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Synopsys Offering Professional VLSI Education To Armenia's Youth

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  • Synopsys Offering Professional VLSI Education To Armenia's Youth


    EE Herald tml
    April 21 2009

    Synopsys and State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA) have
    announced a new educational program in the specialty "Semiconductor
    Physics and Microelectronics". The four-year Bachelor program
    will start in September 2009, providing an advanced education in
    microelectronics. This program is aimed at molding young talents for
    today's highly sophisticated VLSI chip design industry by training
    them on semiconductor physics and using of latest EDA software tools.

    Also this program will further progress to offering Master and PhD
    qualification in the same area of study after completion of bachelor

    The SAED program utilizes Synopsys' electronic design automation
    software and Educational Design Kits. The current SAED SEUA curriculum
    has been translated from Armenian into several languages and is taught
    at prestigious universities in countries worldwide, including Russia,
    China, Europe and the United States of America.

    "Extending our successful relationship with SEUA, Armenia's flagship
    technical university, continues our tradition of investing in Armenia's
    youth and in Armenia's educational system," said Rich Goldman, vice
    president for Corporate Marketing and Strategic Alliances at Synopsys,
    and chief executive officer of Synopsys Armenia CJSC. "Especially
    during these times of severe economic stress, we believe this kind of
    investment is key to the development of Armenia's High Tech economy,
    and we invite other companies to join us in supporting proven
    university-industry collaborations. This new educational program
    further demonstrates the advancement of Armenia's High Tech economy."

    "First of all it should be noted that through our collaboration with
    Synopsys a unique educational activity is being realized. Life has
    proven that this educational model serves as an example not only
    to Moscow Universities, but also for many universities in a number
    of countries in our region. An example of our success is that the
    educational model developed in cooperation with Synopsys is being
    applied to a new four-year educational project in Cybernetics
    department," said SEUA Rector Professor Vostanik Marukhyan.

    "By starting studies in the new specialty of Semiconductor Physics &
    Microelectronics, we are expanding a model of cooperation that has
    realized much success during the past few years. Establishing the new
    specialty to start from the first year of the Bachelor program will
    allow us to administer and control the quality of studies during the
    entire program. This should contribute significantly to increasing the
    quality of our graduates," said Professor Vazgen Melikyan, director
    of SAED, honorable scientist of Republic of Armenia.