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Law Enforcement System Has To Be Able To Prove The Changed Accusatio

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  • Law Enforcement System Has To Be Able To Prove The Changed Accusatio


    13:30:04 - 22/04/2009

    Interview with the Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia, BHK)
    Parliamentary faction member, member of the Armenian delegation to
    the PACE Naira Zohrabyan

    - On March 30, during its session, the PACE Monitoring group decided
    to dwell on the Armenian question during its upcoming full session. Do
    you think the Armenian question is possible to be included on the
    PACE agenda.

    -I'm sure the question on Armenia will not be included on the PACE
    agenda. Naturally, this question will be discussed on April 27 in the
    session of the monitoring commission, but it will not be put on the
    agenda of its full session. Usually, only urgent questions are put
    on the PACE full session agenda. The statements of the co-reporters
    and the atmosphere of the last PACE sitting create grounds to think
    that this question will not be considered an urgent one.

    - But, Armenia has not fulfilled the great part of the PACE
    resolutions, in particular the political prisoners have not been
    released. The government has only made amendments to the Articles
    225 and 300 representing it as fulfillment of the resolutions.

    - I don't agree with you, because the observations of the co-reporters
    on Armenia are a little different. The co-reporters stated that
    they are satisfied with the revision of those Articles, because the
    political element has been eliminated from there. The co-reporters
    noted that they consider the National Assembly as a trustful
    partner and are going to continue their cooperation with it. What
    was demanded from the Armenian delegation to PACE, from the Armenian
    National Assembly and the government has already been realized and
    the assessment to it is rather sufficient. The National Assembly did
    its job by making amendments to the Crime Code, now the ball is in
    the field of the law enforcement system. The law enforcement system
    has to prove the changed accusations.

    - One of the demands of the PACE resolutions was the release of the
    political prisoners and this demand is the most important and primary
    one for the opposition.

    - The PACE demanded releasing those people who did not commit
    violence. I cite these words from the PACE resolution. I have to
    reiterate that the ball is in the field of the law enforcement system,
    the accusing side has to prove their guilt. If they really have facts,
    let them presents them to the court.

    - Although the Article 225 and 300 have been changed by the PACE
    demand, there are prisoners who are charged under the Article 316
    (resistance to governmental figure). What do you think about the rest
    of the political prisoners?

    - When the National Assembly working group was reviewing the Crime
    Code, we faced different problems there: other articles need some
    revision and clarifications on which the NA will soon dwell on. This
    was also stated by the head of NA commission on the state-legislative
    questions David Harutunyan when we were instructed to review only 2
    articles of the Crime Code. And, if this commission will take up the
    revision of other articles, the National Assembly will absolutely be
    for this initiative.

    -What do you think, what impedes the government from announcing
    amnesty, why Serge Sargsyan is not making this step?

    - Announcing amnesty is within the framework of the president's
    rights. And, Serge Sargsyan, at his latest press conference, did not
    exclude the possibility for an amnesty.

    - The representatives of the opposition have often called attention to
    the fact that the prisoners who have borne the 1/3 of their punishment
    may be set free. What do you think, why they are not being released,
    why the government does not have enough political will especially if
    they have possibilities for that step?

    - I'm not a lawyer, and I can't answer well under which circumstances
    people have right for a pre-term release. This is not a problem
    of the National Assembly but the law enforcement system. After our
    amendments to the two articles, they became very clear and now the
    office of the prosecutor general should give a clear accusation, and
    the court should find facts and testimonies to make a verdict. After
    the court's verdict, if it is needed, we will give also a political
    evaluation. As for now, I'm not going to give a political assessment.

    - Let us return to the Armenia's question, you as a parliamentary
    member, are not concerned with the situation that Armenia gained a
    negative image within foreign countries, as it is always presented
    with negative nuances on the PACE agenda?

    - Questions on numerous countries are being put on the PACE
    agenda. Questions on Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan have been discussed
    at several sessions. So, Armenia is not an exception. The important
    is that we were able to find a right solution to the question posed
    by the PACE.

    - Impression is created as if the PACE would have never demanded,
    it would never occur to the Armenian government to make amendments
    to the Crime Code. In other words, someone else is needed from abroad
    to force the government make steps.

    - I don't share your opinion. All the questions which have been
    recorded by the PACE resolutions, were the most urgent questions
    of the coalition. It is another question that some problems were
    being solved very slowly, the March 1 events hindered to solve many
    questions. Therefore, these questions have always been in the centre
    of the coalition attention.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress