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Crisis warms Turks to opening Armenia border

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  • Crisis warms Turks to opening Armenia border

    Agence France Presse
    April 26 2009

    Crisis warms Turks to opening Armenia border

    KARS, Turkey (AFP) ' Hit by a bruising economic crisis, residents of
    Kars, in eastern Turkey, are increasingly warming to the idea of
    opening the border with Armenia, hoping that revived trade links would
    provide a lifeline to the impoverished region.

    The border's closure in 1993 -- ordered by Turkey to back Azerbaijan
    in a territorial conflict with Armenia -- has had heavy economic
    consequences not only for Armenia but also this Turkish city of

    The border crossing, some 70 kilometres (43 miles) away, was once
    massively used to export cattle -- Kars' main wealth -- to the
    Caucasus and Russia through the only railway linking Turkey to its
    northern neighbours.

    The halt of trade has cost the province of Kars nearly one-twelfth of
    its population, which dropped from 356,000 to 326,000 between 1990 and

    The prospect of re-opening the border, boosted by ongoing talks
    between Ankara and Yerevan, has become even more important now that
    the global economic turmoil is biting Turkey, sending unemployment up
    and slowing down the economy.

    "Of the 300 members of the chamber of commerce, 280 believe the border
    should be opened immediately," said Fuat Doganay, owner of the largest
    restaurant in Kars.

    "Business has gone down... I have to save my business and pay my
    debts. The government has to understand that," he said.

    Many here believe Turkey's embargo is hurting Kars more than Armenia
    as Armenians can fly to Istanbul to work and shop, and Turkish
    products end up in Armenia via Georgia.

    Kaan Soyak, co-chairman of a Turkish-Armenian business group, said the
    annual volume of bilateral trade -- mostly via Georgia -- stood at
    around 100 million dollars.

    With the expected re-opening of the border "we expect the exchanges to
    immediately reach four to five billion dollars per year," Soyak said,
    buoyed by the announcement Wednesday that Ankara and Yerevan had
    agreed a "roadmap" on normalising ties. Kars businessman Alican
    Alibeyoglu complained that Turkish entrepreneurs were worst affected
    by the entangled political problems in the region.

    "I have been to Georgia and Armenia many times. In both countries I
    saw hundreds of joint businesses between Armenians and Azeris, but
    when it comes to Turkey, it is not possible," he grumbled, adding that
    50,000 people in Kars signed a petition in 2004 for the re-opening of
    the border.

    The sealed frontier however is not the only problem: Yerevan claims
    that up to 1.5 million of Armenians were victims of "genocide" at the
    hands of Ottoman Turks during World War I.

    Ankara, which categorically rejects the accusation, has refused to
    establish diplomatic ties with Yerevan until it drops its
    international campaign to have the killings recognised as genocide.

    During a visit to Turkey in early April, US President Barack Obama
    encouraged the dialogue between the two neighbours and called for a
    swift normalisation of ties.

    Obama said Friday reckoning with the past was the best way for the
    Turkish and Armenian people to work through their "painful history" in
    a "way that is honest, open and constructive."

    But such appeals fail to impress many in Kars, which is home to
    several thousand Turks of Azeri origin.

    "The Armenians have to solve the Nagorny-Karabakh problem," said Ali
    Guvensoy, head of the Kars chamber of commerce, referring to the
    Armenian-majority enclave which broke away from Azerbaijan in the
    early 1990s.

    "They also have to stop putting allegations of genocide on the table,"
    he added, summarising Ankara's official line on the dispute.

    But Soyak, who has for years campaigned for Turkish-Armenian
    reconciliation, was optimistic.

    "We expect a happy ending soon... We expect a settlement within three
    or four months," he said.

    The businessman stressed Azerbaijan's inclusion into the fence-mending
    process was a must "if we want a full economic development" in the

    "I think it is going to be step by step: first normalisation of
    relations between Turkey and Armenia... The next step will be to
    include Azerbaijan," he said.