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On Armenia, Obama seeks the right word

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  • On Armenia, Obama seeks the right word

    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania)
    April 25, 2009 Saturday


    Michael Doyle, McClatchy Newspapers

    WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama yesterday broke a campaign pledge
    but mollified Turkey by formally remembering the mass killings of
    Armenians without using the diplomatically loaded term "genocide."

    In a much-anticipated White House statement, Mr. Obama took note of
    the "great atrocities" that occurred in the Ottoman Empire from April
    24, 1915, until 1923. While saying 1.5 million Armenians were
    "massacred or marched to their death," the president said the most
    important thing now was to look ahead.

    "I strongly support efforts by the Turkish and Armenian people to work
    through this painful history in a way that is honest, open and
    constructive," Mr. Obama declared. The president also twice used the
    Armenian phrase "meds yeghern," which often is translated as "great

    The most important part of his statement, though, was the word that
    was missing. Armenian-American activists and their political allies
    denounced the 389-word statement as a sellout because it didn't
    characterize the events as genocide.

    "I am outraged," said Rep. George Radanovich, R-Calif., a co-sponsor
    of a congressional Armenian-genocide resolution. "The president chose,
    for political reasons, to abandon his commitment to the Armenian

    Bryan Ardouny, executive director of the Armenian Assembly of America,
    charged that Mr. Obama's "failure ... diminishes U.S. credibility with
    regard to genocide prevention," while Armenian National Committee of
    America Chairman Ken Hachikian voiced "sharp disappointment" with the
    president's "retreat."

    Mr. Obama's carefully calibrated statement was consistent with the
    traditional advice of Pentagon and State Department professionals, who
    warn against alienating Turkey. It reversed the promise he made while
    seeking Armenian-American votes, however. "As president, I will
    recognize the Armenian genocide," Mr. Obama said on his campaign Web

    Samantha Power, an Obama adviser and a Pulitzer Prize-winning author,
    accentuated the point with a widely viewed YouTube campaign video
    addressed to Armenian-Americans. Now a member of the National Security
    Council, Ms. Power said then that Mr. Obama would "call a spade a
    spade and speak truth" about the historic events.

    Once in the White House, however, Mr. Obama became subject to the
    broader diplomatic and military considerations that have prompted
    presidents before him to retreat from similar promises. Turkey is a
    crucial U.S. ally within NATO -- bordering Iraq and Iran -- and
    Turkish officials say the 1915-1923 wartime events remain subject to

    In a two-day visit to Turkey earlier this month, Mr. Obama stressed
    the important ties between the United States and the strategically
    located nation of 78 million people. Turkish officials have warned
    consistently that the United States could lose commercial
    opportunities and military advantages, which include the use of
    Turkey's busy Incirlik Air Base, if an insulting genocide
    commemoration were issued.

    "President Obama has sent a clear message to America and the world
    that his administration will not sacrifice long-term strategic allies
    for short-term political gains," said Lincoln McCurdy, president of
    the Turkish Coalition of America.

    The Turkish and Armenian governments, with Switzerland as a neutral
    mediator, are working to normalize their long-strained
    relations. Diplomats have warned against any incendiary U.S. statement
    that might interfere with these talks, described in a recent joint
    Turkish-Armenian statement as reaching "tangible progress and mutual

    "I suspect they think they're making real progress on their dialogue,
    and they want to see it completed," said Rep. Jim Costa, D-Calif., a
    genocide resolution supporter who serves on the House Foreign Affairs

    Former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush broke similar
    pledges. Former President Bill Clinton, too, leaned on congressional
    leaders not to pass genocide commemoration measures.