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Armenia, Turkey Announce 'Roadmap' To Normal Ties (UPDATED)

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  • Armenia, Turkey Announce 'Roadmap' To Normal Ties (UPDATED)


    Asbarez /2009_1
    Thursday, April 23, 2009

    YEREVAN (Combined Sources)--Armenia and Turkey said on Wednesday
    night that they have agreed on a "roadmap" for normalizing bilateral
    relations after an almost year of intensive negotiations mediated by
    Switzerland. It remained unclear, however, whether they will establish
    diplomatic relations and open their border anytime soon.

    "The two parties have achieved tangible progress and mutual
    understanding in this process and they have agreed on a comprehensive
    framework for the normalization of their bilateral relations in
    a mutually satisfactory manner," the Armenian and Turkish foreign
    ministries said in a joint statement. "In this context, a road-map
    has been identified."

    "This agreed basis provides a positive prospect for the on-going
    process," the statement said. It did not specify whether that process
    can be completed before a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    At the Expense National Interests

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) on Thursday strongly
    condemned the agreement announced by Ankara and Yerevan and said it
    could pull out of Armenia's governing coalition in protest.

    "It is absolutely unacceptable for us that relations with Turkey be
    normalized at the expense of Armenia's sovereignty, the viability of
    its existence, or the national and state rights of future Armenian
    generations, the ARF said in a statement. "Being committed to these
    principles, we regard as unacceptable and condemnable the signing
    by Armenia's Foreign Ministry on April 22 of a joint statement with

    The influential party has declared time and again, that good-neighborly
    relations between the two countries can only be established after the
    recognition by Turkey of the Armenian Genocide and the restoration
    of the rights of the Armenian people.

    Turkey Maintains Preconditions

    Before the statement was officially released, the Associated Press
    quoted a senior Turkish government official as saying that the
    agreement does not mean Turkey is ready to open the Turkish-Armenian
    border, closed in 1993. "It is out of question," the official said,
    speaking on condition of anonymity.

    "We don't want to make any further comment than what is said in the
    statement," a Turkish Foreign Ministry source told Reuters. "We will
    continue with our policy of silent diplomacy. The time has not come
    yet to make announcements on specifics nor on timelines."

    The Armenian Foreign Ministry also declined to provide
    clarifications. A ministry spokesman, Tigran Balayan, said only that
    the roadmap includes "steps to be taken" by the two governments.

    The Azerbaijan Factor

    Turkish leaders have repeatedly stated this month that Turkish-Armenian
    relations will not be normalized until the Karabakh conflict is
    resolved in Azerbaijan's favor. Baku had earlier in April warned
    Ankara against normalizing ties with Yerevan before a Karabakh
    settlement. Azerbaijan expressed hope on Thursday that Ankara will
    stick to this precondition.

    "It is the sovereign right of every state to determine its relations
    with other countries," Elkhan Polukhov, a spokesman for the Azerbaijani
    Foreign Ministry, told, commenting on the Turkish-Armenian

    "Nonetheless, Azerbaijan believes that the process of normalizing
    relations between Armenia and Turkey should run parallel to the
    withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories
    of Azerbaijan."

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul also called his Azerbaijani counterpart
    Ilham Aliyev on Thursday to discuss the normalization of relations
    between Turkey and Armenia, Gul's office said in a written statement.

    "Today's talks were a continuation of consultations between the two
    heads of state in the recent weeks and confirmed the traditional
    understanding, solidarity and close cooperation between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan that contributes to the stability and welfare of the
    region," the statement also said.

    The US Welcomes

    The United States swiftly welcomed the agreement announced by the
    two troubled neighbors. "It has long been and remains the position
    of the United States that normalization should take place without
    preconditions and within a reasonable timeframe," U.S. State Department
    spokesman Robert Wood said in a statement.

    "We urge Armenia and Turkey to proceed according to the agreed
    framework and roadmap," Wood said. "We look forward to working with
    both governments in support of normalization, and thus promote peace,
    security and stability in the whole region."

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton likewise reaffirmed
    Washington's strong support for the Turkish-Armenian dialogue when
    she spoke at the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee earlier
    on Wednesday. "The Turkish and Armenian governments have sought
    U.S. support and encouragement of their reconciliation efforts,"
    she said. "And following that request, both the president and I have
    supported them fully."

    Clinton also implied that the U.S. is trying to neutralize the
    strong Azerbaijani objections to the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement
    by intensifying its efforts to broker a solution to the Karabakh
    conflict. "We've sent a State Department official to Azerbaijan,
    I think two times in the last three weeks, and we hope that there
    will be some resolution in the next months," she said.

    Reactions in Armenia

    Several thousand protesters took to the streets in Yerevan on Thursday
    to protest the announcement by Yerevan and Ankara, condemning the
    move as a betrayal of national interests.

    The demonstrations came during an annual march through the capital
    holding flaming torches on the eve of the national commemoration of
    the Armenian Genocide.

    Protesters carried banners calling for "Recognition, Restitution,
    Remembrance." Others read: "1.5 million deaths will never be forgiven."

    Timing of Announcement

    The agreement was made public just two days before Armenia and its
    worldwide Diaspora will mark 94th anniversary of the start of the
    Armenian Genocide.

    US President Obama, as a Senator and a candidate for the
    Presidency, spoke forcefully, clearly, and repeatedly in support of
    U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide, frequently criticizing then-
    President Bush for failing to properly characterize and commemorate
    this crime while in the White House. He is expected to offer his
    first April 24th statement, a White House tradition, this Friday.

    Ankara has made no secret of its hopes that the dramatic rapprochement
    with Yerevan will deter U.S. President Barack Obama from reaffirming
    the US record on the Armenian Genocide in his April 24 address to
    the Armenian-American community.

    Last December, the ARF urged Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian
    to exercise caution in this process, saying that the Turks are
    exploiting it to scuttle greater international recognition of the
    Armenian genocide.

    Obama is facing mounting pressure from the influential
    Armenian-American community and its members of the U.S. Congress
    to honor his election campaign pledge to recognize, in his present
    capacity, the first genocide of the 20th century. Among those lawmakers
    are Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives, and Steny
    Hoyer, the House majority leader.

    "It is long past the time for the United States to formally recognize
    the Armenian Genocide," Pelosi was reported to say on Wednesday during
    a genocide remembrance ceremony on Capitol Hill attended by dozens
    of her colleagues.

    Pelosi urged Armenian-American groups to step up their grassroots
    campaign for the passage of a draft genocide resolution introduced
    in Congress last month. "We can do any amount of inside maneuvering
    in the Congress and Washington, but what is important is the outside
    mobilization to bring to bear the voices of people across America,"
    she said, according to the Armenian National Committee of America.

    The Obama administration has not reacted to the bill yet. Visiting
    Turkey earlier this month, President Obama made clear his position
    on the Genocide had not changed. "My views are on the record and
    I have not changed views," he said during a joint press conference
    with Gul. The President also referenced the Armenian Genocide in his
    speech to the Turkish Parliament where he stated, "History, unresolved,
    can be a heavy weight. Each country must work through its past. And
    reckoning with the past can help us seize a better future."