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Aliyev Eyes Lachin As Erdogan Says No Deal Without Karabakh

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  • Aliyev Eyes Lachin As Erdogan Says No Deal Without Karabakh


    Asbarez showarticle=41651_4/20/2009_1
    Monday, April 20, 2009

    Following meetings with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev,
    Azeri President Ilham Aliyev on Saturday told the Russian state-run
    television that while he understood the importance of a land link
    between Armenia and Nagrono-Karabakh, he envisioned the Lachin corridor
    to become a crossing path for both Armenians and Azeris alike following
    the final resolution of the conflict.

    Meanwhile in Turkey, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated
    that without a resolution to the Karabakh conflict there would be no
    deal on the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border, effectively telling
    his constituency to not hold their breath for an immediate solution.

    Lachin, or Kashatagh as it is known in Armenian, is a vital and
    strategic area and serves as a main link between Armenia and
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. In fact, one of the first projects
    that the Armenia Fund undertook and successfully completed was the
    construction of Lachin corridor--a highway connecting Armenia to
    Stepanakert via Lachin.

    Aliyev also demanded that all liberated territories be "returned"
    to Azerbaijan and outlined that Lachin would serve as transport route
    for the eventual return of Azeris formerly living in Karabakh-proper.

    "Azerbaijan's position on Nagorno-Karabakh reflects both the security
    of the people who live there now and will live there in the future,
    as well as issues of Nagorno-Karabakh's local administration and
    restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity," Aliyev said in the
    interview, hinting that the any decision on the status of the Karabakh
    could be postponed indefinitely, until the so-called withdrawal of
    "Armenian forces" from the liberated territories.

    Through various announcements, statements and leaks, it has become
    evident that Aliyev's announcements this weekend are a reiteration
    of the so-called Madrid Principles on which the OSCE Minsk Group is
    leading the conflict-resolution process, and pressure is mounting
    on Armenia to quickly adhere to these principles and move forward to
    ensure that a blueprint for regional stability that will make Armenia
    more vulnerable is adopted.

    There are various problems to this harried effort to reach a deal,
    not the least of which is the conflict between the principles
    of territorial integrity and the right to self-determination
    of peoples. While Aliyev clearly is pushing for a return of the
    administrative borders of the former Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous
    oblast as defined by the Soviets, the population of Karabakh has
    made it clear, through a popular referendum, that Karabakh's borders
    include the liberated territories. Furthermore, the Soviet borders
    also include the Shahumian region, which was the scene of brutal
    Azeri attacks and mass deportation of Armenians.

    The new vigor that, once again, has placed Karabakh center-stage
    of the region and the sense of urgency with which the two
    issues--Turkish-Armenia border and Karabakh--are being forced down
    everyone's throat, leave room for irreparable damage and mistakes.

    Armenian officials have reiterated their position of no preconditions
    for the Turkey talks and, on numerous occasions, have advocated the
    right to self-determination of the people of Karabakh, but it is
    time for them to veer away from rhetorical statements and present a
    comprehensive plan that would clearly delineate what we, as Armenians,
    will gain in the event of a deal on both fronts.

    With Azerbaijan's vocal and often confrontational approach to the
    Karabakh issue, it is also time for a more urgent push to bring
    Karabakh to the negotiating table, as this critical void in the peace
    process could become the key for lasting peace in the region.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress