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Yossi Sarid / Sometimes evil is good for the Jews

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  • Yossi Sarid / Sometimes evil is good for the Jews

    Ha'aretz, Israel
    April 23 2009

    Yossi Sarid / Sometimes evil is good for the Jews
    By Yossi Sarid
    Tags: Obama, Netanyahu, Yossi Sarid

    "And the Holy One Blessed Be He rescues us from their hands," cited
    the president once again at the memorial service.

    "From their hands" - but also from our own hands, he rescues us from
    ourselves, from our disgraceful behavior. After all, without Mahmoud
    Ahmadinejad - a wicked and confused putz - and disgusting types like
    him, the international community, including our friends and allies,
    would have long since evicted us from the stolen lands on the other
    side of the Green Line. The world is tired of the never-ending
    Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Were it not for the fact that Ahmadinejad opens his big, ugly mouth at
    every opportunity, he would not have forced the best-governed nations
    to unite around a gluttonous country that refuses to release its prey;
    had he not ridiculed the United Nations and its Human Rights
    Conference in Geneva, he would not have provided the speeches of
    Jerusalem and Birkenau with such a wealth of lofty cliches.

    It's not at all bad to live in a world of evil. Evil purifies and
    excuses other evil, and sometimes evil is good for the Jews.

    On this very day, April 24, the Armenians are commemorating the 94th
    anniversary of their genocide. Although Shimon Peres this week forbade
    the "nation that went through the Holocaust" to close their eyes to
    evil governments, the Armenians feel that Israel has closed its eyes
    to their disaster and blocked its ears to their cries. And only
    recently, only when Turkey condemned our evil deeds in Gaza, did one
    local general warn that if they didn't shut up immediately, we would
    open up its past.

    That is the method: If our sins are scarlet, they are still white as
    snow compared to the sins of Turkey; everything in life, and in death,
    is relative.

    A slightly better world would have demanded that we mend our ways, and
    we would have done so. We've been lucky, and it's an evil world that
    is coming to us with complaints, which we reject by giving it the
    finger, and asking, who gave you the right? First take care of
    yourselves, and who do you think you are anyway?

    Even the "leading national newspaper" this week probed the question in
    a special edition: Is the Israel Defense Forces really the most moral
    army in the world. It probed, and immediately discovered that while
    the IDF may not be without flaws, compared to other armies it is
    entirely true blue and white; the theory of relativity works.

    They say of Raful (Rafael Eitan) that at the end of the Yom Kippur War
    he hosted a delegation of United States congressmen on a fact-finding
    mission. They visited the Golan Heights and looked out over
    Quneitra. One guest asked with fear and trepidation whether all this
    destruction was absolutely necessary.

    Raful let him have it: "And what did you do to the Indians?" he
    asked. At that the members of the delegation stopped asking
    questions. We have to learn from Raful, that's exactly how Israel has
    to explain itself, without stuttering.

    About a month from now the prime minister will go to Washington for a
    first meeting in the White House. When Barack Obama only begins to
    harass him, Netanyahu has to hit him between the eyes: And what did
    you do to the blacks? That will be the knockout line.

    That's my advice. Let him hit Obama where it hurts, by bringing up his
    wife Michelle's mother. Then the president will fall silent, and we
    probably won't hear from him for another two terms at least.