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Romania's Actions Reveal True Colors Of "The Eastern Partnership"

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  • Romania's Actions Reveal True Colors Of "The Eastern Partnership"

    Ð~^rbis Terrarum

    The European Union officers in Brussels announced the 7th of May as
    a momentous day not only for the European Union but for the whole our
    continent. They did it in advance looking forward to the inauguration
    of "the Eastern partnership" which is to be held in Prague on this very
    day. The Eastern partnership program implies financial assistance to
    six countries of the former Soviet Union (Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Moldova and Belarus) as well as liberalizing visa regimes
    for the countries' citizens.

    Amid the current economic problems and the EU's failing to work out
    sound principles for itself this program is another option for the EU
    to prove its competence (while the prospects of adopting the Lisbon
    agreement are still vague). But "the Eastern partnership" has more
    serious intentions. It is an attempt of the Western world to change
    the existing geopolitical situation on the territory of the former
    Soviet Union by spreading its financial and diplomatic control over
    six states of the CIS and forcing Russia out of this area.

    How efficient these financial assistance to the East European
    countries will be - this question is quite interesting and of course
    controversial. Considering hot disputes around the financing of
    the EU's "sacred cow" - the Nabucco gas pipeline project - it seems
    unlikely that European tax payers would be happy to spend hundred
    millions euro on supporting Ukraine with its permanent political
    crisis or Georgia preparing for its military revanche.

    However the EU has already started to take some of its measures
    in Moldova.

    The EU's position in connection with the recent dramatic events in this
    republic, which is neighboring Romania, is very illustrative. It shows
    how cynical the EU and its country-members can be when it comes to
    the introduction of the Eastern partnership, where the CIS countries
    are destined to play the role younger brothers" and be the objects
    of ethno-political assimilation and other geopolitical experiments.

    They expected Romania to explain its intervention into the internal
    affairs of Moldova and Romanian president Traian Basescu gave his
    explanations and did it even in accordance with the rules of drama
    acting - he was speaking from the scaffold in the national parliament,
    in a live television broadcast, while the chronicle of rallies and
    disorder in Chisinau (Moldova's capital) was shown on the background.

    The picture was intended to form the public opinion that Moldova's
    president Vladimir Voronin and his government are trying to suppress
    the rightful fight of Romanian nationals in Moldova for freedom and
    happy future as part of Romania and the EU.

    The speech of Romanian president Traian Basescu deserves memorizing
    alongside with the famous Fulton speech of British prime-minister
    Winston Churchill or the words of US president Ronald Reagan, who
    called USSR "the Evil Empire".

    "When Moldova is in trouble we cannot stand on the sidelines. Romania
    and Moldova share the same history, culture, language, they were
    as one before the fascist Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact separated them",
    with these pathetic words he started his speech on the situation in
    Moldova. Reminding that his country observes the UN Statute and the
    final act of Helsinki agreement, the Romanian leader promised that his
    country would "provide help to all citizens of Moldova, who needed it".

    The first step is making urgent amendments in the law
    on citizenship. According to Basescu, Moldova citizens are the
    descendants of those who lived on this territory before 1940 (when
    Moldova was part of Romania) have the right to get the citizenship of
    Romania. "Everyone who has the right to get the Romanian citizenship
    should really have such opportunity. These residents on the left bank
    of the Prut river should be under protection of Romania and the EU".

    The Romanian president rapidly condemned the acts of violence and
    destruction was surprised with the fact that the Moldovan police
    which was obliged to prevent such acts did not secure the state
    institutions' buildings and let the demonstrators in. But it is also
    easy to imagine how more emotional the speech of Basescu would be if
    the Moldova's authorities had used the whole arsenal of their means
    against the demonstrators. Anyway even what happened was enough for
    the Romanian leader to accuse Chisinau authorities of violation of
    human rights and freedom of speech. "I call for the establishment of
    the commission under the sponsorship of the European organizations
    to investigate the events in Moldova", Basescu said.

    The accents in the message of the Romanian president were put very
    clearly which is quite surprising. At the parliamentary elections held
    on April 5 almost 50% of voters in Moldova voted for the Communist
    party of Vladimir Voronin, which in fact marked the triumph of
    totalitarianism. "The young should know that future belongs to them and
    totalitarian communistic regime belongs to the past. It is a matter
    for regret that Moldova's authorities are pulling the country back
    to the Soviet past", stated president Basescu and openly supported
    the participants of Chisinau rallies. He said his country would not
    agree with the fact that "the Romanians on the other bank of the Prut
    river are being humiliated fighting against the hostile regime".

    The intention of the Moldova government to introduce visa regime for
    Romania, which was sending its people to support the demonstrators,
    was called "the creation of the new Iron Curtain between the banks of
    the Prut river". However Moldavians still have to get visa to go to
    Romania. It is when Romania is acting as "a free-of-charge advocate
    for Moldova's entering the EU", according to Basescu.

    It is enough for quotations. The dramatic events in Moldova on April
    6-8 became the first test for the Eastern partnership in terms of
    the EU's readiness to provide real help to its partners. This test
    reveals the true colors p.

    The intervention into domestic affairs of the sovereign country,
    which citizens reject their right for democratic choice, labeling,
    approval and even support off acts of violence and all this for
    the sight of participants of these rallies with the EU flags -
    these were the methods the EU (the statements of the EU officers
    were similar to the statements of Basescu) plans to promote its
    interests on the Post Soviet territories. Is Russia ready to oppose
    this policy? Up-to-date Russia's position on the territory of the CIS'
    countries (namely in Russian geopolitical area) has not been active,
    fundamental and consistent.