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Heritage Party Youth Members' Letter to President Obama

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  • Heritage Party Youth Members' Letter to President Obama

    The Heritage Party
    31 Moscovian Street
    Yerevan, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 53.69.13
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 53.26.97
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    21 April 2009

    Yerevan--Approximately seventy young members and supporters of the Heritage
    Party today held a public march in Yerevan. Despite the unsubstantiated
    impediments by the police force--as, in accordance with the initial
    arrangement, the number of the procession's participants had not exceeded
    one hundred and, therefore, there were no legal grounds for informing Town
    Hall, due to the limited nature of the event--the event started from the
    park adjacent to the statue of the renowned painter Martiros Sarian and its
    final destination was the Embassy of the United States. Throughout the
    march, the participants held in their hands the national flag of Armenia,
    Heritage's banners, and placards representing the state flags of the
    twenty-one countries which formally have recognized the 1915-1923 Genocide
    of the Armenians. Upon arrival at the US Embassy, the young marchers
    delivered to Stephen Banks, Head of the Embassy's Political/Economic
    Section, their message addressed to the newly elected US President, Barack
    Hussein Obama. In the message, the participants urge the President to
    officially acknowledge not only the Genocide of the Armenian people, but
    also the great dispossession of their homeland. The aforesaid message is
    presented below.

    Founded in 2002, Heritage has regional divisions throughout the country. Its
    central office is located at 31 Moscovian Street, Yerevan 0002, Armenia,
    with telephone contact at (374-10) 536.913, fax at (374-10) 532.697, email
    at [email protected] or [email protected], and website at

    21 April 2009

    President Barack Hussein Obama II
    Washington DC, United States of America

    Dear Mr. President:

    We, the young members of the Heritage Party of Armenia, are extremely
    enthusiastic over your recent election to the office of the President of the
    United States of America. We are full of hope that your selection to this
    post will bring a new impetus to the progress--including the protection of
    human rights, the pacific resolution of conflicts, and the pre-eminence of
    the precepts of liberty and justice--of the American people and the whole of
    humanity. We were especially encouraged by your pre-election promise toward
    formally acknowledging the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and, as President of
    the United States and after a twenty-year interval, calling it like it is
    once again. As a civilizational challenge and a permanent guarantee for
    regional security and stability, we believe it is highly important for all
    nations and countries to reflect on their history and to face it head-on, no
    matter how bitter that may be.

    We, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the small number of
    genocide survivors from Mush, Sasun, Cilicia, Kars, Surmalu, Erzerum,
    Malatia, Sebastia, Arabkir, Zeitun, Marash, and Butania--and the
    representatives of a new generation--are patiently waiting for the day when,
    in keeping with the letter and spirit of international law, we will be given
    the chance to return to Western Armenia--our Motherland which was taken away
    from us unlawfully and as a consequence of the Genocide--and to once more
    own our estates: our lands and homes. We condemn any and all attempt by the
    international bodies toward applying double standards for any regional
    nation, circumnavigating international law, and solely considering who is
    stronger or whose natural resources are greater.

    Mr. President, we, the youth of Heritage, a national liberal party, urge you
    to recognize not solely the Genocide of the Armenian people that was
    perpetrated by the Turkish state from 1915 to 1922, but also the great
    dispossession of their homeland. In result of this dispossession, an entire
    nation lost nearly ninety percent of its historical motherland, those
    territories where it had dwelled for millennia and created a rich
    civilization and great cultural treasures. Yet we still have great hopes on
    sound judgment and believe that the problematic issues existing among the
    nations will be resolved in due course and on the basis of international law
    and thus the legal heirs of the guilty will repent, ask forgiveness, and
    make reparations through justice. Because injustice, as well as apathy by
    the international bodies and powerful countries, can increase the temptation
    to personally restore one's own lost and disregarded rights and to use
    asymmetric force against a powerful but a brute force. And this can make us
    all face new challenges and can shake the foundations of security and
    stability in the world entire.

    We are confident that the Turks--with whom we expect to soon establish
    normal relations anchored in real justice, historical truth, and
    international law--need your sincere assistance on their thorny road to
    amending their past and returning to the world's family of nations with a
    clean slate.


    1. Kirakossyan Meline
    2. Sargsyan Ashkhen
    3. Mheryan Artak
    4. Tonoyan Hakob
    5. Tonoyan Gohar
    6. Tonoyan Astghik
    7. Qocharyan Gagik
    8. Sardaryan Aren
    9. Poghosyan Narine
    10. Nazlukhanyan Gohar
    11. Markosyan David
    12. Markosyan Armen
    13. Gevorgyan Sirarpi
    14. Grigoryan David
    15. Hakobyan Lilit
    16. Mirzakhanyan Samvel
    17. Eranosyan Narek
    18. Mnacakanyan Arsen
    19. Hovhannisyan Anahit
    20. Matevosyan Nana
    21. Sargsyan Ani
    22. Sanasaryan David
    23. Isakhanyan Voskehat
    24. Hakobyan Margarit
    25. Matevosyan Meri
    26. Ghazaryan Mariam
    27. Ghazaryan Srbuhi

    21 April 2009
    Yerevan, Armenia

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress