Westborough News ifestyle/religion/x1558726763/Student-travels-to-A rmenia-on-mission-trip
Aug 6 2009
WESTBOROUGH - Emrie Smith, a 14-year-old entering Westborough High
School this fall, could have spent her summer break eating ice cream
and lounging on the beach. Instead she joined a team from New Hope
Chapel on a two-week mission trip to Armenia.
The group performed dramas and taught Bible stories to Armenian youths
for one week in a village outside the capital city of Yerevan and
worked at a house on the shore of Lake Sevan for the second. The trip
also included visits to many of the historic, religious and national
sites of Armenia.
Come hear the team's stories and view photos from the trip at a
presentation on Friday, Aug. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at New Hope Chapel, 30 Milk
St. Refreshments will follow. For more information call 508-836-4231.
Westborough News ifestyle/religion/x1558726763/Student-travels-to-A rmenia-on-mission-trip
Aug 6 2009
WESTBOROUGH - Emrie Smith, a 14-year-old entering Westborough High
School this fall, could have spent her summer break eating ice cream
and lounging on the beach. Instead she joined a team from New Hope
Chapel on a two-week mission trip to Armenia.
The group performed dramas and taught Bible stories to Armenian youths
for one week in a village outside the capital city of Yerevan and
worked at a house on the shore of Lake Sevan for the second. The trip
also included visits to many of the historic, religious and national
sites of Armenia.
Come hear the team's stories and view photos from the trip at a
presentation on Friday, Aug. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at New Hope Chapel, 30 Milk
St. Refreshments will follow. For more information call 508-836-4231.