August 07, 2009
The 99% of the VivaCell MTS company are our compatriots. Within the
last 4 years the company has gathered a big amount of work experience,
and now it is the time of making use of it",- told the journalists
Ralph Yirikian, the General Manager of VivaCell MTS CJSC.
He mentioned that the education got by the students in the higher
educational institutions is "theoretic" that's why they have decided
to involve them in the working process.
On May and July of this year by the invitation of several educational
institutions of the capital and far regions R. Yirikian gad met
with students and professors of different faculties presenting them
themes concerning the success strategies of business development,
technological development of cell networking, marketing strategy and
other themes. Many institutions have asked VivaCell MTS Company to
organize the practice of their students there.
"The practical knowledge gained by the students, together with the
theory will help them to take up decisions in their future plans", -
said R. Yirikian and mentioned, - "We will not be satisfied by this
only and will not stop, it is like a snowball, which will grow."
R. Yirikian informed that they will continue visiting the educational
institutions in capital and in the regions. Answering the question
of 0D Aysor.am he said that at present there are 20 students in
VivaCell MTS that are getting practical skills, then the group will
be changed and for around 2 months 50 practicing students will have
the opportunity to get skilled in the Company.
Huseyn Tajbashkh, the rector of Cavendish University told that in
the result of cooperation with VivaCell MTS they will add one more
subject in their studying list; cooperative society.
"It is very important as the work of the higher educational
institutions is being visible in the job markets. If the job market
demands professions the educational institutions should have the
professions. These kind of activities are needed for development
and reforms of the higher educational institutions", - stated Vardan
Sargsyan, the rector of Yerevan State Economic University.
August 07, 2009
The 99% of the VivaCell MTS company are our compatriots. Within the
last 4 years the company has gathered a big amount of work experience,
and now it is the time of making use of it",- told the journalists
Ralph Yirikian, the General Manager of VivaCell MTS CJSC.
He mentioned that the education got by the students in the higher
educational institutions is "theoretic" that's why they have decided
to involve them in the working process.
On May and July of this year by the invitation of several educational
institutions of the capital and far regions R. Yirikian gad met
with students and professors of different faculties presenting them
themes concerning the success strategies of business development,
technological development of cell networking, marketing strategy and
other themes. Many institutions have asked VivaCell MTS Company to
organize the practice of their students there.
"The practical knowledge gained by the students, together with the
theory will help them to take up decisions in their future plans", -
said R. Yirikian and mentioned, - "We will not be satisfied by this
only and will not stop, it is like a snowball, which will grow."
R. Yirikian informed that they will continue visiting the educational
institutions in capital and in the regions. Answering the question
of 0D Aysor.am he said that at present there are 20 students in
VivaCell MTS that are getting practical skills, then the group will
be changed and for around 2 months 50 practicing students will have
the opportunity to get skilled in the Company.
Huseyn Tajbashkh, the rector of Cavendish University told that in
the result of cooperation with VivaCell MTS they will add one more
subject in their studying list; cooperative society.
"It is very important as the work of the higher educational
institutions is being visible in the job markets. If the job market
demands professions the educational institutions should have the
professions. These kind of activities are needed for development
and reforms of the higher educational institutions", - stated Vardan
Sargsyan, the rector of Yerevan State Economic University.