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New York Governor And Mayor acknowledge Genocide

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  • New York Governor And Mayor acknowledge Genocide

    Yonkers Tribune
    April 23, 2009

    New York Governor David A. Paterson and Mayor Michael Bloomberg Issue
    Proclamations Acknowledging Armenian Genocide

    ArmenianGenocide_pbs New York, NY -- New York Governor David
    A. Paterson issued a Proclamation for the Empire State to join in with
    the entire community to commemorate the 94th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide (1915-1923), the first genocide of the 20th Century.
    Governor Bloomberg also issued a proclamation acknowledging the
    Armenian Genocide. In the City of New York proclamation, Mayor
    Bloomberg states, The first victims of the Genocide were the
    religious, political and intellectual leaders of the Constantinoples
    community who were arrested and murdered on April 24, 1915.

    In the New York State proclamation, the Governor states, Whereas, a
    deliberate effort to destroy people on a massive scale, the Armenian
    Genocide led academics to use the term genocide and it is believed
    that, had the Armenian Genocide been stopped through diplomatic or
    interventionist means, the resulting precedent for peace could have
    prevented the Holocaust that befell the Jewish
    people. ydocs/proclamations/proc_Armenian_Remembrance_2009 .html

    The public is welcome to participate in the 94th Anniversary
    Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide to be held in Times Square
    (43rd & Broadway) on Sunday, April 26 from 2-4 PM. Armenian-Americans
    and their supporters will gather to pay tribute to the 1.5 million
    Armenians who were annihilated by the Young Turk Government of the
    Ottoman Empire. The Commemoration will also celebrate the survival
    spirit of the Armenian people, their rich heritage and their
    contributions. Mary A. Papazian, PhD, Provost and Senior Vice
    President for Academic Affairs at Lehman College, C.U.N.Y, and New
    Jersey Attorney R. Armen McOmber will preside over the ceremonies.

    Commemoration participants will include Armenian Genocide survivors
    and their families, elected officials and humanitarian, cultural,
    religious, educational, and community leaders. Speakers will include
    Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY): U.S. Senator Robert Menendez
    (D-NJ): Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-MY); Congressman Thaddeus
    McCotter (R-MI); Eugenie Mukeshimana, a Rwanda Genocide Survivorshe
    serves as a Board Member for Voices of Rwanda, and Attorney Mark
    J. Garagos, who helped lead groundbreaking Federal Class Action
    Lawsuits against New York Life and other insurance companies for
    insurance polices issued to Armenians living in Turkey prior to the
    Armenian Genocide.

    The 94th Commemoration is organized by the Mid-Atlantic chapters of
    Knights and Daughters of Vartan, a
    U.S. fraternal organization of Armenian-Americans, and co-sponsored by
    Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian National
    Committee of America, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party and Social
    Democratic Hunchagian Party. _tribune/2009/04/new-york-governor-david-a-paterso n-and-mayor-michael-bloomberg-issue-proclamations- acknowledging-armenian-genocide.html