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Andre Talks About His Duet With Samantha Jade

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  • Andre Talks About His Duet With Samantha Jade

    Mher Baghdasaryan

    Armenian Reporter re-talks-about-his-duet-with-samantha-jade
    April 18, 2009

    Andre and Samantha Jade team up

    A video clip by Andre and Samantha Jade has been on the air since
    2008. It has been a sensation. Our sister publication TV Mol caught up
    with Andre in the United States and asked him about his collaboration
    with Samantha Jade.

    Mher Baghdasaryan: After many years in the industry, you have performed
    very few duets. Could the reason be that you approach this format
    more seriously?

    Andre: I have had many proposals to perform in a duet and sometimes
    have been offered large honoraria to do so. I decline to do them
    because to perform a duet has to flow from your soul; the desire must
    be mutual, as is the work involved.

    MB: How did your collaboration with Samantha come about?

    Andre: I met Samantha by coincidence at a well-known recording
    studio. We decided to sing a duet together. Initially, the song we
    were going to perform was a jazz-rock song by Elvina Makaryan called
    "Ching-Ching," but Samantha's team decided to write a new song. She
    later told me that she was inspired by my song, "Without Your
    Love." After hearing the song, I understood that it was just what we
    needed. After that, we began working very intensely and professionally.

    MB: Sometimes, for listeners, it's enough that you are performing
    a duet with a non-Armenian. It doesn't always interest them whether
    or not that singer is talented or well-known. Was your collaboration
    with Samantha to arouse more attention and interest?

    Andre: Our objective was not to amaze the Armenian-speaking
    listener. This song has something much greater to say to the
    world. Samantha Jade is a creative and talented person, a good
    friend. Samantha belongs to one of the most internationally well-known
    labels, Java Records. For me it was very interesting to work with
    her. As for arousing more interest, I do not have the need for that. I
    think that in Armenia, they will remember for a long time what I have
    done and what I have achieved. I don't like to create artificial
    scandals about me. I am happy that people talk about me because in
    art I do not like mediocrity.

    MB: You left for the United States at the end of 2008, where you
    continue to reside. The rumor mill has it that you are not working
    at all, but rather that you are taking a break. And what is the truth?

    Andre: I always combine work with pleasure. As for the rumor
    mill, people can say what they like. That comes from a lack of
    information. If you are interested, I will tell you. I am working on a
    new CD. I have new songs, one of which was written by the well known
    writer of the song "Garod," Azat Hakobyan, and the words by Sergei
    Grigorian. The song will also have English and Spanish versions. I
    will not talk about the other songs, I don't want to jinx them. I miss
    Armenia terribly, and my fans. I am working very hard and I always
    try to do my very best. Otherwise, I would be married by now. I am
    the eternal daydreaming, ambitious, tireless teenager.