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European Commission Alerted on Azeri Falsifications of History

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  • European Commission Alerted on Azeri Falsifications of History

    For Justice & Democracy

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    Friday 24 April 2009
    Contact : Varténie ECHO
    Tel. / Fax. : +32 (0) 2 732 70 27


    - An expert presented the destruction of the Armenian heritage
    by Azerbaijan to Members of the Commission

    - Azerbaijan's hate driven educational programme towards its
    youth was exposed during the meeting

    At the European Armenian Federation's invitation, Professor Rouben
    Galichian came to introduce his new book `The Invention of History'
    (Editions Gomidas Institute 2009) to representatives of the European
    Commission. The book gives a progress report on the cartographic
    modifications and the heritage destruction organised by Azerbaijan in
    order to deny any anteriority of the Armenian presence in the current
    territories of Azerbaijan. Professor Galichian is an expert in
    cartography and has carried out investigations on the destructions or
    `transformations' of the Armenian heritage by Azerbaijan.

    The Most famous of these operations is the one which put an end in 2004
    to the centuries-old existence of the site of Julfa where, following
    the example of the Talibans, the Azeri government destroyed more than
    4000 khachkars (carved crosses) typical of Armenian religious art.

    The members of the Commission explained that they are aware of these
    problems and also shared their concern. Thus, the meetings turned
    around the quarrelsome rhetoric diffused permanently by Baku as well as
    the hate based educational programme aimed towards the Azeri youth.

    The participants also evoked the question of establishing measures of
    confidence building in this hostile context, the possible resumption of
    the hostilities by Azerbaijan and the limits imposed by Baku on
    European officials' freedom of movement in the area.

    `We are glad to note a certain knowledge from members of the European
    Commission about these heritage and historical misappropriations'
    declared Hilda Tchoboian, the president of the European Armenian
    Federation. `The Commission seems to understand that Armenia accepts
    with difficulty the quarrelsome attitude of its neighbour Azerbaijan
    which wishes war and which encourages its population with hatred' she

    `But Azerbaijan needs Europe more than the opposite. The Union could
    thus be more assertive with Baku taking into consideration the
    principles that the EU set up through the European Neighbourhood Policy
    and the Eastern Partnership' continued Hilda Tchoboian.

    `While agreeing not to go into Artsakh because that upsets Baku, the
    Union ratifies a line of demarcation imposed by Azerbaijan in
    contradiction with the principles which she intends to defend'
    concluded the President of the European Armenian Federation.