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ACA Partakes in NY Times Square Armenian Genocide Commemoration

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  • ACA Partakes in NY Times Square Armenian Genocide Commemoration

    Armenian Council of America
    440 W. Colorado St., Suite 211
    Glendale, CA 91204
    Tel. (818) 545-9049
    Fax. (818) 545-9071


    NEW YORK, NY - Thousands gathered in Times Square on April 26 to
    commemorate the 94th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The
    commemoration was organized by the Mid-Atlantic Chapters of Knights &
    Daughters of Vartan, and co-sponsored by the Armenian General
    Benevolent Union, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian National
    Committee of America, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, and Social
    Democrat Hunchakian Party.

    For 24 years the event has presented prominent speakers including
    several political officials, scholars, various leaders from Armenian
    organizations and advocates of the Armenian Cause. The speakers this
    year featured Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York), Congressman Frank
    Pallone (D-New Jersey), Congressman Weiner (D-New York) and many

    Dikran Nalbantian, Chairman of the Armenian Council of America (ACA),
    Northeastern Region, conveyed to the audience, ACA's stance on
    Obama=80=99s failure to properly reaffirm the American record of the
    Armenian Genocide, the recent rapprochement efforts of the governments
    of Armenia and Turkey and the continued efforts of denial by Turkey.

    ----The following is the full address.----

    Today, we join fellow Armenians and people of conscience throughout
    all corners of the world to once again remember how the Armenian
    nation was almost eliminated in the crime of Genocide. As we stand in
    prayer and remembrance, we remain committed in seeking recognition.

    Recently and specifically after the assassination of Hrant Dink, we
    have witnessed an awaking from Turkish civil society in discussing the
    Armenian Genocide. We welcome these steps and for the sake of both of
    our nations, hope that soon Turkey will acknowledge the full reality
    of what happened to us Armenians in our historical homeland. However,
    the Turkish government needs to stop hindering this progress and
    suffocating the truth.

    Armenians will continue to pursue full justice for the Armenian
    Genocide in a collaborated global effort. Here in the United States we
    are fortunate that most of our friends in Congress stay true to their
    word and support the Armenian American community and acknowledge the
    reality of the Armenian Genocide.

    During his recent visit to Turkey President Obama, spoke directly and
    candidly to the Turkish government about coming to terms and
    rectifying its history on the Armenian Genocide. The President
    continuously states that his views are on the record and have not
    changed. But on Friday, the President failed to honor his commitment
    to properly utilize the word "genocide."

    Every year, we hear the time is not right to pass the Armenian
    Genocide Resolution or use the word Genocide. We, as loyal Americans,
    respect our national security interests. However, the Turkish
    government's tactics of blackmailing American officials that relations
    will irreparably be damaged are ludicrous. The American government
    shouldn't naively believe that Turkey would actually risk its
    relations with the United States . This is a bluff used by the Turkish
    government to hide their bloody past. Recently, the Turkish government
    has used the political tactic that normalization of Turkish-Armenian
    relations would be disrupted if President Obama fulfilled his pledged
    and reaffirmed the American record on the Armenian Genocide. Turkey
    should realize that no Armenian will ever barter the Armenian Genocide
    issue for other geopolitical matters.

    It is also crucial that President Obama and his advisors realize that
    Turkish-Armenian relations can never be normalized without Turkey 's
    willingness to acknowledge its own history.

    Official Washington policy needs to be courageous and change to
    reflect both the U.S. political and historical record on the Armenian
    Genocide. There are thousands of pages in the United States archives
    of eyewitness accounts by American officials and missionaries in the
    region proving that the action of genocide was committed.

    Mr. President, we know you are an ethical man and you have been
    keeping your word and fulfilling many of your promises. Yet the
    Armenian Council of America and the Armenian American community are
    saddened that the Armenian Genocide issue became the exception.

    While the historical truth and tragic events of the Armenian Genocide
    is not and can never be a matter of debate, the unwillingness and
    failure of justly identifying the annihilation of 1.5 million
    Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as genocide, in principle, denies the
    moral victory for victims of genocides and advocates for humanity
    throughout the world.

    By not addressing the historical truth as Genocide, Mr. President you
    failed to help those within Turkey , those such as the late Hrant
    Dink, who wished to aid Turkey in confronting its historical past in
    order to foster a better future.

    For 94 years we have believed in every empty promise made by
    presidential candidates who sought our political support and we have
    continued to hold onto that hope even when they have failed to honor
    those pledges. In the future, will we be joined by an administration
    in properly recognizing the events as Genocide? Will we be joined by
    Turkish civilians and officials in solidarity and remembrance?

    Today I stand before you and I urge you to fight for justice. I urge
    you to stand up for human rights. Without proper recognition the souls
    of the murdered genocide victims will remain in unrest. The time to
    act is now!!!

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress