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Armenian Revolutionary Federation Comes Out Of The Political Coaliti

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  • Armenian Revolutionary Federation Comes Out Of The Political Coaliti


    April 28, 2009

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) declares about the
    suspension of its participation in the political coalition. With
    this statement the representatives of ARF party come out of all the
    political and concept offices. During April 27 press conference the
    representative of ARF highest body Armen Rustamian officially informed
    about this.

    The ARF reasoned such a step by "insuperable principle discord"
    which arouse over the foreign political line and is connected with
    "the adoption of a joint statement on the eve of April 24 by Armenian
    and Turkish foreign ministers within the context of anti-Armenian
    preconditions of Turkish authorities".

    "We have always been sure that one of the directions of country's
    national security strategy is the general recognition and condemnation
    of the Armenian Genocide, particularly by Turkey. This has been
    regarded not only within the context of restoration of historical
    justice but also within the improvement of the atmosphere of mutual
    trust in the region and prevention of such crimes in the future", -
    the ARF's April 27 statement says.

    A. Rustamian informed that on Saturday they met with the Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsian and discussed the established situation. The
    Armenian President noted that he will continue the present political
    line of development of relations between Armenia and Turkey and
    at the same time assured that he will not allow conditioning the
    Armenian-Turkish relations by the regulation of Nagorno Karabakh
    issue nor will the process of recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    be speculated.

    S. Sargsian denied the five points of the "roadmap" which are in
    circulation in the Turkish press. But A. Rustamian noted that the
    discords are insuperable and functioning through the coalition format
    the ARF can no more implement the issues and aims which are considered
    to be the main line of the Party. He noted that being an opposition
    does not mean not to support the authorities in numerous issues.

    According to the representative of ARF highest body the Armenian
    foreign policy in fact consists of two most important issues -
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide and regulation of Nagorno
    Karabakh issue. In this context he stressed the importance of
    correct juxtaposing of national and state interests. According to
    A. Rustamian recognition of the Armenian Genocide must be implemented
    in two parallel directions - international and Turkish recognition,
    but we must not allow one process to be replaced by the other.

    "Turkey dreams of suspending the international process of recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide and transporting it to a field of bilateral
    relations. Turkey has never refused to speak in a language of
    preconditions and only changes the character of these preconditions:
    if formerly it was through deadlines now it functions with a mask",
    - the representative of ARF highest body noted.

    Expressing the ARF position on the Nagorno Karabakh issue A. Rustamian
    noted that with the 1991 and 2005 referendums the Nagorno Karabakh
    people have definitely set the limit from which the authorities must
    not concede. According to 1991 referendum it was fixed that Nagorno
    Karabakh must not have a status less than the independence. According
    to the 2005 referendum the negotiation and legal status of liberated
    territories was fixed, which definitely mentions that Nagorno Karabakh
    has an issue of restoration of its territorial integrity as 20% of
    Nagorno Karabakh territories are still occupied by Azerbaijan. Based
    on all these the ARF finds that the issues of Nagorno Karabakh status
    and security are primary.

    A. Rustamian noted that the ARF sees no issue for cooperation with the
    "Heritage" party but he excluded the cooperation with the Armenian
    National Congress as the ARF has no ideology generalities with the
    ANC. According to him the ANC makes statements based on its political
    interests and the given situation.

    Referring to the April 24 address of the US President Barack Obama
    A. Rustamian expressed opinion that if there was no April 22 statement
    B. Obama would have a great difficulty in refusing to uttering the
    "Genocide" word. And the "Meds Yeghern" phrase of the US President
    does not have the legal consequences the word "Genocide" would have.