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The beginnings of Hypocrisy and its end result...

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  • The beginnings of Hypocrisy and its end result...
    April 26 2009

    The beginnings of Hypocrisy and its end result...

    by Kenneth T. Tellis

    VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: The Ottoman Turks
    were fanatical Muslims and their acts of barbarism still echo in the
    Armenian community worldwide. The 1916 ` 21 genocide of between 1-2
    million Armenians by Turkey should not have been condoned ... but how
    could the German allies of Turkey in that period condemn it?

    Thus the Turks, in a manner of speaking, got away with murder while
    the whole world looked on.

    When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they took this to mean that they
    had a license to commit these same barbaric acts within Germany. Their
    first victims were the Roma peoples and this was followed by the small
    Sinti minority in Germany. The world still paid no heed to what was
    happening and thus continued the genocides without let-up. But, there
    was another power waiting on the sidelines that had ambitions that
    were very similar, that power was Fascist Italy under `Il Duce' Benito
    Mussolini. Thus began the Abyssinian genocide of the mid-1930 ... but
    there was a difference here; many countries sold arms to Fascist Italy
    to further its pogrom in Abyssinia aided by even the newly created
    Vatican, which was the result of Mussolini's Lateran Treaty on 1929.

    If the powers that be at the time had held Turkey responsible for the
    Armenian genocide, that would have put all the would-be promoters of
    genocide on notice that these actions would not be tolerated and,
    perhaps, what followed would not have happened ... but failing the
    Armenians, the result that followed was the holocaust.

    I am not trivializing the HOLOCAUST, but pointing out where mankind
    failed in its duty to protect minorities.

    So, like or not, by our silence, we can sometimes unknowingly promote
    barbarism ... and the question that should now be asked is, were the
    deaths of those two million Iraqi men, women and children carried out
    on the orders of those like Adolf Hitler not WAR CRIMES? And, if we
    deny that these acts were perpetrated we too are hypocrites.

    Thus we must hold all those who commit atrocities ... be they
    Americans, Germans or any other nationality ... be held to the same
    standards of law. That being said, I have not diminished the Holocaust
    in any way ... but in the light of day, we have exposed the reason why
    barbarism was promoted and overlooked by so many.

    All life is sacred ... and thus even one life taken is a loss to those
    who are killed by madmen throughout the world. 9416