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Mikayel Danielyan - "It'S A Direct Assau

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  • Mikayel Danielyan - "It'S A Direct Assau

    Ararat Davtyan

    Feature Stories court society
    2009/04/20 | 19:11

    On April 17, Gagik Shamshyan was found guilty by the Kentron
    and Nork-Marash Court of First Instance for verbally assaulting
    and ignoring the directives of Judge Gagik Avetisyan on August 5,
    2008, during the court case of Smbat Ayvazyan. Gagik Shamshyan is a
    photo-journalist who works for the "Aravot" and "Chorrord Ishkhanutyun"

    The court found that the specific charge of showing "disrespect
    towards the court" on August 5, 2008, when Mr. Shamshyan failed to
    heed the directive of the judge to stop photographing the proceedings,
    had been proven.

    "At the beginning of the trial session Judge Gagik Avetisyan allowed
    the assembled reporters to tape record and photograph for five
    minutes. But Gagik Shamshyan failed to heed the directive. Moreover,
    he verbally abused the court and called presiding Judge Gagik Avetisyan
    a "cow" and a "dolt", his conduct disrupted court proceedings, and
    thus he removed from the courtroom on the orders of the judge,"
    noted Kentron and Nork-Marash Chief Court Officer Artur Pilosyan
    during his testimony during the preliminary investigation. The other
    court officers, Rafael Stepanyan, Shahen Ohanyan, and court secretary
    Hasmik Jalalyan, literally noted the same in their testimony as well.

    During the six month preliminary investigation of the case it was
    the testimony of these four individuals that lead to an indictment
    and the case going to a court trial.

    "Both the European Council and other authoritative bodies have urged
    our country on many occasions not to solely use the testimony of
    police officials. Now, the same has happened in this case. They've
    only taken the testimony of court officers and have created a criminal
    case," says attorney Hovik Arsenyan. Mr. Arsenyan was present when
    the incident took place, as an eye witness, and recounts what happened.

    "That day, upon entering the courtroom, Judge Gagik Avetisyan
    immediately told Gagik Shamshyan - don't photograph me. Shamshyan
    answered that he wasn't photographing but rather tape recording the
    judge. Perhaps not knowing that the equipment could also record and
    thinking that he was being ridiculed, the judge slapped a sanction
    on the reporter and ordered him to be removed.

    "They can check my video camera and see that I was only tape
    recording," adds Gagik Shamshyan and notes that a few days before the
    incident, also during the Smbad Ayvazyan trial, Judge Gagik Avetisyan
    also ordered him to be removed from the courtroom.

    "Judge Avetisyan really has it in for me because I have shots of him
    sleeping or picking his nose," says Shamshyan and says, "On that day
    I left the court voluntarily. But the second time, on the day of the
    incident in question, I refused to follow the judge's illegal directive
    and demanded a copy of the court sanction. But this only further
    enraged Avetisyan and the court officers fell on me and removed me by
    force. They illegally held me for about one to one and a half hours
    under the first floor stairs. Then Deputy Chief Arayik Petrosyan of
    the Kentron police department came and took me to the station by taxi."

    "This was a direct assault on freedom of speech. I can offer no other
    interpretation," states Mikayel Danielyan, President of Armenia's
    Helsinki Association. He was also in the courtroom on the day of the
    incident and stresses that he didn't hear Shamshyan utter any verbal
    abuse towards the court.

    Investigator Gayaneh Yeritsyan, the case investigator, took testimony
    from Mikayel Danielyan and a few other eye witness reporters during
    her preliminary examination. However, the only witnesses called during
    the trial were the court officers and the secretary.

    Mikayel Danielyan notes, "This was done so they could only record
    testimony conducive to the court. Those individuals who gave factual
    testimony during the pre-trial hearings or testimony that ran counter
    to their aims were never subpoenaed to testify."

    Prosecutor Levon Charkhifalakyan, who defended the indictment in
    court, refused to answer questions posed by "Hetq". Hovik Arsenyan,
    who defended the interests of Gagik Shamshyan, notes that in theory he
    can present a motion to have a criminal proceedings filed against Levon
    Charkhifalakyan since, "From a legal point of view there is no such
    right, to take a selective approach when it comes to witnesses. But
    my possibility to make a motion is theoretical because I'm realistic
    and will thus not present such a motion because such a situation in
    the Prosecutor General's Office is endemic, when, in the absence of
    the corpus delicti, the case is taken to trial. The objective of all
    this already falls outside the legal field."

    What's noteworthy is that in addition to the testimony of the court
    officer eye witnesses, the preliminary examining body sustained
    the charges against Shamshyan also based on the trial session tape
    recordings. These recordings are in the possession of the case but
    the insulting words "cow" and "dolt" to be heard in the tapes.

