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Azerbaijani History Institute To Enhance Anti-Armenian Propaganda

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  • Azerbaijani History Institute To Enhance Anti-Armenian Propaganda


    2009-04-21 15:32:00

    ArmInfo. President of Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences Mahmud
    Karimov offers enhancing the activity of Azerbaijani scientists
    against 'the Armenian propaganda on a world scale'. The scientist
    made such equivocal statement in an interview with APA. 'It needs to
    be more active in this field. The Institute of History holds large
    campaign via Internet. The Human Rights Institute and the Institute
    of Philosophy and Political-Legal Researches are also active'.

    As a bright example of 'the efficient activity' of the Institute,
    Kerimov mentioned the researches of 26 Baku Commissars. 'The
    researches are going on. The Institute of History will publish
    soon several articles on this issue. Very interesting facts,
    telegrams and correspondences were found. A TV program is prepared
    about the researches. I don't make detailed reports on this', he
    said. Kerimov's another striking statement was connected with the
    graves of the Commissars. ' It's exact that Shaumyan's body was not
    in Sahil Park mass grave. Two others have not been identified yet',
    he said. The situation with the so-called "mass grave in Guba" once
    more proves 'the true' finds of Azerbaijani historians. Last year
    Azerbaijani archaeologists "found mass grave of innocent victims"
    allegedly killed by Armenians. This allowed them20organizing rather
    large-scale PR-campaign via Internet.

    'The results of Academy's work related to the mass grave in Guba
    are also under the threat. The last year torrents removed one of
    undermines. The Academy asked relevant organizations to build museum
    in the mass grave area. The Academy resolved all issues depended on it.

    Unfortunately there is still no museum in the mass grave are we
    found. It will be better to take measures to save the mass grave.

    Even I am proposing to launch a criminal case on the facts found
    there. The issue should be investigated more deeply and be evaluated',
    Kerimov said. One can draw a conclusion from the aforementioned that
    it is possible to 'find' anything and blame anyone for "crimes"
    and then let the 'find' be removed by a natural calamity. A good
    opportunity for a groundless PR-campaign!