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All Well In Javakhk? - Georgian Parliamentary Deputy Armen Bayandour

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  • All Well In Javakhk? - Georgian Parliamentary Deputy Armen Bayandour

    Kristine Aghalaryan duryan/
    2009/08/03 | 18:06

    An interview with Armen Bayandouryan, a member of the Georgian
    Parliament and Artistic Director of the Petros Adamyan National
    Theater in Tbilisi

    Mr. Bayandouryan, what are the most pressing problems facing the
    Georgian-Armenian community today?

    There are approximately 500,000 Armenians living in Georgia today. The
    most pressing problem is to see to it that these Armenians send their
    children to Armenian schools. Let me point out that we have nineteen
    state schools in Tbilisi with more than one thousand students each;
    all are Armenian. This will prove to be dangerous for the community
    tomorrow and the day after, for it signifies that Armenians aren't
    attending Armenian schools but rather Russian ones. This begs the
    question, why don't we send our children and grandchildren to Armenian
    schools. I think it stems from the fact that in the past Armenians
    sought employment in Russia and that we have always thought that our
    children will also be going to Russia to live and work.

    Today, the kids in all the Armenian schools operating in Tbilisi
    also master Russian and Georgian. In order that we maintain our art
    and literature in Georgia it is necessary that our children attend
    Armenian schools.

    If this doesn't happen we could lose our theater and church. I
    frequently state that if our parents do not wish to send their kids
    to Armenian schools, they should at least send them to Georgian ones
    on order to learn the state language.

    Why should we be attending Russian schools? This is the biggest
    problem. This is especially perplexing since national minorities in
    Georgia today have been afforded all the necessary facilities. Whoever
    wants to go to school can do so.

    Armenians must send their children to Armenian schools. In this way
    we stay true to our roots. The more Armenian kids go to our schools,
    the greater the number of those speaking Armenian. This translates
    into more Armenian theater goers and those attending the Armenian
    Church, etc.

    In this context, the situation of Armenians in Tbilisi seems to differ
    from that of Javakhk. Everyone goes to Armenian school in Javakhk. They
    know Armenian but can't speak Georgian. Thus they can't get jobs
    within the government. What solution do you see regarding this?

    It's an interesting question. All I'd say is that there isn't one
    nation on earth where its citizens don't speak its primary language. If
    they don't speak Georgian in Javakhk today, it's not their fault. The
    system has been lacking, incorrect. There is a program that will soon
    be introduced there in order that Javakhk Armenians learn Georgian.

    What program are you referring to?

    I and others have suggested that Georgian be taught in Armenian
    kindergartens. Today, a 90 year-old grandma who milks her cows
    and makes cheese can't speak Georgian, but her grandchild or
    great-grandchild can. That's why we have to start early, in the
    kindergarten. We should be establishing Armenian kindergartens with
    a Georgian orientation. All these issues will be resolved. Armenians
    complain that they aren't given jobs. To get a job or position the
    applicant must speak the dominant language of the country. Today we
    have a deputy foreign minister, Mr. Nalbandov, who speaks perfect
    Georgian. Do you think you can get a position in the French government
    without having a mastery of French? Can one get a government job in
    Armenia without knowing Armenian?

    We need to be able to speak our mother tongue and simultaneously the
    state language. These are different things. Today, in Georgia, we
    have 160 Armenian state schools, a newspaper in Armenian, a national
    theater going back 153 years, the likes of which doesn't exist outside
    Armenia. We have Armenian TV broadcasts and a working church.

    Some say that in Javakhk, Armenian should be granted the status of
    the 2nd official language or a regional one. Other Javakhk Armenians
    are demanding that all local official business be conducted in
    Armenian. What's your position?

    To establish a second official language in Javakhk would imply that
    Armenians are incompetent. We'd be doing ourselves a great disservice
    if we said that we Armenians cannot learn another language. This is
    my view. It would be like saying; we are citizens of Georgia but we
    aren't capable of learning the language. Ridiculous, isn't it? Today
    we can't, but tomorrow we can.

    Mr. Bayandouryan, you have said that all is well in Javakhk, but
    there are activists and officials in Armenia who have been publicizing
    the problems in Javakhk and who have sounded the alarm regarding the
    anti-Armenian policies of the Georgian authorities; e.g. pressures
    brought to bear on Armenian social and political organizations. In
    your opinion, what's behind such a widespread conception of Javakhk?

    There are people who simply never have seen all the good works that
    have been carried out for Javakhk. Was there electricity in Javakhk
    eight years ago? Did grandparents receive pensions? Were Javakhk
    communities supplied with natural gas? Was there a road linking
    Akhalkalak and Tbilisi? That's to say, development is certainly
    taking place. Who is claiming that everything is perfect? There are
    shortcomings not only in Javakhk but in Kutaisi and Kvemo-Karteli.