    During the trial Prosecutor Levon Charkhifalakyan presented a document
    according to which Gagik Shamshyan was, up until August 8, 2008, under
    the charge of the court and that his probation hadn't terminated;
    in other words up until the time he manifested "disrespect towards
    the court" (August 5, 2008).

    Let us remind readers that on July 16, 2007, the verdict against
    Shamshyan went into legal force, according to which he was found guilty
    of injuring one's dignity and blackmail. The sentence of imprisonment
    was conditionally never executed and one month's probation was
    substituted instead.

    "Prosecutor Charkhifalakyan was convinced during the trial that they
    weren't going to be able to prove that I called the judge a "cow" or
    "dolt". Furthermore, the tape recording of the court sessions also
    failed to prove this. Thus he resorted to other measures," stated
    Mr. Shamshyan in court. His defense lawyer called the "premeditated
    appearance" of this document to be a threat and pressure tactic.

    "Shamshyan, shut up and accept your guilt, otherwise we'll treat you
    more harshly because your punishment hadn't been served and that will
    be viewed as a punitive factor. This was their whole aim and it's a
    complete shame," commented Hovik Arsenyan.

    He filed a court motion and requested that the court call in other
    witnesses "that were present at the August 5th trial of Smbad Ayvazyan
    and who, by their testimony, would give the court the opportunity to
    conduct a well-rounded examination and arrive at the actual truth of
    the matter."

    However, Judge Armen Khachatryan overturned the motion, arguing that
    the defense never supplied the court with the addresses of these
    individuals and thus deprived the court of the possibility of sending
    them subpoenas to appear.

    Gagik Shamshyan motioned the court to call Judge Gagik Avetisyan in
    as a witness "since he is at the center of this case and that I'm
    supposed to have insulted him."

    Judge Khachatryan stated, "You should have also included the name of
    Gagik Avetisyan in your motion. Since you failed to do so, the court
    will not review the matter, as an untimely intervention."

    Defense lawyer Hovik Arsenyan commented, "The judges are in a tag-team
    race to see who will break more laws and violate justice. This is a
    huge tragedy when there are eye witnesses and we motion for them to
    be questioned but they illegally refuse to do so even when we state
    that we are able to call them in."

    During the prosecution's statement Prosecutor Levon Charkhifalakyan
    motioned the court to fine Shamshyan no less than five hundred times
    his salary

    Gagik Shamshyan comments that, ""This was the greatest surprise of
    the entire trial for me. I really believed that before the elections
    they'd send me on extended vacation for at least three months. The
    regime would have gotten rid of me and I from them."

    "It is not enough that fabricated charges are being used to carry
    out a criminal prosecution but that they also have the nerve to
    file a motion regarding imprisonment as a penalty," said defense
    attorney Hovik Arsenyan, adding that, "The incident took place in my
    presence. It now comes down to the fact that I shouldn't believe in
    what I saw. In the name of the Republic of Armenia are convincing me
    that the kettle is black."

    "Prosecutor Charkhifalakyan believes that the preliminary investigative
    body gave an accurate assessment and that it has been proven that
    I called Judge Gagik Avetisyan a "cow" and a "dolt". I find it
    incomprehensible that the prosecutor doesn't view the conclusion given
    by the panel of experts (regarding the playback of the court tapes
    of that day) which disprove these ridiculous charges. Is the panel
    lying? If so, why do taxpayer monies continue to fund the operation
    of such an institution?" asks Mr. Shamshyan

    In his statement for the defense, Hovik Arsenyan noted that it was
    necessary to halt "the false and illegal criminal persecution of
    the reporter". Shamshyan joined the motion and refused to make any
    closing statement in his own defense.

    In a statement to the court Mr. Shamshyan noted, "All I wish to
    say is that I carried out my professional duties and that Judge
    Gagik Avetisyan not only hindered my work but the work of all the
    assembled reporters at the trial." He went on to state that due to
    the machinations of Judge Avetisyan many other similar incidents have
    taken place and that as a result of these intrigues those in charge
    of the courts give false testimony."

    "I would like to quote from the great philosopher Chesterfield who
    stated that the last refuge of fools and cowards rests in falsehood
    and perfidy."

    On April 17, Judge Armen Khachatryan handed down his sentence in the
    case, "Gagik Shamshyan is found guilty of the charges and fined for an
    amount 350 times his minimum salary". Mr. Shamshyan said, "I'd rather
    see the money go to fund child orphanages. I am not ready to pay a
    fine for something I didn't to, even if it's just one dram. Thus,
    we'll appeal the verdict."

    The reporter stated that if the Court of Appeals doesn't overrule
    the verdict he will definitely take the case to the European Court
    of Human Rights.