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Press-sec of RPA: Nobody in the US doubts the fact of The Genocide

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  • Press-sec of RPA: Nobody in the US doubts the fact of The Genocide

    Press-secretary of Republican Party of Armenia: Nobody in the United
    States doubts the fact of Armenian Genocide

    2009-04-25 15:16:00

    ArmInfo. "In the United States nobody doubts the fact of the Armenian
    Genocide",- Press-secretary of the Republican Party of Armenia, MP
    Eduard Sharmazanov said to ArmInfo correspondent.
    According to him, the US society needs no additional facts confirming
    the Armenian Genocide committed in the Ottoman Empire in 1915. "The US
    society qualifies the events of 1915 as a misdeed, this is proved by
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide by 42 states, as well as numerous
    Congressmen. I am sure that the day will come and Turkey will recognize
    the Armenian Genocide, as such misdeeds shouldn't remain uncondemned in
    the 21st century",- Sharmazanov stressed. To recall, in his April 24
    speech US President refrained to use the word "genocide" and qualified
    the tragic events at the beginning of the 20th century as "Meds