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Gul criticizes U.S. President Obama statement on Armenian Genocide

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  • Gul criticizes U.S. President Obama statement on Armenian Genocide

    Turkish President criticizes U.S. President Barack Obama statement on
    Armenian Genocide

    2009-04-25 16:15:00

    ArmInfo. Turkish President Abdullah Gul criticized U.S. President
    Barack Obama's statement on the Armenian Genocide. As Turkish mass
    media report, Gul expressed discontent as Obama failed to mention
    "slain Turks during 1915 incidents".

    "There are some parts in the Obama's statement that I disagree. There
    hundreds of thousands Turks and Muslims who lost their lives in
    1915. Therefore he should have shared the pain of everybody who lost
    their lives," Gul was quoted as saying by the state- run Anatolian
    Agency. The Turkish opposition also expressed its displeasure with
    Obama's statement.

    The leader of Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, Devlet Bahceli, also
    said Saturday that the statement is "harsh and unacceptable". To note,
    Turkish organizations of the USA welcomed the US president's