotiate major gas
    supply deals with Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey.

    He took over as finance minister in September 2007, combining the job
    with the newly-created post of first deputy prime minister in Mr
    Mgaloblishvili's government from November 2008.

    Mr Gilauri said that his priorities would be to tackle unemployment,
    further democracy and work to bring Abkhazia and South Ossetia under
    Georgian control. He repeated previous governments' commitment to
    Georgia's integration with NATO.

    His first major step was to dismiss Kakha Bendukidze, an entrepreneur
    who made a fortune in Russia in the 1990s and later spearheaded
    Georgia's privatisation drive, as head of the Georgian State

    Mr Bendukidze's role in the deregulation of the Georgian economy had
    made him a regular target of opposition criticism and had also brought
    him into conflict with Mr Gilauri.

    Television is the main source of news for most Georgians. There are
    dozens of cable TV operators and a handful of major commercial

    Private broadcasters compete for a share of the small, but growing,
    advertising market. Newspaper readership is generally low.

    A government-funded public broadcaster, Georgian Public Broadcasting,
    has replaced the former state radio and TV. The state has relinquished
    other media assets, including newspapers and a news agency.

    The constitution provides for freedom of speech, and journalists often
    criticize officials. A 2004 law decriminalized libel and slander.
    However, some journalists and international bodies say self-censorship
    is practised. There have been reports of physical attacks on
    journalists in the regions.

    In November 2007, Reporters Without Borders voiced "deep concern" about
    the suspension of news programmes on private TV stations under a state
    of emergency, as well as the closure of opposition-leaning Imedi TV,
    which remained off the air for five months.

    The press

    Sakartvelos Respublika (Republic of Georgia) - daily, former government
    24 Saati (24 Hours) - private daily, set up by Rustavi group
    Rezonansi (Resonance) - private, daily
    Alia (Repatriation) - private, thrice-weekly
    Akhali Versia (New Version) - private, thrice weekly
    Kvilis Palitra - private, weekly
    Georgian Times - English-language, weekly
    Georgia Today - English-language, weekly
    Georgian Messenger - English-language daily
    Svobodnaya Gruzia (Free Georgia) - Russian-language daily, formerly
    Archive of Georgian newspapers - in Georgian


    Georgian Public TV - operates two networks
    Rustavi-2 - major private network
    Imedi TV - private network
    Mze TV - major private network


    Georgian Public Radio - operates two networks
    Radio Imedi - private, national news and speech network
    Fortuna FM - private, music-based
    Mtsvane Talgha (Green Wave) - national network linked to
    non-governmental organisations

    News agencies/internet

    Prime-News - private, English-language pages
    Kavkasia-Press - private
    Civil Georgia - news site run by United Nations Association of Georgia