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They Conduct An Ordinary Life In Karabakh

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  • They Conduct An Ordinary Life In Karabakh


    12:45:42 - 20/04/2009

    The Nagorno-Karabakh topic became one of the central ones in the
    world politics. If Armenia and Azerbaijan come to an agreement in
    this connection a huge territory will be unblocked connecting Europe
    and Asia. Though, the Karabakhi residents are not asked any question
    in this connection by "the creators of their destiny".

    At the same time, life in Karabakh continues to its normal course. In
    greater part, due to the fact that they have little information on the
    negotiation process and the Karabakhi government assures the population
    that the conflict will not be settled without them anyway. "Let them
    come to an agreement, unless we put our "signature", no decision will
    be made", state the representatives of the ruling circles, although
    they understand that the question is a little different.

    So, the Karabakhi people care about the settlement less than the
    others. They deal with domestic questions, try to struggle against the
    crisis and even the corruption. Lately, the office of the prosecutor
    general was found out to have brought 11 criminal cases related to the
    corruption. And, on these days it was stated about a criminal case
    against an official of the military commissariat who took a bribe
    from a conscript. Some information came on a criminal case brought
    against the leadership of a Stepnakert branch of a major bank, who
    misappropriated hundreds of million drams.

    Questions on the demography are also actively discussed. The ministry
    of social security worked out a conception of demographic security
    which includes points both on the natural and the mechanical increase
    of the population.

    The measures for the natality promotion have been launched since 2008,
    serious financial assistance is provided for newly formed families
    and families with more than 3 children. But, the most important is
    that they decided to revise the point on the mechanical increase of
    the population. If, until today the repopulation was being conducted
    irregularly, so there has been worked out a state program which is
    being implemented in Shahumyan region. According to the program, people
    who decided to reside in Nagorno-Karabakh are allocated 1 million drams
    in the form of techniques, cattle, loans, contribution. The Social
    Security ministry of Nagorno-Karabakh discusses the applications
    arrived from Russia, Central Asia, Javakhk, Greece, and the regions
    of Armenia.

    Sure, there is some factor of risk which both the authors of the
    program and people waning to reside in Karabakh admit, but if you do
    not control your territory, someone else will take possession of it.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress