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Free Silva

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  • Free Silva

    [email protected]
    Glendale, California

    `Free Silva' Effort to Secure Release of Iranian Prisoner Launches Web Site Asks Concerned Public to Join Silva's Family in a Global
    Online Appeal

    A worldwide online appeal has launched for the release of Silva
    Harotonian, a young Armenian-Iranian woman detained by Iranian
    authorities since June 2008.

    The international Web site [] `will help us bring global attention to Silva's
    situation and build a broad, cross-border appeal for her release,'
    said Klara Moradhkan, a cousin of Silva's, whose family has
    established the site and accompanying online petition.

    Silva, now 34 years old, was hired in late 2007 to serve as a program
    coordinator in Yerevan, Armenia, for the International Research and
    Exchanges Board (IREX). IREX, a non-governmental, non-profit
    organization, was establishing an international exchange for Iranian
    healthcare professionals to share best practices with American

    The Maternal and Child Health Education and Exchange Program (MCHEEP)
    was based on a program previously supported by Iran in 2006 and run by
    another independent organization. Silva's job included coordinating
    logistics for the 20 Iranian participants, managing budgets and
    travel, briefing participants and overseeing other administrative

    During a visit to Iran in late June 2008 to meet with participants,
    Silva was arrested for allegedly participating in efforts to overthrow
    the Iranian government through `soft revolution.' She stood trial and
    was sentenced to three additional years in prison on January 19,
    2009. An appeal is now underway.

    `Silva is a gentle and compassionate person, who hoped to help others
    and improve her home country of Iran through her work,' said
    Moradkhan, a Los Angeles-area resident of Armenian descent. `Silva was
    working to build a better life for herself and her family through this
    job, and she has sadly become caught in a misunderstanding.'

    Visitors to [] can sign an
    appeal `respectfully urging the leaders of the Islamic Republic of
    Iran to grant the release of our loved one, Silva Harotonian.' They
    can also register for email updates from Silva's family members as
    they work toward her release.

    Since its launch on Sunday, the online appeal has already collected
    almost 600 signatures from 38 countries, `a sign of the many voices of
    encouragement for Silva's well-being and safe return,' said Moradkhan.

    `Many friends and loved ones of Silva's have asked for a way to help
    secure release for my beloved cousin. She needs our voice, so we must
    speak up,' she said. `On behalf of Silva's mother, who is currently in
    Iran, and other family members, we are touched by the support of the
    Armenians, Iranians, Americans and citizens of other countries who
    have already joined us in this effort.'

    Since Silva's detainment, her family has utilized multiple avenues to
    secure her release. In addition to following the legal process in
    Iran, Moradhkan and others have pursued diplomatic channels and have
    written directly to Iranian officials.

    Iran and Armenia share deep cultural, economic and religious
    connections that benefit both countries and their communities. `For
    decades, the Islamic Republic has ensured the safety and religious
    freedom of its Armenian community,' said Moradkhan. =80=9CSilva's
    release would represent yet another gesture of generosity toward
    Iran's Christian Armenian minority.'