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How To Break The Silence On Genocide And Tyranny In Ethiopia

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  • How To Break The Silence On Genocide And Tyranny In Ethiopia

    By Obang Metho

    Ethiopian Review 4
    Aug 4 2009

    On July 26, 2009 the SMNE held a forum in Washington D.C. on the
    topic: Breaking the Silence on Genocide, Tyranny and Dictatorship
    in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia today, the people have been silenced by
    the government, but the atrocities, the repression and the harsh
    authoritarian rule continue despite the many efforts of Ethiopians
    in the Diaspora.

    Admittedly, we Ethiopians in the Diaspora have not been as effective
    as we could be in collaborating with each other, but the problem
    is worsened due to the foreign policies of some western countries
    who have aligned themselves with "our" dictator rather than with
    "our" people. Additionally, the media has not covered this story as
    closely as similar cases in other countries who are "out of favor"
    like Zimbabwe, Iran and Venezuela.

    The question that was at the heart of the presentation by each
    speaker was:

    "How can we expose the true nature of the Meles regime to such
    excruciating public scrutiny that the public and our government becomes
    outraged enough to demand that any previous support for this regime
    transfers to the people?"

    Ethiopia can be compared to a patient from the past who is going
    through surgery with just enough anesthetic to make them unable to
    communicate, but not enough to stop the pain. Those who are in a
    position to help, do not, because they are unaware of the acute pain
    of the patient.

    Just like the patient, the people in Ethiopia have no voice;
    yet, they are in acute distress and no one seems to recognize the
    severity of their pain. If they speak up, they end up in jail, so
    many will not take the risk. The purpose of this forum was to bring
    some experts together to guide us in finding more effective ways to
    "break the silence!"

    On the other hand, the Meles regime understands the power
    of information and is doing all they can think of to suppress
    information. A video was shown regarding such efforts by the current
    government. We know that they bribe, threaten and intimidate people
    to remain silent. They underhandedly attempt to divide groups;
    infiltrating organizations, ethnic communities, political parties
    and religious groups in order to stir up inner conflicts resulting
    in limiting the effectiveness of these groups.

    Unfortunately this tactic has found far too fertile ground in which
    to plant the seeds of destruction--a serious problem of ours. They
    have also blocked the media and communication system; even cell phone
    usage and the Internet. They repeatedly produce propaganda; lying,
    deceiving and purposefully misleading the people and outsiders as
    well. They have denied committing genocide, crimes against humanity
    and war crimes, but at the forum, a video clip of the Anuak genocide
    gave visual evidence.

    Dr. Stanton: Perpetrators of Genocide are Serial Killers Who Will Kill
    More if Not Stopped Dr. Greg Stanton spoke on why the massacre of the
    Anuak met the definition of genocide. Along with a number of other
    reasons, he explained that in the case of the Anuak genocide, only
    one ethnic group, the Anuak, were targeted. He elaborated by saying
    that there are those who commit genocide and also incite others to do
    so; leading these others to believe they can get away with it. These
    instigators are serial killers who will go on to kill again because
    they basically have no remorse or respect for human life. He explained
    that the characteristics of these genocidal perpetrators are the
    same whether you look at those implicated in the Armenian genocide,
    the Holocaust, in Yugoslavia, Cambodia or in Rwanda.

    In the case of the Anuak, they were killed by the same Ethiopian
    government that had repeatedly been killing since 1991. If you look
    at the list of incidents, it shows a pattern of serial killing,
    not only in Gambella, which may be one of the best documented cases,
    but also in the Ogaden, in Awassa, Oromia, Tepi, Addis Ababa and a
    series of other locales and people. When looked at as a whole, it is
    easy to see the pattern emerge of incidents that fit the definition
    of genocide and crimes against humanity.

    What needs to be done now is to expose them and to continue to gather
    the evidence of what was done. Once documented, we should expose
    the evidence; identifying who was involved, who gave the orders, who
    was behind it and who committed the crimes because once you have the
    information, it is only a matter of time before the perpetrator will be
    brought to justice. They might be brought to the International Criminal
    Court (ICC) or if the government changes, to an Ethiopian tribunal,
    but Stanton said, these people will someday stand before a court of
    law and find themselves accountable for these people they killed,
    as long as others document it and know who the perpetrators are that
    were involved. For example, if Meles is proven to be one of them who
    ordered these killings, he will be prosecuted along with the rest of
    them within his regime.

