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What Russia Makes Secondary Hakob Badalyan

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  • What Russia Makes Secondary Hakob Badalyan


    11:39:54 - 20/04/2009

    Serge Sargsyan's visit to Moscow, which was scheduled for April
    23, proves the attempt of Russia's reactivation, which takes place
    after the try to "recharge" the U.S. relations with Russia. Some
    kind of situation seems to be shaped when Russia, after recharging,
    understood that it was just a step with which the U.S. took up the
    control of the Russia- U.S. competition including the Armenian and
    Turkish relations which is one of its fields or flats. Obama's visit
    to Turkey and the statements issued there revealed everything to
    Russia and the Russians realized that the real aim of the recharge
    was the "reburying", sure, in the sense of political role. Perhaps,
    the "attempt of resurrection", which Russia seems to be engaged in,
    is the surrounding itself by Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey.

    In this situation, Russia has 2 ways of controlling the situation
    and enhancing its role in this situation.

    Either, the Russians, in spite of the U.S., do everything possible
    to impede the Armenian and Turkish relations, unlike the post-August
    period when Russia in fact took up the process of the normalization
    of the Armenian and Turkish relations; or they get engaged in the
    settlement of the major obstacle in the Armenian and Turkish relations
    normalization-the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh. In other words, if
    the Russians "own" the settlement of the obstacle, so they enhance
    their role in the Armenian and Turkish relations.

    With which version we deal in particular will be seen in the nearest
    future. In other words, time will show whether Russia is trying to
    impede the opening of the Armenian and Turkish border or, as the
    U.S. gets exited about it, Russia attempts to keep the Armenian and
    Turkish process under its control by "governing" the Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue settlement. However, it seems to be obvious that in both
    of the cases the Russian policy seems to contradict the Armenian
    state interests just by the simple reason that in both of the case
    Azerbaijan becomes the ally of Russia. Perhaps, it is not accidental
    that the Russians first chose the president of Azerbaijan Aliyev to
    invite to Moscow from Armenia-Turkey-Azerbaijan trio and only after
    it the Armenian and Turkish representatives.

    Moreover, the speech of the Russian president Medvedev on the question
    that "there is some perspective of settlement and everything should be
    based on the international norms and the UN and OSCE documents first
    of all" proves that Russia perceives Azerbaijan as its ally. Moreover,
    Medvedev states that that the process should not be influenced by
    secondary "sometimes difficult factors". Very interesting to know what
    difficult factors means in particular the Russian president considering
    them secondary. The logic hints that the settlement supposes solutions
    for difficult questions, because easy questions in fact do not need
    any solution. Consequently, the most important is to settle the hard
    questions, because the easy ones may be solved by everyone even by
    Singapore. So, the hard questions which Medvedev notes, most likely
    are not secondary at all, moreover, the most difficult is considered
    to be the Nagorno-Karabakh issue settlement.

    Consequently, Russia seems to be evident to try to make this question
    a secondary one. Only the Armenian government is left show whether it
    will manage to make a right "selection" between the "main" questions
    on the Nagorno-Karabakh "secondary" issue or the loan of 500 million.