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Georgian Armenians Appeal to the Council of Europe

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  • Georgian Armenians Appeal to the Council of Europe

    Mail: [email protected]

    Contact: Robert Tatoyan
    Mobile: +374 94 36 17 93
    Email: [email protected]

    Stop this policy of repression carried out by the Georgian authorities
    against its Armenian citizens

    Appeal the Members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly

    Stop à la politique de répression menée par les autorités géorgiennes
    contre les arméniens de Géorgie


    27 April 2009

    Distinguished Members,

    During the 2nd part of the 2009 Ordinary Session on Wednesday, April
    29 you will examine the «Follow-up given by Georgia and Russia to
    Resolution 1647 (2009)» and «The humanitarian consequences of the war
    between Georgia and Russia: Follow-up given to Resolution 1648 (2009)

    Our NGO Yerkir Union has been working since 2005 to establish a
    dialogue between Georgia and the Armenian minority in order to avoid a
    new conflict which would worsen the situation in Georgia. Georgia
    refuses this outstretched hand and prefers to lead a policy of
    repression against Armenians in Samtskhe-Djavakheti region.

    Through this letter we are willing to draw the attention of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council on the fact that,
    Georgia is engaged in a real concerted plan against the Armenians in
    Samtskhe-Djavakheti region.

    This policy reached its climax on July 17, 2008 with several Armenian
    civil activists arrests in this region who were merely demanding there
    language, cultural, religious and social-economic rights to be

    For 8 months, the Armenian population of Samtskhe-Djavakheti region
    has been suffering offenses to their rights from the police and
    officials. Some NGO leaders and civil rights activists are
    systematically intimidated, and even arrested under various fallacious

    Vahagn Chakhalyan leader of the `Democratic Alliance `United Djavakhk'
    movement was arrested on July 28, 2008, two weeks before the
    Russian-Georgian conflict. On Tuesday 07 April 2009 he was condemned
    to a 10 year prison sentence after an 8 month trial for `arms
    detention' and `organization and active participation in group actions
    which grossly disrupts public order'.

    This verdict is the culmination of a travesty of justice where the
    rights of defense have continuously been violated. The Ministry of
    Justice forbids a French lawyer to defend Vahagn Chakhalyan. Mr. Sozar
    Subari, the Ombudsman of Georgia has even challenged the decisions of
    the Ministry of Justice declaring them unconstitutional. April 16, the
    Armenian activist was taken out from his cell and subjected to
    sustained and brutal beating by prison officers.

    Georgia presents herself before the international community as a
    democratic state committed to the European values, respecting Human
    and Minorities' Rights and putting forward its multi-ethnicity.

    Unfortunately, in fact Georgia implements a segregationist policy, by
    forcing non-alternative use of the Georgian language, supporting
    exclusively the Georgian Orthodox creed and pursuing a policy of
    assimilation and eradication of its minorities.

    Distinguished Members, you are to consider the consequences of the
    Russian Georgian war. The origin of this conflict lies in the way
    Georgia treated the rights of its Ossetian and Abkhazian
    minorities. In order to avoid a new crisis, this time with the
    Armenian minority in the Samtskhe-Djavakheti region, we ask the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council to take urgent and
    necessary measures to stop this policy of exclusion and repression
    carried out by the Georgian authorities against its Armenian citizens.