    Video Clip: The Unchanging Harvest of Dictatorship A video clip of
    starving Ethiopians, including children, was shown. The children in the
    short film could hardly move due to being so weak and emaciated from
    obvious starvation. It was heart-breaking to watch. When the video
    ended, I asked the audience about these suffering children before
    revealing to them that this was a clip from 1985 of starving Tigrayan
    children. At the time, Meles had accused Mengistu of starving his
    Tigrayan ethnic group; but now, Meles is accused of intentionally
    starving the Ogadenis and other Ethiopians! Who will be next? How
    can this cycle be broken? Yesterday it was the Tigrayans; but today,
    the Meles loyalists from the TPLF are in power and doing the same to
    others. This clip came from Bob Geldorf's website and can be viewed
    there. See what you think!

    Ahmed Hussein: The SMNE was Formed to Stop This Cycle!

    Ato Hussein, a member of the SMNE, explained what the SMNE was and why
    it was formed; elaborating that if we are to break this cycle of abuse
    and killing of each other, we have to start by changing ourselves.

    He talked about the importance of living by the principles of putting
    humanity before ethnicity or any other difference and of realizing
    that no one will be free until all are free. He said that if there
    was an institution or government that put humanity first in 1985,
    the Tigrayans would never have starved like they did, preparing them
    to do the same today to Ethiopians within other ethnic groups. If
    these principles would have been carried out over the years of the
    last regimes, there would never have been a TPLF, an EPLF, an OLF,
    an ONLF, a GPLF, an BPLF, ALF or any other liberation front that
    emerged out of the injustices perpetrated against them. They were all
    created as a result of a broken, feudal-based system that devalued
    and abused others.

    In other words, we have been living under a belief that leads to our
    own mutual destruction and it is this belief that is threatening our
    survival. When we say that only "I" and my ethnic group or region
    can be free, we are in trouble. Liberation fronts were formed
    because no one else cared about "others," but can only an Oromo
    free another Oromo? Can only an Amhara free other Amhara or an Anuak
    free an Anuak? Can't a Tigrayan help free an Afar and the people of
    Benishangul-Gumuz free a Southerner?

    This broken system is why the SMNE was created to say: "Until all
    of us are free, none of us are free!" This is why Ato Hussein said
    he joined the SMNE--because he believed if these principles were
    lived out in the lives of our leaders and citizenry, Ethiopia could
    become a healthy society and find a lasting solution to breaking this
    cycle. To him, as an Oromo, he said he felt that until all Ethiopians
    are free, none will be free; until justice come to all Ethiopian,
    justice will never come to the Oromo or anyone else. The survival of
    everybody depends on all of us, like the way it is basically done in
    America. He explained that this was why he believes in this movement
    and felt it was his duty to share these principles with others.

    Lemlem Tsegaw: Corruption is just as bad as human rights abuses!

    Ms Lemlem Tsegaw stimulated much thought when she said, "Corruption
    is just as bad as human rights abuse. It is killing the country." She
    went on to explain that when a few dominate over everyone else through
    corruption, it is about survival! She analyzed this statement based
    on the MO Ibrahim Index.

    She said, "If you don't have food to eat, you won't have energy to
    fight for your rights--good governance does not even come into your
    mind. Corruption leads the people to struggle for food, clean water,
    shelter and basic ways to live. Corruption shows a lack of sympathy
    for other people and a lack of morality. It allows a few to take all
    they want, robbing the country of its resources; thriving and living
    high, while the rest of the people are dying at the bottom. In order
    to save peoples' lives, it is 'a must' to fight this battle against
    corruption. A few take everything and most get nothing. Without having
    any resources and struggling for daily survival, there is no way to
    fight back.

    "Corruption in Ethiopia is a microcosm of what it is going on all over
    Africa. If there were good governance, the rule of law, safety and
    security, sustainable development, transparency and accountability
    in Ethiopia instead of pervasive corruption, the Ethiopian people
    would be able to feed themselves. The reason why Africa is not moving
    forward is corruption!

    Following her talk, a PowerPoint presentation with four different
    pictures was shown. The first picture was of a young woman, Neda
    Soltani, killed in Iran during the election protests.

