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Ruben Safrastyan: Football Diplomacy Produces Results

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  • Ruben Safrastyan: Football Diplomacy Produces Results


    PanAremenian News
    April 23 2009

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Joint declaration of Armenian and Turkish Foreign
    Ministries on road-map shows that football diplomacy is producing
    results, NAS RA Institute of Oriental Studies Director, Professor
    Ruben Safrastyan told PanARMENIAN.Net.

    "The statement does not speak of negotiation results, but I hope the
    progress in Armenian-Turkish relations is not achieved at expense of
    Armenia's national interests of," he said.

    Prof. Safrastyan is not surprised that statement was made public today,
    a day before April 24. "It is obvious that U.S. urges Ankara to open
    the border and normalize relations with Armenia. Once again, it proves
    that good Armenian-Turkish relations are not an issue between Armenia
    and Turkey only, but is also an issue of geopolitical importance,"
    he said and added that President Serzh Sargsyan's visit to Moscow is
    not coincidence either.

    "I am confident that Sargsyan and Medvedev will dwell on
    Armenian-Turkish relations," Prof. Safrastyan said.

    On April 22, Turkey, Armenia agreed on road-map to normalize
    ties. The joint statement issued by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs
    of Armenia and Turkey said that Turkey and Armenia, together with
    Switzerland as mediator, have been working intensively with a view to
    normalizing their bilateral relations and developing them in a spirit
    of good-neighborliness, and mutual respect, and thus to promoting
    peace, security and stability in the whole region.

    " The two parties have achieved tangible progress and mutual
    understanding in this process and they have agreed on a comprehensive
    framework for the normalization of their bilateral relations in a
    mutually satisfactory manner. In this context, a road-map has been

    This agreed basis provides a positive prospect for the on-going
    process," the statement said.