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Turkey And Armenia Agree On Reconciliation Roadmap

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  • Turkey And Armenia Agree On Reconciliation Roadmap


    Deutsche Welle
    April 23 2009

    Groansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Turkish President
    Abdullah Gul, left, and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met in
    2008Turkey and Armenia have reached an agreement on a comprehensive
    framework to normalize relations. Deutsche Welle correspondent
    Dorian Jones reports that the process carries some risk for the
    Turkish government.

    The Turkish minister for EU affairs, Egemen Bagis, said Thursday
    the process, which is taking place under Swiss supervision, aimed to
    bring about a fundamental change in bilateral relations between the
    two countries.

    "Better relations, more neighborly relations, more trade, more
    opportunities and cooperation and peace - I see a light at the end
    of the tunnel, that peace is possible," he said.

    A senior Western diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
    told Reuters news agency that the deal had not yet been signed but
    that Turkey and Armenia had agreed on diplomatic ties, opening the
    border and establishing commissions to address historical disputes.

    "All the documents have been agreed in principle but it's from the
    signing that the clock starts ticking," the diplomat said. "It is
    a finite period that is not very long. We are talking about weeks
    or months."

    Old wounds

    Bildunterschrift: Groansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:
    Some Armenian groups have long opposed reconciliation with Turkey
    In Armenia, several thousand protesters, mainly supporters of a
    nationalist junior partner in the government, burned Turkish flags
    and condemned the efforts at normalizing relations.

    At the heart of ongoing tensions between the countries are accusations
    by Armenia that Turkey was directly responsible for what it calls
    the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 during World War I,
    a charge strongly denied by Ankara

    Turkey officially admits that as many as 600,000 Armenians died
    during the war and deportation from eastern Anatolia, but it insists
    the deaths must be seen in the context of an Armenian uprising at a
    time when Armenians were siding with invading Russian troops

    Earlier this week, Ankara recalled its ambassador from Canada after
    the Canadian prime minister supported the genocide charge.

    Eyes on Obama

    Bildunterschrift: Groansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:
    Obama looks likely to ease pressure on Turkey after the talks with
    Armenia Ankara now fears US president Barack Obama will do the
    same. During his presidential campaign Obama said he would recognize
    the genocide if elected. But Yasemin Congar, deputy editor of the
    Turkish daily Taraf, said Obama may now hold back as a result of the
    new rapprochement efforts.

    "Washington wants to see Turkey open its border with Armenia,"
    she said. "They want to see Ankara and Yerevan normalize diplomatic
    relations and there is a movement to that end.

    "I think Obama wants to give the message to Ankara that if this
    process goes on it might even stop him from saying the 'G' word,
    the genocide word in Washington."

    During his visit to Turkey earlier this month Obama avoided using
    the so-called "G" word. Instead he praised the Turkish and Armenian
    rapprochement efforts.

    Eve of remembrance

    Bildunterschrift: Groansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:
    Conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabahk displaced
    hundreds of thousands The timing of Turkey's announcement of its
    agreement with Armenia is being seen as no coincidence. It comes just
    one day before Armenians around the world remember those killed in
    1915. Traditionally, US presidents deliver a speech to mark the event.

    US-based Armenian groups have been lobbying Obama intensively to use
    his expected speech to recognize the genocide. That is now seen as
    unlikely in light of the new rapprochement efforts. Obama is also
    aware that a reference to genocide would seriously damage US-Turkey

    The Turkish government is paying a heavy domestic political price
    for its rapprochement efforts, since Turkey's close relationship to
    Armenia's rival, Azerbaijan, is seen to be at risk.

    Sixteen years ago, Armenia occupied nearly 20 percent of Azerbaijan
    following a war over the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Turkey
    imposed a trade embargo against Armenia in support of its ally.

    "All Turkish press, all political opposition, is using the Azerbaijani
    issue against the government. I think the government finds itself in
    a very difficult position," said political scientist Nuray Mert.

    Such pressure is already having an effect, with the Turkish prime
    minister now linking the ending of the embargo to the withdrawal of
    Armenian forces from Azerbaijan. That is seen as unlikely anytime soon.

    Turkish news reports have said Azerbaijan is disturbed by the
    reconciliation efforts, which could lead to the reopening of the
    Turkish-Armenian border.

    But with Ankara facing increasing pressure from both the US and the
    EU to end the embargo, the Turkish government now finds itself between
    a rock and a hard place.