    These problems can be raised and I welcome such moves. However,
    when you fail to speak of the good that has been accomplished in
    the same breath; I find this unacceptable. I mean, no one is saying
    that all is rosy in Javakhk. But we don't mention the electricity,
    gas and roads. Why is that? We don't want to accept the fact that
    Saakashvili is the only Georgian president that frequently visits
    Javakhk. What president has visited Javakhk? Zviad Gamsakhurdia and
    Shevardnadze never did. The nay-sayers don't accept all this.

    How would you explain the recent rash of arrests of Javakhk-Armenian

    No one is illegally arrested in Georgia; just as in Armenia. There
    is a justification one someone has been charged with a crime. Being
    Armenian has nothing to do with it. If you've committed a crime you
    go to jail. These people broke the law. It's that simple.

    Have you been following the trial of Vahagn Chakhalyan? Everyone
    has protested that the case has been wrought with violations -
    Georgia's human rights ombudsman, Sozar Subari, Chakhalyan's defense
    team and outside observers. Then there's the related case of the
    Georgian authorities not allowing aFrench-Armenian attorney to defend
    Chakhalyan. Why haven't these issues been covered more extensively?

    Do you actually believe that Sozar Subari is some kind of saint?

    I'm not talking about whether he's a saint or not but the fact that
    the Georgian ombudsman and his team have registered a number of
    legislative violations in the case.

    That's Subari's take on the matter. The law is grounded in a correct
    legal framework. It cannot be claimed that whatever Subari says is
    correct. That's not how it is. I am convinced that no laws have been
    violated regarding those imprisoned in Georgia.

    Mr. Bayandouryan, have you looked into the matter why the Georgian
    authorities haven't allowed RoA Deputy Shirak Torosyan and political
    analyst Igor Mouradyan from entering the country? In fact, they
    haven't allowed Mr. Torosyan to visit his birthplace in Javakhk twice
    now. There's also a rumor circulated that Georgian border posts have a
    list of some 15-20 young people whose entry into Georgia from Armenia
    is prohibited.

    What's your reaction?

    We three Armenian deputies have discussed the matter and perhaps
    there is a problem with Deputy Torosyan. The problem is that we have
    certain individuals, maybe this doesn't pertain to Mr. Torosyan, who
    are trying to have it both ways. We can't burden the two countries
    like that. We are always looking for issues to exploit. As to why
    they won't allow him in...that's beyond my jurisdiction. You have a
    foreign ministry and diplomatic staff. They should be getting involved.

    I believe that the deputy should be allowed to visit his place of
    birth. But I can't say what lies underneath.

    I am not aware of any list of names that you mentioned.

    As an Armenian member in the Georgian Parliament have you ever raised
    the issue of the status of the Armenian Church in Georgia or the
    return of the six Armenian churches? Presently, where do we stand in
    these issues?

    A law will soon be passed. We frequently talk about the Norashen
    Church. It goes without saying that many mistakes were made regarding
    the church. There have been those who have desecrated our holy
    sites. However we have a nation and a government who is speaking out
    on these matters and which stands against such inhuman acts. I believe
    that the heads of the two churches will resolve the matter jointly
    and that we should assist them in whatever manner they see fit. We
    will not allow anyone to desecrate our cemeteries. Here, I am not
    talking about a whole people at fault but certain individuals. In
    this context, Georgia's president is aware of the problem and is
    taking action. Generally speaking, the new leadership in Georgia is
    contemporary in its thinking and this can only benefit not only the
    country as a whole but the national minorities in Georgia as well.

    Previously, you have listed the accomplishments of the Georgian
    government in Javakhk. In your opinion, what should be the position
    of Armenia vis-a-vis the Javakhk issue?

    Armenia, under the direction of the president, is conducting a very
    normal policy when it comes to Javakhk.

    Javakhk is part and parcel of Georgia and those intrigues that
    get bandied about are improper. What has taken place regarding
    Javakhk? Armenia is doing all it can to assist residents of Javakhk
    in terms of the propagating Armenian literature and the arts. Theater
    troupes, artists and writers from Armenia travel there often. But
    this isn't the real problem. The real set of problems lies in the
    fact that there is a certain group of individuals that are not truly
    interested in the well-being of Javakhk but rather in making a name
    for themselves. They are the ones creating the problems. The issues
    facing Javakhk are ones being faced by Georgia as a whole. Georgia is
    a country in which democracy is still being established but already
    major steps have been taken down this road - we will be entering NATO
    and the European Union. In this respect, the issues faced by national
    minorities will be resolved as well.