    She was born in 1982 and died in 2009. The story was all over the
    media, who were all outraged over the incident. Even the president
    talked about her death and coverage continued for the next 24
    hours. Almost all in the audience had seen her picture.

    The next slide was of a young Ethiopian woman, Shibire Desalegne,
    born in 1984 and was killed in 2005 in Addis Ababa during the election

    I asked how many present had seen her picture in the western media. No
    one in the room raised their hand even though the cause of her
    death was the same--a repressive government who killed someone for
    peacefully protesting.

    The next person shown was imprisoned BurmesedemocracyleaderAung San Suu
    Kyi, the opposition leader who has been imprisoned for years. Many in
    the audience had seen her picture in the media a number of times. Then
    a picture of Birtukan Mideksa was shown and I asked the same question
    as to how many had seen her picture in the western media, but none
    in the audience had.

    These women all had something in common, but the way they have been
    covered in the world is totally different. We Ethiopians have to
    take some responsibility for this because in order to free us and
    our people, we have to break silence. Africa must want to break the
    silence and take action for we have had enough of genocide, tyranny
    and dictatorship!

    Dr. George Ayittey: Freeing Ethiopia and Africa!

    Dr. Ayittey gave a stimulating and inspiring talk on how Africa can
    be freed, emphasizing that Ethiopians must free Ethiopia and Africans
    must free Africa! Ayittey gave reasons for our "chains." He said the
    reason was "failed leadership." He explained that it was the leaders
    of Africa who were killing the continent. He spoke of the corruption
    and the way that western governments have sided with the dictators
    instead of with the people.

    He stated that Ethiopians can learn from what worked in Ghana. He
    emphasized that the problem of Ethiopia cannot be solved by the
    political parties or the political leaders. Instead, he said,
    Ethiopians have to create a non-political alliance; explaining that
    it had to be non-political because when organizations were political
    in their intent, they would start to fight over becoming popular and
    being the next to lead the country. This infighting falls right in
    the open hands of a dictator who only stands to benefit from it.

    Ayittey then advised that in the case of Ethiopia, the tribal issues
    must be dealt with as a priority, saying, "It's not about one group,
    but it must be about all of the people standing together for the
    joint survival of their country. This is the supreme task." He went
    on to say that right now, what is happening in Ethiopia is a tribal
    apartheid system. He warned, "If thee tribal problems are not dealt
    with effectively and some seek revenge for the past 18 years, the
    outcome could be terrible."

    He gave a famous and sobering quote regarding the Holocaust referring
    to a similar time when many did not stand up for their fellow
    humans. He adapted it to Ethiopia saying, "When 'they' came for the
    Anuak, I did not do anything because they were Anuak. When they came
    for the Oromo, I did nothing because I was not Oromo. When they came
    for the Ogadeni, I did nothing because I was not an Ogadeni. When
    they came for me, there was no one left."

    He concluded by saying, "Right now, Ethiopians have to work in
    solidarity, not for a political party, but instead should create an
    alliance, in the Diaspora as well as within Ethiopia. This is how
    the Ghanaians did it and Ethiopians can learn from this model." He
    then said he would help in any way he could and re-emphasized that
    there must be unity for the sake of the country and to find a lasting
    peace. People have to put their nation above their ethnic group or
    political party. It must be something like this that can break the
    silence, expose the truth and revive the country through a peaceful
    transition to a new and healthier system for everybody.

    Next Steps: In conclusion, from what we learned from this meeting,
    there is more work to be done and this is the beginning. Some of those
    steps include finding experts who will work in five different areas:

    1.Safety and security 2.Transparency and accountability
    3.Reconciliation 4.Human Rights 5.Economy 6.Human Development The
    SMNE is urging Ethiopians to send us a proposal or your CV (resume')
    indicating in which areas you would like to get involved.

    September 13th March to Stop Genocide and Dictatorship in
    Ethiopia/Africa in Washington DC: Also, we urge every Ethiopian to
    join and contribute to this September 13th March so it is more than

    Overall Lesson to Learn: If we want real change in Ethiopia, every
    Ethiopian must not look for others to do it for them, but instead,
    it comes to the need for every person to commit and sacrifice. You
    do not need an invitation, you have to step up and do your share. Can
    we count on you?

    (Mr. Obang Metho, Executive Director of the Solidarity Movement for
    a New Ethiopia, can be reached at: [email protected])