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Is Islam Able To Apologize?

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  • Is Islam Able To Apologize?

    Julia Duin

    Washington Times is-islam-able-to-apologize/
    April 23 2009

    Friday is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, commemorating the mass
    killings of up to 1.5 million Christian Armenians overseen by the
    Muslim leaders of the Ottoman Empire starting in 1915.

    With the centenary anniversary coming up in six years, this issue is
    not going to fade away. President Obama handled the issue gingerly
    and avoided calling the killing "genocide" during his recent visit
    to Turkey, but some 1 million Armenian Americans - who helped to get
    him elected last year - are happy to keep reminding Mr. Obama of his
    campaign promise to call attention to the massacre.

    "People are advising Turkey to recognize it and apologize on behalf
    of their ancestors and be done with it," says Wadi Haddad, retired
    professor of Islamic studies and Christian-Muslim relations at
    Hartford Seminary in Connecticut. "The Armenians are not going to
    ask for reparations."

    What would contrition for the genocide look like from a secular
    state based on a religious tradition - Islam - that does not practice
    corporate repentance?

    Muslim scholars tell me the holy month of Ramadan takes care of the
    sins of the individual, but not those of a nation. There's no concept
    of national sin, which may be why the Shi'ite Iranians have never
    apologized for their sacking of the American Embassy in Tehran in 1979.

    The concept of national repentance started with Jewish prophets
    in the Hebrew Scriptures. Christians then ran with the idea, with
    modern examples including President Lincoln's 1863 call to a day of
    national repentance and fasting. His idea lives on in the National
    Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of each May.

    Plus, Christians ranging from the late Pope John Paul II to bands of
    evangelical Protestant missionaries have apologized for the excesses
    of the Crusades. But what Islamic entity has apologized for the 300
    years of conquest that provoked the Crusades?

    "The idea of being sorry for what's happened in the past is a Western
    way of expressing things," Mr. Haddad says. "Nations elsewhere in
    the world do not do this."

    However, he added that his wife, Georgetown University professor Yvonne
    Haddad, lost two Armenian Orthodox ancestors during the genocide.

    "Individual Muslims can express regret or repentance, but I don't
    know what the appropriate institution would be to express Islamic
    regret," Georgetown University Islamic history professor John Voll
    told me. Christianity has corporate bodies representing its various
    divisions, he added, but "in Islam, there is no corporate structure
    that represents the umma [world Muslim community]."

    Corporate repentance requires an acceptance of corporate guilt,
    an idea that dates back to original sin.

    "Islamic theological tradition does not involve a concept of original
    sin," he said. "Muslims think Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were
    expelled from the garden, but God did not curse them."

    If the majority religion of Turkey does not have a concept of common
    guilt, can Turks apologize for their past?

    "If there is an expression of regret, it'd be from the Turkish
    parliament," he said. "But one of the important dimensions of Kamalist
    Turkey is that it represents an institutional break with the Ottoman
    Empire. A lot of Turks would say the parliament cannot speak for the
    actions of the old empire."